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"Alex, are you alright?" Emmett said while poking the girl's cheek, making her snap her head to her left and face the boy. She sniffled and dried the tear on her cheek.

"I'm... I'm fine, it's just so sad," she said, looking back at the screen seeing the introduction of 'the deathly hallows.'

"Alex, the movie hasn't even started yet."

"Emmett, there isn't a single moment in these movies that aren't emotional. Hell, I cry if you open one of the books in front of me" Alex said while pointing at the screen, watching the words of the title appear in the classical text-style. Emmett looked at her, before busting out laughing. Alex narrowed her eyes, but her gaze didn't leave the TV. "Shut up Woodhead, I can't hear the music."

"You're crazy," he said between chuckles, watching her as the movie begun.

Two hours later, the two of them moved on to the last film of the night, which Emmett picked out. He'd thought about this for a long two hours, and finally decided to go with a classic: A clockwork orange. Alex raised a brow when he announced it, making him smirk. 

"I saw your parents had this one downstairs, I saw an opportunity and I took it," Emmett said, placing the DVD in the player before starting to fiddle with the controller. Alex shrugged, before leaning back.

"I've read it a couple of times, but I never watched it. Didn't even know that it was a movie as well," Alex stated, making Emmett chuckle.

"No surprise there brains, you read too much," he said, making her narrow her eyes, but she didn't have time to say anything before the movie started. Emmett moved back to the bed and sat down leaned against the wall, while Alex was lying with her feet at the pillow and head at the end of the bed. The opening scene begun, and from that moment, she was hooked.

Emmett could hear when she at times would whisper something like "oh my gosh" or make a sound uttering surprise or sorrow. It was truly an experience to watch movies with her, since everything seemed to touch her a thousand times more than anyone else. He wondered to himself how he would ever be able to leave her again.


"I don't know how many Red Bulls I've had by now but I feel kind of drunk," Alex said, before she began to giggle slightly. Emmett laughed, before turning off the TV. Alex had just spent a couple of minutes ranting about the ending of "A clockwork orange", before an angry Josh barged into her room, yelling about her "disturbing his beauty sleep with her invalid arguments and annoying voice", to which  she had responded with a classic, "shut up dipshit!"

"I have to say Alex, you're probably the most emotional person I know when it comes to movies," Emmett said when Josh had left and she'd continued her rant in a lower tone. Alex shrugged.

"It's a talent."

"Really though, I've never met anyone who cries because of the intro music to a movie," he said with a small smile on his lips. The smile on the females own pale lips slowly disappeared.

"Yeah, that's me. Sometimes I wonder how Jasper even put up with me for as long as he did," she said, making Emmett sigh. He hated seeing her like that, she really felt as if everything that had happened was her fault.

"You know that he loved that about you right?" Emmett said after a few seconds of silence. Alex snorted slightly.

"Yeah right, I bet the empath loved being around Debbie downer all day long, it must've been so relieving for him," she said, avoiding eye contact with Emmett, feeling heavy when mentioning him.

"Alex, I'm serious. He talks- well, talked to me a lot about it. He's been empty for so long, since he left Maria he had nothing, he didn't feel anything for so long. So yeah, you're right. It was a relief when he met you, because instead of nothing there was everything. Happy, sad, blue, tired, ecstatic. A new world for him more or less."

Alex looked at him with slightly widened eyes, before looking down at her hands. "Don't ever think that he doesn't care about you like you care for him, because everyone saw it but you."


The dreaded day then came. Monday morning was an especially dark one for Alexandra, as Emmett drove her to school in his white Rubicon. Alex tried not to think about the fact that Emmett was about to leave directly after that, and continued up their discussion with a smile on her face. Although, she couldn't help but to think about the fact that if Jasper was there, he would've seen right through it.

"Please Alex, I don't even think that you'd reach down to the pedals of my car," Emmett replied when Alex asked if she could try driving his car. Alex raised an eyebrow at him but laughing slightly.

"You're not even that tall," Alex said, making him laugh as they both knew it was a lie.

"Alex, I'm 6"5."

"Yeah, and I'm 5"5, deal with it," Alex retorted, hearing him snort.

"No way that you're more than 5"4 Alex, you're a midget," he said, making her frown jokingly.

"Fine, I give up. I'm short-ish, but that just means that people won't see my double-chin," Alex said while smirking.

"As if you have one without actually pushing your head backwards. That's ridiculous." Emmett smiled, making Alex do the same for the moment.

When they rolled in on Forks high school parking lot though, her expression fell quicker than gravity allowed. She could spy the sudden change in Emmett too, as they both knew what was coming. Emmett drove over to the usual Cullen parking space, close to the actual building. Emmett sighed.

"I wish I could stay-"

"Emmett, I get it, and I'm fine," she said, lying through her teeth. She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door, getting out of the car quickly. She didn't want to drag it out, it was better to rip the Band-Aid off quickly.

She heard Emmett open his door as well, Alex moved towards the back of the car where Emmett came into her view. She smiled at him slightly, but he didn't smile back. Instead he walked over to her and hugged her tightly, making her crumble.

Her eyes filled with tears, but she didn't let them fall. They stood like that for quite some time, missing each other already even though they were standing in each other's arms. When Alex finally felt that it was time to go, she took a step back and smiled bitterly, seeing Emmett frown.

She noticed the looks they were receiving, since the Cullens were such a big interest in Forks, it wasn't unexpected. But, she didn't care.

"I love you bro," she said, making him chuckle at the nickname. He looked at her with all kinds of emotions written on his face, but Alex couldn't describe the moment as anything else than bittersweet.

"And I love you too Alexandra Taylor, you're my best human," he said, making her smile widely. They were both aware of the fact that it would take time before they met again, but what 'time' meant in that case was something they were both unsure of. "Don't do anything stupid, don't talk to strangers and for the love of god, don't trust pigeons."

Alex laughed at his statements, only stopping when she felt the first tear roll down her cheek. Emmett ran his hands over his face, before deciding that the slow torture needed to stop. He walked up to the redhead and kissed the top of her head, before walking to the front seat of his car, getting inside and starting the car.

Alex got out of the way, so the vampire could leave the parking lot and head back to his family. As he drove past her, a sad smile played on both of their lips. And then, he was gone. Once again, she was more or less alone with no one to talk to about the things that actually mattered to her – the Cullens.

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