Part 16.

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Your POV: I ran down the stairway, towards the front doors, and a few people had already begun staring at me, but at this point I didn't care."Y/n!!! Wait!!!!" Melina called after me, catching up. "No! Didn't you see what just happened up there?! Harry cheated and then he broke up with me!" I said, still crying my eyes out. "I'm so sorry!!! But come on... This is our last night together... You don't have to leave" she pleaded. "Yes. I do. But don't worry, you got what you wanted.... I will most definitely remember this night forever" I said, walking through the front doors, and into the cold night. No words could describe the way I was feeling, out here, cold and alone, without a ride home and without Harry. I dialed for a cab, and waited impatiently for it to arrive.

I lay in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I wasn't even crying anymore, I was numb. I had this intensified urge to kill myself, but then I remembered that I wasn't Juliet, Harry wasn't my Romeo, and death wasn't the way to go from here. I remembered how Caden had referenced Harry and I as a live version Nicholas Sparks film, but I knew that that wasn't our case either, because in all of his stories, both of the leads actually love each other, and Harry never loved me.
My heart felt like it had been stomped on, and completely crushed. I hated Harry, so much. How could he just use me for so long, and have the nerve to dump me? I should have been the one to dump him, he was the dirty little cheat. On the other hand, I had always tried to be the best possible girlfriend for him.

I can't believe I actually considered putting my own dream on hold for him. I stood up, angered that I was still wearing this stupid dress I had bought just for Harry.
I was disgusted by this color, this sea green that was Harry's favorite. I quickly took the dress off, throwing it on the ground. I went over to my desk, grabbing a pair of shears and shredded the dress completely.
I was emotionally unstable, but I only knew one thing.... I had to leave this crap town, and go somewhere else. Somewhere I had always wanted to go.

Ok so I hope you like this part, it gives an insight on what's next for the girl. Now, I hope you all noticed that I haven't been writing from Harry's POV. Well, there's a reason why, and you will all see it soon! When I get to Harry's POV, we will explore his feelings, what was happening, why he did what he did, and furthermore, how he feels about Y/n.

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