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It was Monday once again, but Alex wasn't headed to school. She had an appointment with a doctor, a checkup of some sorts since it had been almost a month since they took her off the medication. She was sitting in Jasper's car, since he'd picked her up at her house that morning. He was driving her to the hospital and back, even though he was going to miss a few classes. A little absence couldn't hurt him - he'd never graduated with anything below straight A's before, and nothing was going to change now.

"So, what are you going to tell the doctors?" Jasper asked the girl, making her shrug.

"I'm really not sure. I guess I'll say that I've been able to sleep by myself, I don't want them to put me in therapy or anything," Alex said while looking at him. She often found herself watching him, just because everything he did was so perfect. Everything from his voice, his smile, his words. She couldn't deny that fact that she'd wondered why such a perfect human being would go for someone as average as herself.

"Well, maybe that wouldn't be too bad though," he said, snapping her out of her thoughts.


"Therapy I mean," he said as he glanced over at her, getting distracted from the road for a mere second when he looked into her eyes.

"I'm just not very good at talking to people," Alex clarified, making Jasper open his mouth in protest but she quickly cut him off. "And I know what you're going to say, but I pretty much had no choice but to talk to you, since you can read me like an open book being an empath and all. I mean, I haven't even told Isaac half of the things I've told you, and I've known you for a couple of months."

Jasper smiled. "Touché."

"Last time I went to a therapist he tried to blame me for my disorder, and scolded me for being depressed. He was complaining about the 'younger generation' and our 'first world problems', without even asking why I was feeling the way I did. He just assumed that I was making things up for attention. I'm not going through that again," Alex mumbled, Jasper could feel anger bubbling in her core, making him almost automatically calm her down. "Jasper?"


"If I was meant to be controlled, I would come with a remote. I don't need you to manipulate my emotions, I'm fine," she said while smiling at the boy who chuckled at her statement. She really was something.

"It's kind of impressive, you know. That you feel when I'm calming you down. Most of the time, humans aren't observant enough to notice a change in their mood like that," he said, glancing over at her.

"Really?" she said, seeing him nod. "Huh, that's interesting. I can feel it quite clearly most of the time, feels like I'm stoned," she responded, seeing him smirk slightly.

"And I suppose you know all about that?" he said, keeping his eyes on the road this time.

"When I was at the dentist last I removed my wisdom teeth and I was so high that I didn't remember a single word of English and tried to communicate with the doctors in Russian," Alex said, making Jasper laugh out loud.

"I didn't know you spoke Russian," he said after calming down slightly.

"Well, I don't, that's kind of the problem," Alex begun, making Jasper begin laughing again. "One of my friends from when I was a swimmer was from Russia, and she taught me the basics, you know. But you don't get very far in a hospital with American doctors and you can only repeat the words 'how are you' in Russian. I'll tell you that my brother never laughed that hard in his life, the worst thing is that he recorded everything."

Alex was laughing now too, but her chuckle was drowned by Jasper's. She looked over at him and felt nothing but adoration and affection in that moment, she never thought it was possible to feel so strongly for one individual.

When Jasper rolled in to the hospital parking lot, Alex quickly checked her watch and realized that she was one minute late. "Shoot, I have to run. Thanks for driving me Jasper," she said, before running out of the car and into the building, only looking back for a second to see the boy's amused expression at her panic to be on time.

When the girl got to the front desk she walked up to the staff member Mrs. Reynolds who pointed her to the correct room, Alex quickly thanked her before heading down to room 34 as usual.

When she stepped inside she was greeted by Mr. Thomas, her usual doctor since the beginning of her treatments. "Welcome Alex, it's been quite some time since I saw you last," Mr. Thomas said, gesturing towards the two chairs in the room. Alex gladly sat down, observing the doctor as he did the same, looking through her papers.

Mr. Thomas was tall and slightly chubby. His hair started to get a little grey at the sides, but he was still quite young. "So, I requested that you were taken off your medication. How's that worked for you Alex?" he said, snapping her out of her thoughts. She thought for a second, before answering.

"It's been fine actually. I have slept several nights by myself, there were a couple of weeks there that I couldn't sleep at all, but it's been better the last couple of days," Alex said, content with her answer. Mr. Thomas raised his eyebrows and nodded approvingly, seemingly happy with her prosperity. "The depression is better too, of course I have some temporary lows but I don't think that I need the venlafaxine right now. I haven't taken them the last month because I just didn't need to."

"Well, Alex... it's never advised to stop medicating by yourself, but I'll let it slide this time since you're seemingly in better shape now than the last time I saw you," Mr. Thomas gave her a half-stern look, but she could see the smile that threatened to slip out on his lips. "So, my plans for you were to assign you to therapy but from what I see, you can choose yourself. You don't seem to be in a dire need of one since things are looking up, but I'll definitely get you one if you want me to."

"Thanks Mr. Thomas, but no thanks. I really don't think I need it now either. I feel good for once, and like you said, things are looking up," Alex said, looking at the man with a smile on her face. He smiled back.

"Well, I guess that's that then. I'm really happy for you, proud even! I would want one more checkup in two months, if anything goes wrong then I want you to call me immediately," Mr. Thomas said while standing up, walking over to Alex to shake her hand.

"Thank you so much Mr. Thomas, you've helped me so much," she said, before they said their goodbye's and Alex left the hospital, for the first time doing this while feeling optimistic for the future.

The redhead skipped over to Jasper's car, seeing him smirk at her as he watched her joyful expression and felt the satisfaction she felt. She opened the passenger door, and jumped inside the car quickly. Jasper was just about to ask her something, when she pressed her lips against his, taking him slightly by surprise, not that he minded of course.

Putting both of her hands on his shoulders, she pushed against him before having to breathe. She leaned her forehead against his, breathing out.

"I love you Alex," Jasper said after a few seconds, making the girl look up at him. She felt her stomach flutter like crazy, her mind was overwhelmed.

"You really do?" she almost whispered, making him smile widely.

"I never knew it was possible to love someone as much as I love you," he said, looking deep into her eyes, the smallest of smiles playing on his pale lips. Alex looked between his eyes, before whispering her response.

"I love you too, and that scares the hell out of me."

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now