42 - Grade 2 & Gymnastics

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The holidays came and Tony and Ziva got to tell their story a million times over, the shortened version was the drug deal went wrong and the dealers found out so they blew up the hotel room and Ziva had been on the run making her way back to Washington for the girls, while Tony did very similar but ended up lurking outside his apartment for days. 

Before they knew it the holidays were over and the girls were going back to school and into grade 2, neither of them where at all excited they started to hate school. They where almost 6 now and neither of them could go to enough play grounds to satisfy them.

School started, but only a couple days went past before both the girls where fed up if it so Ziva decided to take them out to a gym, she went to a sports shop first and bought them a handstand t-shirt each, matching leotards in black with pink and red with silver, a two pack of shorts each different so it would be easier to tell them apart, matching gym bags and two pairs of shoes one in blue and one in black.

After school Ziva picked up the girls up and drove them to the gym

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After school Ziva picked up the girls up and drove them to the gym

"Where are we going Ima" Kai eventually asked, she had noticed they where taking a different route a couple minutes before but kept quiet
"Don't worry Kai, I promise you'll like it"
"Okay Ima " Kai grinned carrying on watching the cartoons with Tali

"Girls we're here" Ziva helped them climb out the car and handed them their gym bags
"What's this" Tali asked starting to open the bag
"Don't open it now, we have to go inside first" Ziva explained locking the car and leading the girls inside.

She sat them at the kids table inside with some coloring
"Hello, I'm Miss David I believe we spoke on the phone"
"Hello Miss David is it right that you want to sign up two new gymnasts" the receptionist asked
"Yes, my two daughters"
"Okay, you need to fill out these forms, bring them back to me and then you can take them down that hall it will be on your left" the woman said, fake smiling.

Ziva went with the girls through to the hall, it was huge, they had bars beams ropes everything, the girls eyes glistened as the looked around, it was like a huge play ground with even better equipment.

A woman named Megan came over to introduce herself and take them round the gym

"Hi, Miss David" she asked "I'm Megan"
"Hi Megan you can call me Ziva these are my daughters Ta--"
"Tali" Tali smiled interrupting Ziva
"And I'm Kaida" Kai smiled
"Hi Kaida" Megan said
"I like Kai better" Kai said
"Oh okay, Kai" Megan said laughing slightly
"Would you and Tali like to follow me" Megan held her hands out to the girls who happily took them and followed her towards the beam.

"Right then, Mummy would you like to help Tali while I help Kai" Megan said lifting Tali onto the beam, Ziva copied with Kai on the opposite beam.
"The girls call me Ima" Ziva grinned
"Ima, whys that?" Megan asked
"I'm Israeli, it's Hebrew" Ziva explained
"So are the girls Israeli as well" Megan asked, continuing there conversation as they helped Tali and Kai across the beams towards the other side
"Yes, partly, they're also American and Italian" Ziva explained steadying Tali
"That's sweet, what do they call their father" Megan asked
"Abba, it's also Hebrew" Ziva smiled as they lifted the two girls down from the beams and lead the towards the parallel bars where Megan instructed the girls to hold on and lift their legs up to see who could do it for the longest, it was a mix of Tali and Kai, they each won a couple so Megan moved them on.

They skipped across to a couple mats on the floor, Megan helped the girls do forward and backward rolls and let them use a couple slides. Next they moved over to the ropes that the girls had to climb up and see how far they could get.

After a couple more minutes Megan lead them over to the side, where there was a table and a couple chairs.
"So then Tali, did you enjoy that" Megan asked
"Yes" Tali almost yelled wriggling in her seat
"How about you Kai" Megan asked turning to the younger of the twins
"Uh huh " she grinned from ear to ear
"So Ziva will you be coming back"
"Yes I think so, would you like that girls" Ziva checked, both the girls nodded.

Come on then girls lets get going Ziva eventually said after she filled out what seemed like hundreds of forms and paid for two terms of gymnastics for the girls.
"Okay, Ima" Kai said picking up both their gym bags and dragging them to the door where Tali took one of them and Ziva took hold of there spare hands and lead them across the car parks to their car, she helped put their bags in the back then lifted both the girls into their seats, she turned on the radio, to some kids channel full of Disney songs which annoyingly the girls know every word to so where loudly singing (or yelling) the words to every song.

"Abba abba guess what we did" Tali yelled running into the house
"What did you do Tali" Tony smiled picking Tali up and carrying her to the kitchen where he was making his famous pasta for dinner.
"We went to gymnastics gym hall and Ima signed us up for more time there, we got to do rolly pollys and climb and balance and and we got to go on these slides, it was really fun" Tali rushed without stopping and forgetting to breath, as soon as she stopped she had to take a few deep breaths, while Kai came running in
"What about you Kai, what did you do" Tony asked sitting her next to her sister on the work space
"Ima bought us all this" Kai pointed to her bag
"And what's that" Tony asked
"Uhm leotarps, shorts, tops, the tops are really cool you can only read the if we go upside down, so I have to hang upside down for you to read it, and she got us new shoes she got me black and Tali blue, and guess what" she asked but not stopping to let him guess "they're sparkly" she exclaimed while Tony squirted some soap onto hers and Tali's hands so they could help with dinner.

A/N - I go back to school today 😭😭 I suppose I'm looking forward to getting back into my routine where I write every morning before lessons but I don't know half my teachers 😂

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