1 - Israel

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Tony left NCIS shortly after Tali arrived, once he realised he needed to be a single parent her decided he couldn't risk his life everyday at NCIS when he had a daughter who was dependent on him.

He saw something in that photo

He couldn't quite workout what it was but there was something there

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He couldn't quite workout what it was but there was something there. He booked two plane tickets to Israel, leaving in two days. In the two days he was waiting to fly to Israel he packed up his apartment (he was selling/giving it to his dad) and said his goodbyes to Abby, Tim, Gibbs, Ducky and Palmer.
On the day they where set to leave Tony packed their bags and Tali's buggy in the taxi that was taking them to the airport, Tali wasn't smiling or laughing she just sat next to Tony. Tony was concentrated on getting them and their luggage to Israel safely to talk to Tali, he assumed it was just nerves.

After they got into the air Tony asked Tali if she was okay although he didn't expect much of an answer from the 2 year old "Ima gone" she replied fiddling with her fingers and swinging her legs "I know Tali, Abbas here now" he said lifting Tali from her seat and on to his lap "Ima" Tali simply said burying her head in Tony's chest, after a few minutes she fell asleep leaving Tony to think about where they where going to stay and what was with the picture.

In Israel Tony was met by the director of Mossad who offered him a hotel room which he was about to accept but then realised that it was highly likely to be bugged so he politely declined telling her they had already arranged somewhere to stay. The director wished him luck and left, Tony and a still sleeping Tali walked out the airport to another taxi. Tony asked the driver to take them towards the farmhouse while he made a few calls to find somewhere to stay, he found a 4 star hotel a few roads away from the farmhouse and a 20 minute drive from Mossad headquarters.

The hotel was nice, they had a single bedroom room with a small living area with a tv and a few kids games. Their room was simple with two single beds because Tali was only 2 Tony was worried about her falling out of bed so he pushed the two beds together with one still against the wall, the hotel had a small dining area with an all hours buffet. Tony carefully took Tali out of her buggy and into her bed, after 3 hours Tali woke up so Tony changed her and they went out. Because of the explosion Tali didn't have a lot of clothes, Tony took Tali into the first shop that sold clothes to pick out a few outfits for Tali. They went to a nearby park after where Tony played with Tali she quickly forgot about her missing Ima and focused on playing with Tony.

Back at the hotel Tony changed Tali into a pair of deep blue onesie with different coloured whales.

Tony chased Tali around the hotel room laughing, he caught her, threw her in the air and held her under one arm, she wriggled and laughed trying to get free until Tony saw her yawn "I saw that Tali, I think it's time for you to sleep" he said putt...

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Tony chased Tali around the hotel room laughing, he caught her, threw her in the air and held her under one arm, she wriggled and laughed trying to get free until Tony saw her yawn "I saw that Tali, I think it's time for you to sleep" he said putting her on the bed with her doggy, she rolled over to face the wall and babbled to herself till she fell asleep. Tony got the photo out again, there was something up with it. He took it out of the frame, on the back it read "Tony and Ziva, Paris, (The date goes here)" the date was wrong it was the right year but the wrong date, they where in Paris before the date that was written on the back, although change the year and it would be in 4 days. That might be the hidden message, his hopes weren't that high but he needed to try anyway.

The next day they got a taxi to The Davids old house, no one had gone inside since Eli died but along with Tali's go bag Ziva had given Tony a key to her old house incase he needed to get in or needed somewhere to stay. Tali recognised Ziva in photos as they walked in and Tony took in the size of the house, Ziva's room had a very kid like side to it probably as when she grew up there wasn't time for her to redecorate or move things, she still had her stuffed toys in a box in the corner along with a few magazines and kids books, her walls where plastered with photos of her, her friends and her family although a lot of them looked torn or screwed up, her book shelves where coated with a thick layer of dust. Tony didn't think it was healthy for Tali to be around this much dust so he hurriedly grabbed everything he wanted and he let Tali take one of Ziva's old stuffed toys. When Tony checked the time he realised they had actually spent just over 3 hours in the house, the rest of the day wasn't that interesting Tali just watched Tv while Tony booked flights to Paris and checked in with the team in Washington although he didn't tell them that he was going to Paris to hopefully find Ziva because he didn't know if she would definitely be there or if Mossad had bugged his phone.

After Tony and Tali had been awake for a few hours Tony found a zoo nearby so he decided to take Tali there for the day to pass some time and to take both their minds off of Ziva. Tali's favourite animals where the lions and the zebras, they stayed at the zoo until Tali was falling asleep. Back in there hotel Tony carefully changed Tali into her pyjamas then started looking through a photo album he took from Ziva's old house

He found a photo of what looked like a younger Tali and another girl who could easily be Tali's twin sister but he guessed it wasn't as the Mossad director didn't tell him about Tali having a twin or anyone but Ziva dying in the explosion

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He found a photo of what looked like a younger Tali and another girl who could easily be Tali's twin sister but he guessed it wasn't as the Mossad director didn't tell him about Tali having a twin or anyone but Ziva dying in the explosion. He put the photo album down after looking at the photos for a few more minutes and layed down facing Tali.

When Tony woke up he rang Mossad to check if his meeting with the director was still on, which it was so he started getting his things ready and ordering room service as Tali was still sleeping.

When Tali woke up Tony gave her some waffles and chocolate sauce with a few strawberries, apples and grapes. After Tali finished eating Tony gave her a bath then they both got ready for there 1 o'clock meeting at Mossad. The meeting was pretty boring the director just went over what Tony already knew although she did confirm Tali didn't have a twin and Ziva's body still hadn't been found. After being in the meeting for at least 2 hours Tony decided to take Tali to the beach, Tali played in the sand build sand castles, drawing pictures in the sand with Tony and running away from the sea together.

After that they went back to the hotel and went to sleep because there flight was at 9 the next morning. Tony woke up first so he packed all his and Tali's things back in their bags, Tony carried a sleeping Tali out the hotel to the waiting Taxi, with all there bags in the boot they where driven to the airport again. Tony was starting to get fed up of flying and Tali appeared not to like flying, Tony couldn't tell if it was because she just didn't like planes, because the first time she flew was when she was told she couldn't see her Ima anymore or because she had flown quite a lot recently.

A/N - If this gets to 3 votes I will post a part two of when they land in Paris.
Sorry if this doesn't match the final episode exactly, I wanted to have some parts different and I haven't actually seen the whole episode yet.

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