Part 35.

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Harry's POV: LAX... Wow. I still couldn't believe I was here, in my favorite place. It's just what I had expected it to be, and more.
But as much as I wanted to see all the places that I have wanted to see my entire life, this trip wasn't about me, it was about finding you.
I had broken your heart... Shattered it into a million different pieces.
I walked out of the airport, after I decided to just walk around LA. Cabs were expensive, and I actually wanted to look carefully this time. I was hoping to look in every edge, every corner of the city.
I was currently passing by an In-n-Out burger, so I thought I would grab a quick bite. Who knows? Maybe I'd find you there having lunch....hopefully.
"Hello, I'd like a number 1 please...." I said to the girl in the cash register. "Ok, anything else?" She replied. "Erhmm... Well, I'm actually looking for someone. Have you happened to see a girl, very beautiful... About this height, shiny soft hair? Her name is Y/n?" I asked. "Umm... I'm sorry... Lots of people eat here, and it's a pretty big city" she replied. This was true, but I guess I was accustomed to living in a place where everyone knew everyone. Bummer. "It's fine. Don't think she'd come eat here anyway..." I said disappointedly. "Don't give up too soon! Trust me, tourists always come here" she smiled. "How do you know we are tourists?" I asked, confused. "The accent gives it away" she giggled. "Oh... Right. Yeah" I said, paying for my food and walking away with my cup and towards the drinks. I chose the pink lemonade, since it seemed like the most organic. Once I was called on, I walked over and grabbed my tray, instantly amazed by the perfection of the burger.
When I finished eating, I was completely satisfied, and I knew why said tourists would want to come here. This fast food place was great.

I decided to walk to the main streets first. I saw a lot of shops I recognized from my knowledge of the city, but you were nowhere. I wasn't just going to give up though, I was going to ask around, call out your name even. "Excuse me, have you seen this girl?" I said to a random guy walking past me, showing him your picture on my phone. "Nope" he said, quite rudely, and continued on his way. I groaned, hoping another person could help. "Hello, I was wondering if you have seen this girl? I'm looking for her..." I said to a lady in one of the shops I had entered. "No, sorry... Have you tried calling her?" She asked. "No, she doesn't have a phone..thanks anyway...." I replied, walking out shortly afterward.
I could call you, but that would only go in one of two ways. You wouldn't even bother picking up, or if you did, you'd yell at me or tell me off. Either way, you would never tell me your location.

It was already past 2 PM and the bright sun was burning my pale skin. I was sweating through my black jeans and t-shirt, and I still hadn't seen you anywhere. This city was huge, I had underestimated it... I never expected it would be this big. It had a lot of sides to it, and I don't think I would be able to find you here... At least not during the limited time I had.
I kept walking, although I was kind of losing hope. "Y/n!!!!! Y/n?!!!!!" I called out to the random shopping centers. Everyone would stare at me, probably thinking I was high. I probably was, but not on drugs, more like love.
I should have never let you go. Now look at me, I look like a retard. Walking around this big city, going through every corner, calling out your name. I'm trying to find you, but I just don't know where broken hearts go.

"Hey! Are you aware that it's against city law for you to be yelling like that and causing a disturbance?" A middle aged policeman said, after he walked up to me. Great. The last thing I needed was a ticket in America. "I'm sorry. I'm not from around here, I'm just looking for my girlfriend" I responded cautiously. "Is everything fine? Is she lost?" He asked, concerned now. "No, she's just traveling and I don't know where she went. She doesn't know I'm here" I said. "I see... Well, I'm giving you a warning. If anyone else hears you yelling like that, I'm giving you a ticket" he said, and I nodded. He walked away and I finally sat down in a coffee shop I found nearby.

"What would you like sir?" The barista, who's name tag read Caroline, asked as she was ready to take my order. "Just an iced coffee. It's bloody hot out" I said, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "Guess you're not accustomed to the heat?" She laughed. "Nope... The only reason I'm here is because I'm looking for my girlfriend.... You haven't happened to see her have you?" I said, showing her the same photo I have been showing everyone else today. "Nope, she hasn't come around here.... Is everything ok?" Caroline asked worriedly, just like everyone else I had encountered. I sighed, knowing I was going to have to repeat the same story over again. "Yes, it's just that she's traveling, and trying to get away from me. I'm trying to find her, so that I can tell here that I love her. I've already been to Denmark, but I came here because I thought I had a intuition. Now I'm not so sure..." I said, becoming upset at the thought of never finding you.
"What was the intuition?" She asked, now interested. "I've always wanted to come to Los Angeles, and I thought that maybe she had come here, just so that I wouldn't guess she was here. I don't know, it sounds pretty ridiculous now..." I said, laughing at myself. "No, it's actually pretty smart..." Caroline replied with a smile. "Really? You think so?" I asked. "No, it's pretty stupid haha... She wouldn't go to your favorite place. If she's trying to get away from you, she most likely doesn't want to be reminded of you..." She remarked. This angered me a little bit. What would she know? "Okay then... If you're as smart as you think you are, where do you think she'd go? If you wanted to get away, where would you go?" I challenged. "Someplace you'd never find me" Nardeen smirked and I became serious.
She was absolutely right. Again, I had waisted time and money, just because I hadn't thought hard enough.
I quickly looked at your map, looking over any place that could hide you completely.

"You're right Caroline.... You're right. She's located somewhere hidden, somewhere like this" I said, pointing towards the location I had spotted and she quickly nodded, smiling. "Okay, make that coffee to go. I have to leave as soon as possible" I said to Caroline and she quickly went off with my order. This had to be it. It just had to be.

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