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The last class of Friday morning was coming to an end with slow steps, Alex imagined the moment she could leave the math class would be one of the happier moments of her life. She looked down in her book and tried to focus on the numbers in front of her, but it all seemed to blur together with was strange for her. She looked to her right and saw Emmett balancing a pen on his finger with his paper already finished, seeing as he'd probably gone through this book ten times at least by now. Typical.

Alex sighed before looking around the room, seeing most of her classmates were about as lost as her. Their teacher was running around frantically trying to help as many students as possible, but Alex decided that she'd give up for the moment and just study later that weekend instead.

Then, after a few minutes of despair the clock rung, making Alex smile and quickly collect her things together as she left the room with a quick pace. Emmett followed her, walking with her to her locker not that far away.

"Can you help me with math Emmett? I can't focus on shit and I have no idea what I'm doing," the girl spoke as they walked together, making Emmett gasp sarcastically.

"Alexandra Taylor needs help with mathematics? I never thought I'd see the day. If I didn't know you better Dexter, I'd think that you used this as an excuse to spend more time with me," Emmett spoke, making Alex roll her eyes.

"Yeah, don't flatter yourself bear-boy. It's really taking me a lot to actually ask you, so a quick answer to end my pain would be appreciated," Alex said, making Emmett raise his hands in defense before chuckling.

"Of course I'll help you Dexter, can't have you failing school and all," he said, making Alex smile and give him a light punch in the shoulder (out of appreciation, I swear.)

"Thanks bro," she said, before looking up ahead of her, seeing Tom and Cyrus leaned against her locker. The two boys looked up at her, smiles on their faces as they approached.

"Hey Alex, how are you-"

Tom's sentence was cut short as Alex spoke. "No, I'm not going to another one of your parties."

Tom groaned. "Come on Alex! You had so much fun last time, and if you just remember to drink your goddamn water, everything will be fine! You can even bring your pet," he said, pointing to Emmett who was standing behind them with a smile on his face until Tom pointed to him. He then furrowed his brows.


Alex only needed to take one look at Emmett's face, to nod her head. "Deal. At your house?"

"No, we're re-doing a favorite, meet us at Cyrus' around 8 or so," Tom said, Alex nodding at him before smiling at Cyrus, who returned the gesture. She watched them head down the hall, before she turned around, just to crash into Emmett's hard front.

"Damn, like a walking Pink Floyd album," Alex muttered, making him raise an eyebrow at her.

"Come on Alex, what am I supposed to do at one of your parties? I don't drink, I'm going to be the odd one out," he muttered, making Alex chuckle. As if he'd ever been anything else.

"Come on Emmett, just act like yourself and most people will believe you are drunk," she said, making him fake a laugh before she opened her locker. "Just want to point out that I think you should stay away from the weed, if that even affects you in any way."

Emmett raised a brow. "If, and that's a big if, any type of smoke would affect me, what's the problem with it?"

Alex chuckled. "People get hungry when they smoke weed. A hungry Emmett Cullen in a room filled with provoking teenagers? I don't think so boy," Alex said, making Emmett chuckle before it slowly faded until he looked at her with a confused expression.

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