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"Alexandra? Is that you?" the voice of her mother rang through the house and into her ears.

"Yes mom, I'm here. We're going up stairs and studying," Alex yelled back before taking off her jeans jacket and throwing it over the clothing hangar.

"Oh, is Tom here too?" she shouted to her daughter. Alex groaned as she realized a long series of introductions were to come, and she most definitely would be questioned about him later. Alex motioned for Jasper to follow her, and started her walk towards her mother. When they reached her mother's office, the older woman turned around on her spinning chair, eyeing the beautiful boy next to her daughter.

"Oh, who might this be?" she said, as she rose from the seat and walked over to the tall boy. He reached out a hand for her to take.

"Jasper Hale ma'am," he said, smiling kindly at her mother. He didn't smile much, so Alex got a reason to admire the view on this rare occation.

"I'm Petunia dear, so nice to meet you. Might I ask, are you one of Carlisle's boys?" Alex's mother said, smiling brightly at the boy in front of her.

"Yes ma'am, Carlisle is my stepfather,"

"Oh, please call me Petunia silly," her mother spoke while gesturing with her hand. "It was nice to meet you Jasper and thank you so much for tolerating my daughter's attitude."


"Ah, I'll let you go study now. There's food in the kitchen if you guys get hungry." Petunia said as the teenagers were leaving the room, Jasper waving while going.

"Thanks mom, see you later," Alex said as she was running up the stairs with her book bag slung over her shoulder. Petunia stood and looked after them for a while, a smile still stuck on her lips.

The girl opened a door at the end of a narrow but long hallway. Jasper stepped inside just a few seconds after her, not seeing the room he'd imagined. He'd thought her room would be colorful and messy, kind of like he noticed her locker in school was when he'd gotten a glimpse at it. But no, nothing was like he thought. Three of the walls had a grey and white striped wallpaper, the last one was a greyish brick wall. A bookcase took up almost an entire side of the room, filled with everything from "A song of ice and fire" to "Oliver Twist".

One of the walls were covered with shelves that held old vinyl records, just below on her desk stood a record player. He smiled at the sight, he hadn't seen one like it in a long time. He looked at the records, seeing that her music taste wasn't half bad, most of it was actually pretty good.

Jasper turned around and looked at the brick wall, seeing that she'd written, quite cleverly, "Pink Floyd" on the wall. He smirked at the humor. Below the text stood quite a broad bed.

"So, welcome to la casa de Alex," she said, gesturing slightly with her hands. "You can sit down wherever you want."

Jasper turned around and gracefully sat down on the chair by her desk. He was a little bit stiff, since he was in her house without his ownfamily, which meant that he could lose control any second and no one would stop him. Nonetheless he felt more in control than ever before, and he was proud of himself for evolving. Alex threw herself on the bed, lying on her stomach with her feet by her pillows. Her head rested in her hands as she observed the boy sitting at the desk.

"So, what started the civil war?" she asked Jasper, looking genuinely interested in what he had to say. He leaned back, and began explaining what events caused the war to erupt. Sometimes he caught himself getting a little bit too personal while talking about the war he got to experience, so he quickly put up a façade, this cover showed none of the emotions the war brought to him as it entered his mind.

As he finished, probably 15 minutes later, she looked at him with slightly widened eyes.

"How can you possibly know all of this by heart?" she said, sounding impressed. He looked up at her.

"It always interested me. Where we come from, I mean. I also read AP history so I guess that's a bonus." Jasper spoke, looking directly into her eyes. He thought about it, hoping that one day he'd be able to be entirely comfortable around her. He liked her, and he also liked to believe that he wouldn't hurt her.

"Well, good for you, having both the brains and the looks. Yeah, good for you." Alex raised her voice slightly at the end, sitting up at the edge of the bed.

"Well, who are you to talk Miss Taylor? I heard you're a straight A student in physics and chemistry, as well as the dreaded math." Jasper retorted, Alex looking up at him.

"How did you even know that?" she said, looking at him with big eyes. He picked up a paper from her desk, waving it slightly. It was a hoop of tests, all of them marked with a blue A in the top right corner. Alex's red lips formed an O as she saw what he had been looking at, before answering.

"Well, while you're more interested in where we come from, I'm more interested in what the hell we really are. Quite literally, we are an octillion of atoms, but at the same time we are so much more. That, my friend, is where my interest lies." Alex said, not once loosing eye contact with the impressed boy in front of her. "Now, after that motivational speech, I think I have all the facts that I need for the text now. Thanks for, you know... not being your brother Jasper," Alex said, actually making the boy chuckle. It was a nice sound, Alex thought.

"No problem," Jasper said, standing up. Alex followed suit, walking next to him down the stairs and into the hall.

"I'll see you tomorrow dipshit," Alex said, quirking an eyebrow at him as if it was a challenge. She was so rude to him at times, and he didn't even care. He just enjoyed her presence, including her sarcasm.

"See you Alexandra," Jasper said, seeing the fire inside her eyes as he spoke her full name. it was as if she actually turned into Beelzebub when someone decided to call her Alexandra. He quickly left the house, closing the door behind him and going towards the car he came in. 

A small smile was playing on both of their faces as they parted.

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now