Part 37.

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Harry POV: It was becoming late in the afternoon, and I sensed that the sun would set in a couple of hours. I still continued searching, as memories of what you had said on that last night we were together, haunted my existence. "Don't let me go. I want you to hold me this way forever" you said to me as we slow danced. 
If I would have known that leaving you would cause me this much pain, I would have never let go. 
Now I don't know where I am, I don't know where I'm going. That picture of us on my phone is the only thing that is keeping me from going insane. 
I stopped in my tracks completely exhausted, as I found a random rock that I could sit on.
I looked down at our picture again, and it made my heart melt. 
You were so in love with me. I was the luckiest guy on earth. 
That was the key word. I WAS. As in past tense. I don't know if you still loved me, or if you had moved on from the biggest idiot on this planet, to someone better, someone who would love you the way I never did. 
Are you sleeping baby, by yourself? Or are you giving it to someone else? 
I closed my eyes, trying to think of something other than the thought of you with another guy. Another man, holding you, caressing your soft skin, kissing those tender lips of yours. 
Stop Harry. Just stop tormenting yourself further. 
All I wanted was for you to tell me now. Tell me where you go when you feel afraid. Tell me will you ever love me again?
But you were nowhere to be found in this Black Forest, and I was hopelessly lost. 
I lay down on the floor next to the rock I was sitting in, after I set up a makeshift bed with my coat. I decided I'd look up towards the faint sunlight beaming through the big trees, hoping I'd feel better, although it was a lost cause.

"Hey. Wake up" someone said in my dream, but as they started to shake me, it was obvious it was actually real. "What? What's going on?" I said as my dream became reality and I opened my eyes. I shifted uncomfortably in my spot, immediately feeling back pain from sleeping on the hard floor. "I'm Celine, the park ranger. You're not supposed to be in here. This park is for endangered species, and no one is supposed to trespass" she said, as she looked down at me. I still lay there, completely startled and confused. "Umm sorry miss. I didn't know.... I just came here because I'm looking for someone" I replied. "Well, you won't find anyone here. The only person that has come into this forest in over a year is you. I was on my lunch break when you entered illegally. Lucky for you, our security cameras caught you in the act, and I was able to track you down. You sure walked far in didn't you? I'm surprised you weren't afraid of it becoming dark out" Celine said. "I was a bit scared actually" I admitted, noticing the skies were only being lit by the stars now. "Really? Then why were you sleeping on the floor just now? You do realize this forest has bears right? You're not only putting yourself in danger, but also the animals that are living here. Come on, let's go before anything else happens" she said, lifting me up with one hand. We walked together, and back through the way I had come in. I guess this was just another place you weren't located in. I sighed loudly, knowing I had wasted yet another day.

"Why so downhearted?" Celine said after a while of silence. "What? Oh... Nothing...." I said. "Nothing? I think your version of nothing is actually defined as something..." She teased. "You know what? It is! And I'm going to tell you right now! I've been looking for my ex girlfriend for Days now, and I still can't find her. I went to Denmark, because she had once told me she wanted to travel there. I went to LA, because that's my favorite place, and I expected her to be in a place where she thought I would never think she had gone to. I came here, to the world famous Black Forest, because she had once told me that if she would ever want to get herself lost, she'd come here. Now I come to find that people aren't even allowed to be in here, so it's obvious she isn't here. All I wanted to do was tell her I love her, and that I'm so sorry for never showing her that. Is that too much to ask? I know I've made mistakes, but I'm trying to fix them, and it seems as if the entire universe is against me. I can't seem to find the only girl that I have ever loved. The only girl that makes me want to be better, and makes me feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I've used up most of my money, and I don't know whether I should continue on this stupid, worthless journey or just give up. I'm sure she's given up on me, so why should I keep looking?" I ranted. Celine looked at me, completely shocked that I had basically told her my life story. At this point I didn't care if anyone thought I was crazy, because I was.

"That's.... Just wow..." She said, still without any words to say. I sighed impatiently. "Wait, don't sigh just yet, I'm not finished. I might not be the wisest person, but I can tell you one thing. You are thinking way too hard, trying too hard even. The first time, you went to Denmark just because of a random memory. The second time, it was because you thought she would want to be in a place that you liked. That's completely wrong. This time, because you think she wanted to become lost? How ridiculous is that? You're thinking way too much into this. Maybe she never really wanted to go to Denmark, or maybe she didn't want to be reminded of you in a place you have always wanted to go to, and maybe she never wanted to get lost in a dangerous forest. Maybe, she has always wanted to go somewhere special to her, somewhere that would have nothing to do with your breakup. Someplace she has always wanted to travel to, even if you were still together. Think about that, and maybe, just maybe, you will find her" Celine said. 
My mind instantly went to the simplest of locations. The only location that truly was special, and meant something to you. 
Maybe I really was thinking too hard into all of this, when the answer to my problems was right in front of me.

You had always dreamed of going to Hawaii, regardless of how cliche it was. It was always first on your list to go there, soak in the water, and get a tan in the sun. I can't believe it took me so long to figure something so simple out. "I know now. I know where that somewhere is. But what if I go there, and I still don't find her? I only have enough money to make one more stop before I head back home" I said. "Well then, I guess that's just a risk you will have to take. Go. If you find her, then you can make things right. If you don't, then it just wasn't meant to be" Celine said as we were still walking. I nodded, and I knew this was my very last chance.

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