Fix this Please!

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It has been four days since the mud incident and things have gotten tense. So tense Joy has started staying by me as my personal guard. She's even growled and snapped at Sesshomaru when he got to close to me or started randomly growling. He was getting restless pacing back and forth like a caged animal, ironically.

He was constantly giving me dirty looks here and there. He was also acting out towards Amber at least until this morning. Now he was just, watching me. He refused to say a fucking word just.....watched me. I was suffocating under his fucking glare. It wasn't even hateful but that somehow made it so much worse.

Amber too Joy outside to go potty and I nearly ran out the house shutting the door behind myself not allowing him the option to come with me. I couldn't stand it anymore, I needed space and air!

"Amber......please...please tell me that you know how to fix this?" I whispered harshly looking over my shoulder at a very menacing looking white dog. His golden eyes pierced into my very soul despite the long distance and the glass between us. It sent shivers down my spine. "AMBER! I'M BEGGING YOU!" I yelled.

"Woah wow, call your tits. Aren't you getting some sick satisfaction from seeing him as a simple beast? Knowing he's suffering, knowing you could ignore him like he did you? You could take revenge on him...yet you haven't." Amber said.

"I'm no monster, he's a living being Amber we have went over this over and over again."

"And we shall go over it a hundred more times if needed. I don't understand you, you could do it, justified. Get even Athena, get retribution!" Amber ranted.

"Oh my god, just put him back to normal!" I harshly said.

"Ugh, Athena you're immersed in a world of demons now. You can't show weakness, you can't be merciful. I'm just trying to teach you that!" Amber sighed heavily.

"I know where I stand Amber, you don't think I don't think about it? You don't think that." I suddenly become out of breath and take a second to compose myself. "That I don't worry and fear what has become of my world as I know it? I'm a fucking tad pool swimming in a lake full of white sharks that so happens to be shielded by a shadow of a very big great white. It's unnerving to say the least. I'm not about to piss off my shield and I will not become any less then what I am." I said staring intensely into Amber's eyes fist balled.

"Okay......Whatever path you choose me and the council will be here to support you. We have already put ourselves behind you in helping you bring him into existence." Amber said somberly. For a minute we just stood there, blinking and thinking until Joy bounded up to us.

"Joy bad girl?" Joy said lowering herself to the ground.

"Oh no Joy you are a very very good girl." I clearing the storm within my head letting the sun shine once more. Joy perked up and I petted her lovingly.

"Come on guys, let's get inside. we have a very busy day tomorrow." Amber said making her way towards the house.

"But, tomorrow is your day off." I said confused.

"Precisely, tomorrow we will be changing Sesshomaru back." Amber said making me turn to jelly in relief.

"Thank you, oh thank you!" I said happily. We walked in and of course Sesshomaru looked at me and Amber with cold eyes. I sat down and picked up the controller deciding to play for a bit to distract myself. Eventually night came and so did my need to sleep. Joy jumped onto the couch once I settled down.

Sleep welcomed me and I it. In my dream I was in an immensive forest with trees so tall that they nearly left the world below in darkness. I heard birds and forest creatures moving about, making noises. Soon the crashing of trees made me jump. The whole forest was in a panic. I immediately ran away as fast as I could. I broke the horror movie of not looking back. Instead of running at the sight I beheld, I stopped and turned around. A giant dog that could be no other than Sesshomaru stomped towards me. Stomp might of be a too strong of a world taking into account that he was huge! Once in front of Sesshomaru lowered his head looking intently at me with eyes larger than myself.

I took a step towards him but quickly put up my arms to shield myself from the strong winds of his breath. I struggled to stay my ground and look at the giant dog. Eventually the wind reversed lightly pulling me inwards. I take a few steps back until I feel that his breath wouldn't disturb me as much.

"Are you a dream or have you returned to my head?" I asked after a very long silence.

"Is there a difference?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Yes, there is a difference though it is blurred now."


"You can become your humanoid here Sesshomaru." I said and like a door being open, he became the humanoid Sesshomaru. He was wearing his original clothes. "This world is mine to manipulate, I am sorry that reality isn't as cooperative." I said.

"Reality," He said looking up to the sky. "I have never pondered or question before now." Sesshomaru said. I had a pain in my chest. Perhaps Sesshomaru is starting to suspect that he doesn't truly exist.

"Reality is both simple and complicated yet still what you see is what you get it. You could try to break it down but, it will not be a productive endeavor. Focus on the future." I said sagely. Sesshomaru didn't react to me but lifted a hand up to his MokoMoko. That's when a question that I had pushed to the back of my head sprang up. "Where did you place your fur?"

"The elder Chelsea has been trusted with it and my old armor." He said.

"So you did visit me at least once." I said matter of factly not really caring at all for the possible reasons. Once again I was met by silence. I sighed closing my eyes and the scene around us changed into a hill with flowers covering it peak to base. I kneeled down and started picking the flowers making a crown from them. "My world is so different then yours. I can only imagine the struggles you have gone through and shall go through being in it."

"It doesn't matter, it's another way I shall surpass my father." He said.

"You're taking this as a challenge to overcome them."

"Hn, even my father had the help of his in gaining lands. My grandfather's and my father's lands combined became mine. Here I am taking the role of my grandfather but I will succeed in mh goal."

"What is your goal?"

"I wish to unite the states under my rule." He said.

"That will take a while, since brute strength isn't going to be the smart way to go about that. It's hard fighting in the shadows. Like to rats fighting over a crumb in the dark corner. In a house whose owner has a severe hate for you. Both will do anything to obtain this crumb but neither are willing to alert the house owner of their presence. It's tricky business you have ensnared yourself in my Lord. I just hope that you take my advice. Make friends or loyal servants, it's a number game." I said then the world around us blurred.

"I have no need for your advice." He said then slowly I woke up. Sesshomaru was lying in his bed with his eyes opened up. Joy seemed to have sensed this and woke up too with a long wide mouth yawn that I always thought was so cute! I looked up at the clock noticing that it was ten already. 'I guess since Amber had no work today then it was okay to sleep in. Question wake the beast or to not wake the beast?'

Sesshomaru decided that to wake the beast was the best route all on his own. I hunkered down into the couch and awaited for WW3 to begin. Joy seemed to not notice the danger that was awaiting us all and followed Sesshomaru. I heard the door of her room opened and started to count. 'One, two, three.'

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Amber yelled sending Joy, tail tucked, gunning it back to me. I covered my head with the blanket and snickered despite my horror happy that it wasn't me that she was mad at. Oh would I be eating those word later on that day.

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