41 - Never found

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For two whole weeks nothing could be done Ducky and Abby ran tests on the body for identification, the body had the same blood type as Tony and similar dental records which led everyone to believe it was Tony. Ziva had taken the day off from NCIS to just think and go over Tony's things and decide what to keep but that morning she went on her usual run but ended up somewhere completely different, Tony's old apartment it was owned by Tony's dad for a couple months but he eventually moved out and went traveling again, she didn't have a clue how she got there or why she was there but she was, jogging up the stairs to Tony's apartment she saw security yanking a man up off the floor and dragging him towards the elevator.

That was when she noticed it his familiar eyes, those eyes, his eyes
"Stop" she called out
"What do you want Ma'am" One of the guys asked turning round
"Special Agent Ziva David" she said pulling out her identification "I need to take him with me" She said hoping they would release him to her which luckily they did
"Sorry Ma'am here" the other guy apologised releasing him and getting into to the elevator.

"Oh my god Ziva thank god you where here" he said after the elevator door closed
"Sure, why didn't you come home" she asked surely he would have gone to their house not his old apartment
"I tried to, there's some strange lady in there and yours is taken over by some young woman and a baby"
"We moved out remember, I went to Israel, I died" she whisper yelled
"Very funny Zi, but I'm not buying it" he laughed
"It's not a joke Tony it's true, we thought you where dead" she yelled
"Okay" he mumbled clearly not believing her

After that Ziva forced him into a cab with her and to NCIS, she dragged him into the elevator and down to autopsy  where she was greeted by a bouncing Abby
"Ziva Ziva you'll never guess what" she grinned "the body it's no-"
"Not Tony I know" Ziva interrupted pulling Tony out the elevator behind her
"Oh my god Tony, how? , we thought you where dead" Abby cried launching herself onto Tony
"Ouch Abby" he cried "I was alive weeks ago as well"
"I didn't know that did I" Abby huffed
"Uh yeah you did, I was was here remember" he laughed
"I'm taking him to Ducky" Ziva smiled at Abby and led Tony into Autopsy.

"Oh dear Tony it's good to see you're a--" Ducky started to talk but Ziva interrupted him
"Ducky, don't" she warned "he doesn't seem to remember the last couple of years" Ziva explained while Ducky say him on one of the clean empty tables

For two hours Ducky grilled Tony for what he remembered and what he didn't, it broke Ziva even more than it had already here, he didn't remember her or their girls, he couldn't remember leaving Ziva in Israel, or when he believed Ziva was dead, meeting Tali, Meeting Kai, there was nothing left of there life in his mind.

They decided to check Tony into the local hospital for treatment, Ziva drove him in silence Tony knew he had two daughters with Ziva but he couldn't remember it. Ziva checked him into the hospital then left to pick the girls up from school, she was a lot happier than before but still depressed, she decided to take the girls bowling before she had to tell them that their Abba was in fact alive but didn't know who they where.

The bowling was great Tali won, Kai came second and Ziva lost but it was still a great afternoon, Ziva bought them dinner in the restaurant across from the bowling alley they all shared two pizzas one margarita and one pepperoni then the girls had pick your own ice cream with fruit gellies and chocolate chips. By the time they left the girls where exhausted and falling asleep in the car so Ziva decided not to tell them till the morning.

The next day at 0700 she rang their school to tell them that the girls weren't coming in as their father was in hospital. Ziva let the girls sleep for another two hours then made them breakfast and took them to the hospital.

"Why are we here Ima" they eventually asked
"You know I told you Abba was living with the Angels, it turned out that he wasn't he was just staying somewhere else and now he's here again" Ziva explained
"So we can see him" they asked excited
"Yeah but" Ziva started
"What " Tali asked
"He got a bit hurt"
"Like you where at our presentation" Kai wondered
"Yes but his hurts are also on the inside he can't remember everything" Ziva explained "so if he mixes you up don't get annoyed just correct him, okay"
"Okay Ima can we go in now" Tali asked unplugging herself
They spent most the day in the hospital with Tony, they only left when visiting hours where over at 6.

For another whole week Ziva visited Tony every day, at 3 she would leave to get the girls then bring them to the hospital until 6 when she would leave feed the girls and put them to bed.

Then that Wednesday Ziva went through her normal routine, dropping the girls at school, jogging then driving to see Tony at the hospital. Ziva picked out a few movies to watch with Tony one of them being The sound of music, she hoped with it being her favourite it might help him remember.

"Hey Tony, how are you"
"Good I wish I could remember"
"I brought some movies" Ziva smiled putting the sound of music in
"Oh no not this" he groaned
"yes this" Ziva replied taking off her jacket revealing one of Tony's shirts, she pressed play then climbed into the hospital bed next to Tony tucking her arm around him she rested her head on his chest, he didn't say anything until they where about halfway through the movie

"Ziv-" he started
"Not now Tony this is my favourite part"
"Yes now I think I remember"
"Really" she exclaimed suddenly interested
"Did your farmhouse catch fire" he asked
"And I left you in Israel" he said

"Yes" she cried kissing him he didn't kiss back at first but as she was about to pull away when he kissed her back
"I love you Zi and our little girls" he grinned pulling her into his side

"Mr DiNozzo your lunch is here" the nurse trailed off "sorry Miss David am I interrupting" she apologised
"No it's fine Annie, when can I take Tony home" she asked
"I'm sorry but you can't take him home until he remembers everything"
"I do Annie, my two girls their names are Talia Caitlin David-DiNozzo and Kaida Arianna David-DiNozzo, my coworkers son his name is Luca Jethro Farragut Sciuto I'm the only one that knows that" Tony grinned

An hour later they where signing the release forms and leaving to pick up the girls

"Can Talia and Kaida David-DiNozzo please come to the main office" the receptionist called over the intercom
A few minutes later a senior names Natasha appeared with the twins she led them into the main office then went back to her lessons
"Ima" Kai smiled
"Hey girls" Ziva smiled hugging the girls "let's go" she signed the girls out then led them to the car where Tony was waiting

"Abba" they yelled running towards him
"Hey my little dragon, my little lamb" Tony grinned picking up both the girls "what do you say about picking up slushies pizza and watching a film at home huh?" Tony asked hugging them
"Yeah" they squealed, Tony helped them into the car then Ziva drove them all to get slush puppies and pizza then home. It was the girls last day of school for the year so they could now enjoy the whole holidays together.

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