Part 13.

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Your POV: "what's wrong?" Caden said as he got comfortable. He was wearing a mint blue t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. He looked good...who was he trying to impress? I finally chose to respond, after a few seconds, "nothing.... I don't know anymore" I sighed, giving up. Again, he looked at me sympathetically. "Where's Harry?" He asked, after a few seconds. "That's the problem, I don't know. I went to use the ladies room, but when I came back to find him, he was... Gone. I don't know where he went, or how I can find him. I've even called him a few times but his phone is turned off. I know I shouldn't feel this needy, but I do" I said sadly. I felt pretty stupid as it was, but as this confession came out, I felt worse. "I get it..." He said, in an odd tone I hadn't heard him speak in. "Why do you let him get away with it?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked him now, really confused. "Harry... Why do you let him treat you like a doormat?" He asked me again. "What? I'm not letting him treat me like a doormat! He loves me! Why are you asking me this?" I asked, now becoming more defensive. I already felt alone, and I would've expected him to make me feel better, not the other way around. "Yes, you are. Y/n, when is the last time he has done anything nice for you?" He asked, trying to put me on the spot. "Easy, he took me to eat for our anniversary. And then we went bowling.. It was very romantic" I responded. "How long ago was that?" He asked. "I don't know, about 5 months ago... Why?" I asked. "You see? You do nice things for him every single day, on the other hand, he literally waits for a special occasion to come around" he fought.

"That's ridiculous! When have I ever done nice things for him? If anything, I haven't done enough" I exclaimed. "You do things all the time! You always cook for him, you constantly do whatever he asks... Just a couple weeks ago you went out and got him macaroons to apologize to him, you're defending him right now, even if he's left you all alone. I see it, everyone else sees it... Why can't you?" Caden said softly. I thought about what he had just pointed out, and I realized he might be right. I also thought about that last part he said... Everyone noticed it. In other words, everyone was laughing at me behind my back, talking about me as a doormat. I felt so bad, and I couldn't help but start crying. "I don't know what to do.... I thought Harry and I were perfect. But what you said is true, I always put him first, and he never does the same. In fact, now that I recall, it's been a while since he's even told me he loves me. What have I done?" I cried. "You haven't done anything, you're a perfect girl, with a perfect soul" Caden said, lifting my chin up with his finger. "You think so?" I asked, smiling a little. "I know so..." He said, as he started to lean in for a kiss. "What are you doing?" I said, rubbing the tears away and backing off from him. He looked at me cautiously, and became nervous. "Um... I don't know... I'm sorry...." he replied. "No, seriously, why were you about to kiss me?" I asked with more force. I was very vulnerable right now, and this situation he had put us both in wasn't helping much. I needed answers. "Because I love you! I always have!" He finally replied with sentiment.

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