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Alex was running late. School would start in fifteen minutes, and Jasper hadn't arrived with his car. Alex ran a hand through her red locks, before looking at her father who was watching her with furrowed brows.

"Do you want a ride sweetheart?" he said, Alex nodding furiously.

"I suppose he... I suppose they're camping or something today," she said, looking at her father with half a smile. He nodded at her and folded his paper neatly, standing up and walking over to the girl, picking up his car keys from the counter before walking over to the family's grey Audi A6.

The ride to school was silent, ever since Alex's grandfather died her father had been distant. It was probably mostly because, just like Josh, they didn't end things on good terms the last time they saw each other. She looked at him, and saw how tense his arms were, how hard he held the steering wheel. She sighed, hoping that they both would be better soon, that it all was going away.

"Thanks for the ride dad," Alex said before jumping out of the car.

"Have a good day Alex," he said, before the door was closed and the man was driving off to work. Alex smiled when she saw her friends waving at her, walking over to the three teenagers.

"Hey Alex, no boyfriend here to drive you today?" Tom said, making her chuckle slightly.

"Guess he's out with his family or something, haven't talked to him since yesterday," she said, slinging her arm over Becca's shoulder as they entered the school.

"More Alex for us!" Isaac exclaimed, making the other's laugh, while high-fiving each other. Alex chuckled, but at the same time she was distant. Where were they? It wasn't unusual that they didn't come to school, with their hunting activities and such, but he always told her before so she could get to school in some other way. She was confused to say the least.

Back in the Cullen's manor, a full-on argument was in action. Rosalie was standing next to her husband, watching the panic in the other's faces. Jasper was pacing, Edward was leaning against the sofa. Alice was trying to ease everyone's minds, while Carlisle and Esme exchanged nervous looks.

"We have to go, we can't stay here and avoid them. It's the only way," Edward said, looking between everyone. Edward and Jasper had been going crazy since the party last night, when Bella had cut her finger on a piece of paper. Jasper shook his head in disbelief, guilt overtook all of his senses. It was all his fault.

"I agree," Rosalie said, turning the attention to her. "We have to protect them, they're just not safe with us."

"But what about Victoria? We all know she's going to come after Bella after what we did to James," Emmett said, shaking his head in disbelief. He had a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that he'd probably never see Alex again. The girl had made quite the impression on him, he could easily say she was one of the most interesting people he'd ever met, not to mention funny and kind.

"I'll watch her decisions Emmett. It's for their safety, I don't think anyone of us could move on entirely if anything happened to them. It was stupid and reckless of us, to befriend humans," Alice said, looking at the floor.

"We have to leave immediately," Jasper said, turning the attention of the group to him. "We leave now."

"Come on Jasper!" Emmett said, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows and gesturing with his arms. "You're going to leave Alex behind to fend for herself when she clearly loves you more than anyone, without a word? You're unbelievable."

"I might hurt her," Jasper muttered, looking harshly at Emmett.

"I'll come with you, I need to say farewell to her as well," the boy said, making Jasper nod. He'd never trust himself around someone again.

"That's probably not wise, like I said to Alice earlier when we talked about this. It's just going to make it harder for Alex if you come," Edward said, making Emmett narrow his eyes.

"Hey, that girl is one of my best friends. I'm not even in on this plan but I'm going with you because you're family. But guess what, she is, too. So shut up Edward, she means as much to me as she does to Jasper," Emmett said, Jasper could sense the sincere anger in the boy. Jasper felt a sucking feeling in his stomach as he thought about the fact that he wasn't the only one affected, but he couldn't stay after last night.

"Are you sure you're going through with this?" Carlisle said, looking at them all. It felt strange, that they were going to be on the road again. He'd grown to like Forks, as well as Alex and Bella. They were family, up until now at least. Edward nodded.

"There's no way we can protect them. They'll be hurt, for a while. But they will move on, meet someone new." Edward's words hurt Jasper more than they should, but he knew it had to come. He'd do anything to make Alex happy, and he knew he couldn't be the one. No matter how hard he tried, he could never be able to keep his cool. He'd thought that he was fine, but the moment that blood droplet had hit the ground, everything he believed had proven to be lies as he rushed towards Bella, wanting nothing but to drain her.

He was foolish to think he deserved the girl, who'd given him everything by just existing. He was a monster, for some reason he'd thought he was better than that nowadays, but he'd been proved wrong.

"Okay then. I'll call work, we'll leave tonight after you've said your farewells. I hope you know what you're doing," Carlisle said, Esme nodding at her husband words. Jasper sighed at the pain in his chest, but he nodded at his father. He'd made a decision, and he was not changing his mind.

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now