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Alex's parents left said girl alone that weekend, although the same couldn't be said for Josh. He was constantly checking in on Alex, making sure she ate, slept and took care of herself. He was worried for her or course, but even more so he was confused about her reaction.

He knew it was Alex's first real relationship and first heartbreak along with it, but he'd never seen her so down. She was spending her time in bed, listening to music and reading, almost as if she was trying to forget he ever existed. She didn't come down to eat so Josh made sure to bring her food and something to drink whenever he felt like it was time. She didn't say anything about it, but he knew she was grateful.

He was very worried for her, since he knew what happened the last time she was in a low like that and he knew that it was probably the last thing he ever wanted to see his sister go through again. But, he knew Alex was strong. She wouldn't let a guy bring her down, she'd soon be on her feet again, and even if she wasn't mentally she'd stand to show the world she was okay. That's just who she was, and though he was proud of her for being strong, he worried. 

She proved him right that Monday morning, when she strolled down the stairs with a kind expression on her face and her coat over her shoulders. She was dressed in a black skirt and an orange long-sleeved shirt, her hair in two braids.

"Good morning Josh," she said, looking at her brother with a smile that didn't reach above her lips. He nodded in acknowledgement, before standing up from his chair by the kitchen table.

"Do you want me to drive you?" he said, seeing her nod. She headed directly over to the door, beginning to put on her coat.

"You should eat something Alex, you've just been eating bare minimum over the weekend," Josh said, eyebrows furrowed. Alex sighed.

"I'm fine Josh. I'm never really hungry in the mornings anyways."

"Liar," he said, before shrugging and walking over to the girl and grabbing his car keys from the table. Alex smiled at him, before opening the door and walking over to her brother's dark blue Audi. They both got seated, Alex immediately connected her phone to the speakers and the first song to come up was "who wants to live forever" by Queen but she quickly changed it, instead playing Morrissey. Josh glanced at her before backing the car out of the driveway.

"Really? Did you just change from Queen?" Josh said, one eyebrow slightly raised. Alex shrugged, before leaning back.

"I don't feel like it I guess," she said, looking out of the window and watching the scenery pass by as Josh drove towards her school.

"So," Josh begun, making Alex turn her head towards her brother. "I got a job."

"Wait, seriously?" Alex smiled at her brother as he nodded, before pushing the subject. "Where? What is it? Are you moving?"

"Well, it's in Port Angeles, it's at an IT company and I'm going to work with system development. For your last question, no, I'm not moving. No way, you're not getting rid of me that easily Alex," he said, reaching over to ruffle her hair. She smiled.

"Seems as if those four years in college payed off nicely. Congratulations big brother," she said, before leaning back into her seat again. He smiled in her direction, before looking back at the road.

"So, enough talking about me. Really Alex, are you going to hold up?"

"Of course Josh, I'm fine," she said, sounding convincing even though both of them knew she was most definitely not fine.

"You know that there's nothing wrong with being sad right?"


"I'm serious Alex. Nothing's going to get better if you're just pretending like it's fine," he said, hitting his hands on the steering wheel in frustration. Alex sighed, before the boy continued. "We all know that Jasper-"

"Can you please not say his name? I get mad," Alex muttered, making a brief smile appear at Josh' lips before disappearing quickly.

"He helped you in some way, because you had someone to open up to I suppose?" Josh sighed, before continuing. "I just want to say, that I am here for you and I know your friends are there too. You just need to see them and me, and think about the fact that we all love you and care for you, and want you to be happy."

"I love you too ,Josh," she said, before frowning. "It's just... you're going through something way worse than me. You lost a friend, I'm whining about a breakup. It's not right of me," she muttered, making Josh chuckle.

"You have every right Alex. I guess we're both pretty fucked up then?" he said, making her laugh dryly, but humorously, too.

"Yeah, I guess we are."


Alex's friends gave her worried glances throughout the day. It annoyed her honestly, but she didn't want to point it out. She'd been ruder than usual that day, and decided that it was probably best if she just stayed quiet for some time. She couldn't really help it, it was just something that snapped whenever someone spoke to her, causing her to reply with a short or annoyed answer. Although, her friends understood. It was a known fact that the Cullens had left the town, and they were all worried about her even though she told them not to be.

Alex first saw Bella at lunch that day. She couldn't avoid looking over at the round table by the window as she walked through the cafeteria with a tray in her hand, seeing said girl sitting there in Edward's chair and looking out the window. Alex felt her stomach tightening at the sight of the empty table, realizing that she'd most likely never see anyone of them again, except for Emmett perhaps.

Alex changed her course, and walked over to the brown-haired girl that seemed to be entirely torn away from the reality around her. The redhead stood just in front of her and set her tray down on the table, before crouching down before the Swan girl. Bella didn't look at her, she was stuck in her own bubble.

"Bella?" Alex tried, no reaction. She poked her shoulder lightly, causing the girl to snap out of it. Confused brown eyes met Alex's green as Bella furrowed her brows.

"They really are gone are they?" Bella almost whispered, seeing Alex nod. She sighed and shook her head, before turning her gaze away and getting lost in her mind again.

Alex sighed and stood up while grabbing her tray. She looked over at the chair in front of Edward's - Jasper's chair left a sucking feeling inside of her as she thought of his smile again. She quickly snapped out of it and walked over to her own table where Becca, Tom and Isaac waited for her while observing their interaction.

"So, is she holding up?" Tom asked Alex who shrugged. The redhead looked over at the table next to theirs, where Bella's friend-group sat. They were all looking at the brown-haired girl while talking with hushed tones. Since they were Bella's friends, Alex decided to not interfere.

"I don't know. I almost didn't get contact with her, she looks sick. I honestly have no idea." Alex glanced at the girl, before sitting down in front of Isaac.

"So, the follow-up question. How are you holding up?" Isaac asked while looking at the girl with his clear, green eyes. Alex looked at him with an empty expression but decided against snapping at him even though the question was incredibly dumb.

"I'm not," she honestly stated, thinking about Josh's words earlier that morning when he'd told her to be more open. Isaac looked at her for a few seconds, before speaking.

"I'm glad you're saying that," he said, making Alex furrow her brows. "Well, that came out wrong. I don't mean that I'm glad you're sad. I'm just glad you're admitting it, you've never done that before."

Alex looked at him for a second, before smiling at the three of them who were sitting around the table. "Thanks for being fine with me not being fine."

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