Part 38.

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Harry POV: Hawaii. This was it. My very last stop. I don't know how rational it was to have come here, but it was my very last hope. Like I have said before, I paid attention to your words when we were together, but not enough. The only place that I always heard you talking about was Hawaii though, so that's why I was here. 
It seems like every place I have traveled in the last couple of days has been extremely hot and dense, even if it was only being spring break. Hawaii was the worst when it came to heated temperatures, but what can you expect from a volcanic island? I walked out of my hotel room once I had set all my things down, and opted to go to the beach, where I'd most likely find you if you were here. 
I pictured you in a beautiful sundress, with shell bracelets and necklaces, and bare feet touching the warm sand. 
You must look so much more beautiful now that you were older, more independent, living your dream happily. 
But I still felt pained that I couldn't be the one to give you said happiness, instead, I was the one to take it all away in the past. 
I walked right next to the shoreline, admiring the waves crashing in. I wasn't really a big fan of beaches and water before, but as I looked at the majestic waves that glistened in the sun, I knew why you were so obsessed with it.

Lots of girls walked by me in this busy beach, but none of them resembled you. I watched as many couples walked together hand in hand as well, and I only wished you hadn't found someone who could hold your hand and smile down to you. I wished from the bottom of my heartless soul, that I could be the only one to hold your small hand in mine. 
I know I'm being completely selfish in wanting you all to myself. I had Hillary before, so how could I expect you not to move on from a jerk like me? You deserved better, but I came here to find out if I was the person that could become better.

"Y/n????" I called out loudly, once again causing people to turn in my direction. "Excuse me, are you looking for someone named Y/n?" A young girl asked me. I immediately became alert and responded quickly. "Yes! Do you know her?" I asked eagerly. "Yes! She's right over there!" The girl said, pointing behind me. I looked over my shoulder, to a girl with hair similar to yours, a flower dress, and with your same skin tone, sitting in a chair at an outdoor bar. "Thank you so much!!!!" I said to the girl, as she smiled and walked away. I basically ran as fast as I could, even if it was hard due to the soft sand beneath me. 
This was it. The moment I had been waiting for. The moment I had traveled all around the world for. All the pain that I had previously felt, instantly turned into butterflies in my stomach. Anything could happen, absolutely anything, but all that mattered was what I had to say. "Y/n?" I said, and my heart stopped completely.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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