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After a few minutes of arguing inside, Bella and Alice emerged through the front door and headed towards the car. Alex herself had no intention to go with them, and she was staying in Forks for the time being.

Naturally, Jacob Black followed Bella outside like a lost dog, asking her to stay with him, making Alex roll her eyes. He was really dumb if he actually thought Bella would choose him over Edward's life and being - she realized she was being rude, even so if just in her head, and decided to cut Jacob some slack, seeing as he was purely fighting for someone he loved. Alice called Alex over as the two others were talking, the redhead hurried over as she knew they were in a rush.

"The rest of my family is coming back, if we get to Edward in time, we'll move back here. It's just volatile to keep everyone apart," Alice said, making Alex widen her eyes.

"When are they coming?" she spoke, Alice pondering for a second.

"Probably any minute now," she said, before her face fell slightly. "I don't know if- if Jasper is coming too-"

"It's cool, just go and save your brother now Alice, please," Alex spoke, feeling her heart beating like crazy in her chest. Alice nodded, before they both looked over at Bella.

"Goodbye Jacob," she spoke dramatically, said boy took his hands away from the rolled-down window of the car, just in time as the car drove away at top-speed. The two of them were stood there, at either side of where the car had once been, trying to process what was actually happening. Their eyes met for a second, before they both walked away – Jacob towards the forest, while Alex just followed the road towards her house.

The redheaded girl didn't know if she should be happy or not that the Cullens were coming back. She felt as if it would do more harm than good to see the four oh-so-familiar faces around, and not seeing him at their side if he indeed wasn't coming back. At the same time she was so angry at him in a way she couldn't even understand herself, she wasn't even sure she'd be able to look at him if he did return. She could feel herself growing more and more frustrated at the thought of it, before making an impulsive decision.

She took her phone out of her pocket and dialed Tom's all too familiar number. She didn't really know what she hoped to accomplish with this, but she did know that she wanted to feel as if she was in control of herself. He answered after just one signal.

"Taylor!" he half-yelled into the phone, making her smile slightly.

"Hey Tom. So, what's Cyrus' adress?"


An hour later, after stopping by at home to change into something more presentable than her cotton shorts, Alex walked through the front door of Cyrus' home. Tom was right behind her, catching everyone's attention when he got in.

"Look who's here everybody!" he yelled, making Alex cringe brutally. After that awkward start of the night, Alex moved away from the blond boy who'd drove her there and walked over to a few people she knew. She saw Becca was sitting together with Cyrus and another guy around a table, playing quarters and laughing loudly.

"Hey guys," Alex said, sitting down in between Cyrus and Becca, being greeted back immediately.

"Ginger! I thought you were at home having a movie night with me!" Becca spoke, making everyone around the table laugh.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but I'm here now," Alex spoke, Becca fist-pumping at the statement.

"Just in time, grab a quarter Alex," Cyrus said, flipping her a coin. The redhead smiled at him, before looking around to see the guy in front of her flicking the coin into the shot-glass directly. They all cheered slightly, before the boy looked up at Alex with a smirk.

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