39 - Pinky promise

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14 days they were gone

Day 1 - Jenny cooked dinner then took the girls to bed

Day 2 - Gibbs took the girls to the park

Day 3 - Jimmy and Breena came over with Victoria and took the girls to the park

Day 4 - Jenny took the girls to school then to NCIS after

Day 5 - Jenny took the girls to school then to a park with one of their school friends

Day 6 - Gibbs took the girls to school and Bishop picked them up and took them out to a film

Day 7 - Bishop stopped by in the morning to take the twins to school and back to NCIS after

Day 8 - McGee took Luca to the daycare by the school so he dropped them off and Abby picked them up

Day 9 - The whole team had a group picnic

Day 10 - The team got a case so Tali and Kai went to work with them

Day 11 - Jenny dropped them at school then took them shopping

Day 12 - Jenny dropped them at school and Abby picked them up and took them to a dance class

Day 13 - Gibbs took them to school and taught them how to work on his boat

Day 14 - Gibbs took them to school and picked them up, Tony and Ziva where due back at 5 so he took them to NCIS but 5 o'clock came and went but there wasn't any signs of either of them.

"McGee track their aliases cells, Bishop follow their routes, Jen make the calls, Abby take the girls to your lab and Ducky, Jimmy go with Abs" Gibbs instructed rushing to his own desk. It was almost midnight when Gibbs dismissed them, there weren't any signs of either of them but the team wasn't going to get anywhere without sleep.

"Abs" Gibbs asked walking into her lab, she was lying on the floor passed out, the twins where fast asleep on Abby's desk chair, "hey Abs" Gibbs shook her

"Oh my god, Tony and Ziva, I can't sleep, their missing, oh my god, I need to find them" she rambled shooting up and going for a caf-pow left on the side but Gibbs struck his hand out to stop her

"No, Abs, it's gone 2400, you need sleep" He chucked the caf-pow away and started to pack her things for her

"I can't sleep, Tony and Ziva" she panicked

"I'm taking the girls to mine and you're coming" Gibbs said lifting both the girls and nudging Abby out the door

Gibbs arranged with McGee who was already living with Abby for him to take Luca while Abby stayed with him and Jenny for the night.

Gibbs drove Abby's car back to his house while Jenny drove his with the twins still fast asleep in the back. Gibbs set the girls up in their room and left them sleeping he said goodnight to Jenny he went back downstairs to talk to Abby.

"Abs" Gibbs started sitting next to her on the sofa

"No Gibbs, you can't say anything to make me spill my guts to you" she refused as Gibbs wrapped his arm around her

It only took a few minutes for Abby to start talking

"You see my parents left me, I got adopted and I was too young to remember them I was lucky to meet my brother and I really don't want to see the girls go through that. Not only that this is Tony and Ziva we're talking about i mean come on Ziva she's a ninja assassin she wouldn't just go undercover make no contact and disappear she wouldn't would she?" Abby rambled

Gibbs just hugged her tighter and lightly kissed her head

"And Tony he's such a good funny guy no one could ever hurt him, I don't know what to do if they don't come back and how can we live without them, tell me they're going to be okay, please Gibbs" Abby rushed

That was how they fell asleep, Abby being pregnant wasn't helping the situation.

Almost a whole week went past without any signs of Tony or Ziva, it was now Friday Gibbs dropped Tali and Kai at their school. They were both in tears when he left, Tony and Ziva were meant to be there it was their presentation day after all, they only let Gibbs leave when he promised to come and take their place in the audience.

Their teacher lead a whole class rehearsal then at eleven the parents started arriving and all the kids were getting excited backstage except for Tali and Kai who were constantly peeking out the curtain looking for their Ima and Abba but they weren't there.

The show started and Tali and Kai took their places still upset, the presentation went well only a few of the kids forgot what to say, even Tali and Kai managed to get through their parts flawlessly, a girl called Sophia was halfway through her part when Tali spotted something.

"Kai, look" she pointed

"Ima" Kai asked checking it was Ziva she could see

"Yeah come on" Tali said excitedly

With that the girls took off running towards their Ima

"Talia, Kaida" the teacher yelled after them but they ignored her and carried on running

"Ima" they cried running into her arms, Ziva picked both the girls up one in each of her arms

Their teacher told the rest of the students to carry on with the presentation so they did without Tali or Kai who were happily in their mother's arms.

Ziva looked horrible she had a pinkish red cut across one of her eyes which was badly swollen, her arms were littered with bruises in the shapes of fingers and knuckles, Kai and Tali didn't really care they had their Ima.

Eventually the presentation finished and Kai spoke up "Ima how" she asked

"I would never break a pinky promise"

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