The Red Wolf & His Luna

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

"TIME TO WAKE UP LADIES"!!!! "I need you girls to get your pretty little a*:)es out of the bed, NOWWW"!!!

My dad's screams were so loud you can here them all the way from our home. Of course it does help that we live not even only a mile away from the dorms, and the fact that it's being announced(or should I say screamed) from the speakers of the training camp.

I moaned loudly as I angrily threw punches at my pillow, taking out my wrath on the poor defenseless object.

I am definitely not a morning person. Once my friend Samii slept over at my house, and had the ill decision of waking me up.

My screams were piercing through the house as I was firing pillows at her. She said that my reaction was as if she had raped my whole family and then killed them right in front of me. Therefore it's safe to say, I don't like being woken up.

I groggily got up from my bed and headed toward the bathroom so I can take a shower and get ready (duh). After I was done with my heavenly shower, I went to my closet and changed into my green harem capris and a plain black t-shirt.

I always dressed like this when I would work at the training camp. The green harem pants didn't make my big butt as noticeable, but the t shirt did accentuate my small waist, broad hips, and was so smug it did nothing to hide the fact that I had massive boobs. I groaned cursing my mother for giving me these genes.

I just wish I was flat chested with no curves whatsoever. That way I would get no attention and could wear anything I want. Ahh.

That would be the life.

I sighed, if only.

Oh well.

I pulled my long curly auburn hair into a high ponytail, then went into the bathroom and rubbed some moisturizer on my face, not bothering myself with make up.

My blue eyes and plump red lips looked as if they would pop out of my heart shaped face.

To top it off I had nice light bronzed sun kissed skin.


Why god why!

Why couldn't you have given these traits to a girl that actually liked the attention.

I huffed

Okay, I admit I'm not normal.

.I laugh to myself as I slide down on the rails of the stairs.

"Yo Mamaciiitttaa!" I yelled with a Mexican accent which earned a glare from my mom.

"Good morning mommy" I said softly after kissing her cheek.

She smiled and said "that's much better" I laughed as I grabbed a pop tart.

"Bye Mi amor!" I screamed as I closed the door and headed towards the camp.

Authors note: hey guys! This is my first story on wattpad, let me know what you think"!

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