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Alex was standing in the Cullens' kitchen, she found the thought of the Cullens' having a nicer kitchen than her own family oddly entertaining, since they didn't eat food. Esme and Carlisle had agreed to cook Bella and Alex some food, giving them an excuse to inaugurate their kitchen. Alex was in that moment standing with Jasper and Emmett and chopping up vegetables for the salad. Esme and Carlisle were together cooking an Italian dish, while watching the recipe play on their TV. 

"Oh, get a whiff of that," Rosalie suddenly exclaimed, all the vampires in the room standing entirely still for just a few seconds. "Here comes the human."

Esme looked excited to say the least, she quickly headed towards the sound of the two moving up the stairs, greeting them quickly. "Bella, we're making Italiano for you and Alex," Esme said while gesturing towards the redhead, who awkwardly held up a hand and waved at the guest.

"Bella, this is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes," Edward said while gesturing to the smiling woman, while Emmett stood next to Alex and Jasper and waved with a knife in his hand towards the newly arrived.

"Don't do that you egghead, I still die if you get that in me," Alex said when Emmett got too close to her with the knife. He just smiled sheepishly, before putting it down on the counter.

"Buongiorno," Bella said, Alex assuming it was Italian even though she had no idea what it meant - she had a complete inabillity to learn new languages, even just simple phrases and greetings.

"Molto bene," Esme replied, smiling warmly at the brown-haired girl.

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time," Carlisle said while looking between the two girls, Esme soon finishing his sentence with "I hope you're hungry."

"Yeah, absolutely," Bella said, but was immediately cut off by Edward.

"She already ate," he said, looking at his mother. The sound of glass breaking snapped all of theirs attention to Rosalie, who'd crushed the bowl she was holding with her gloved hands.

"Perfect," the beautiful blonde said as she took a few steps away from all the glass on the floor.

"Hey, I'm still hungry," Alex said, trying to ease the tension that quickly built up. Rosalie looked at her with an appreciative smirk, Emmett chuckling next to her, before he walked over to stand next to his wife.

"It's just because, it's just that I know you guys don't eat," Bella said, trying to explain herself. Esme nodded with half a smile. 

"Of course. That's very considerate of you," she said, looking at Rosalie with a harsh stare.

"Just ignore Rosalie, that's what I do," Edward mumbled, making Alex furrow her brows. He really wasn't helping the situation.

"Yeah, let's just all keep pretending that this isn't dangerous for all of us," Rosalie said, Emmett trying to calm her down slightly by patting her on the shoulder.

Bella started to explain that she'd never tell anyone anything. "Yeah, she knows that," Carlisle said, looking over at Rose.

"Yeah, well the problem is, you two have come public now-"

"Emmett," Esme warned, shutting the big boy off.

"No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly," Rosalie said, looking at Bella with a stern gaze while taking a step closer to the brown-haired human.

"Badly as in... I-I would become the meal," Bella said slightly uncertain, causing Emmett, Carlisle and Edward to chuckle.

Alex furrowed her brows at the statement, before looking up at Jasper. His expression was stern and cold, eyes dark. He was staring at the girl standing next to Edward, not able to break out of the trance. Alex reached up and touched his cheek, turning his attention from the girl to herself in an attempt to calm him down. He looked at her intently, before grabbing hold of her hand.

A creaking sound caught Alex's attention, and suddenly Alice was in the room, standing on a tree branch that had grown onto the patio just to their left.

"Hi Bella," she said, walking over to the girl and hugging her, a faint response coming from the girl in question. "Oh, you do smell good," Alice said after she'd backed a few steps. Alex cringed, hard.

"Alice, what are you-"

"It's okay, Bella and I are going to be great friends," Alice said, before everyone turned their attention to Jasper, who was the only one that hadn't greeted the girl in any way.

"You'll have to excuse Jasper, he's our newest vegetarian," Carlisle explained, but Jasper quickly took over as well as he could.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Jasper" Jasper said, surprising everyone in the room with the clarity and sincerity in his voice. He was polite, his gaze slightly narrowed but his eyes were almost as light as previously and a small smile was on his lips. Alex looked up at him and smiled, just like the rest of them.

Soon enough, Bella and Edward escaped the awkward tension of the room to look at the rest of the house. Alex could hear as Esme told Rosalie to clean the mess up, before returning to the stove. Alex looked up at the boy next to her, who was staring at her.

"Thanks," he said, before putting an arm around her waist. She leaned her head into his shoulder, only lifting it up when she heard Esme tell her that she could come and get some food from the stove.

When she was done and seated at the table and ready to dig in, she saw all of the other's, excluding Edward and Bella, sit down around the table to keep her company. She smiled at them, before Esme started a conversation about the previous event that'd taken place in the kitchen. Alex didn't say much in that moment, she just observed the six vampires around the table and felt an indescribable happiness welling in her stomach, reminding her that this was exactly what she'd always wanted. 

A/N From here on I'm thinking about doing a bit of a time-jump, since I don't want to add Alex to the James-storyline, it's just not going to add anything really to the story since I have everything else already planned out. So, next chapter will probably play out in the beginning of new moon! Hope you're having a good day, thank you for reading, commenting and faving people!

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