43 - First day of school Victoria & Olivia

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Only a week after Tali and Kai went back to school, Olivia and Victoria were going to start school. Like Tali and Kai they were quite smart and already at age 5 they were going to be going into grade 1 without going to much pre-k.

"Tali, Kai" wake up you need to get ready for school
"I don't think I want to go today" Tali groaned turning over in her sleep
"You don't have a choice Tali but don't forget Victoria and Olivia are going to be starting today" Ziva grinned pulling Tali's duvet off and shaking Kai again
"Okay, Ima can we get slushes tonight" Tali asked slowly peeling herself out of bed
"Maybe, if your teacher says you've been good" Ziva compromised getting two outfits out of their closet, they had matching white tops with bows and navy blue skinny jeans.

Ziva went downstairs ahead of the girls and got two bowls out for breakfast, Ziva was relatively healthy so she made sure the girls breakfasts were as healthy. She made them muesli with tiny pieces of chopped fruit like strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. The girls came down a couple minutes later and half asleep they ate their breakfasts while Tony checked that they had their school bags packed and made their lunches which unlike the other kids at their school where protein packed, they had cute dolphin shaped sandwiches with cheese and veggie butter, a cute pot with a few small pieces of lettuce, cherry tomatoes and grated carrots, nuts, they had a yoghurt tube each and a sugar free Apple Juice box.

--- OLIVIA ---
"Good morning sunshine" Ellie cheered waking Olivia
"Am I going to school today" Olivia mumbled rolling away from Ellie
"Yes you are come on, I have a surprise for you" Ellie grinned opening Olivia's curtains, to reveal the dark pink room, Olivia's curtains matched the pink walls and the floor was dark wood, she slept in a white toddler sized bed in one corner and everywhere including her bed was covered in toys, barbies, ag, plushies, wooden dolls, plastic figures, balls, dolls everything
Turning round Ellie groaned, the sight of her daughter's bedroom was enough to make anyone cringe
"Okay mummy" Olivia cheered after rubbing her eyes for a couple seconds
"I have a surprise for you" Ellie smiled again knocking herself out of her thoughts
"Really? What?" Olivia asked quite happily getting out of bed, she looked adorable wearing her frozen onesie, her hair messy from sleeping and carried on smiling. She followed Ellie, downstairs were a plate of pancakes were laid out topped with berries, chocolate sauce and marshmallows and a glass of chocolate milk
"Thank you mummy" Olivia yelled running towards the food

Ellie started to get everything ready for Olivia's lunch while her daughter happily bit into her breakfast.

--- VICTORIA ---
Wake up Viccy" Breena smiled shaking her sleeping child
"Morning mumma" she replied mostly awake
"Morning baby, you have school today" Breena smiled picking her up out of bed, unlike Olivia Victoria's room was spotless, her walls were white with silver and gold decorations, her curtains were white with a silver to gold glitter effect near the bottom, all her furniture matched the walls mainly white with little gold birds embellished in one area, they had a few toy boxes for all Victoria's toys so her room remained tidy.

Breena carried Victoria downstairs to Jimmy who was waiting for them
"Good morning, my angels" he grinned giving them each a hug and taking Victoria
"Guess what Tor" he smiled placing her on the floor by the sofa
"What Daddy" she asked rubbing her eyes with her fist
"We got you this" he passed her two gift bags one with a plain papered notebook with gold roses and her name across the front and some crayons for her to draw with and the other with a pair of school clothes and accessories for her ag dolls, it was a white ruffled top, a black skirt and shiny black shoes with a small pen, pencil and eraser for a few ag doll sized work books.

"Thank you Daddy" she grinned hugging him as tight as she could
"Don't forget to thank Mummy" he whispered in her ear so she ran over to Breena
"Thank you Mummy" she said hugging her as tight

Ziva drove the girls to school as usual but waiting at the gates for Olivia and Victoria after only a couple minutes they both arrived, Jimmy and Breena had given Ellie and Olivia a ride, the girls looked adorable wearing Olivia wearing a cute pink ruffled polo shirt from Ralph Lauren, black jeans,  and a pale pink coat, Victoria wore a pale pink dress decorated with horses, slightly darker pumps with cute faces and a grey coat with ear and they both had backpacks Victoria's was Minnie Mouse and Olivia's was the bunny from Zootopia.

Ziva drove the girls to school as usual but waiting at the gates for Olivia and Victoria after only a couple minutes they both arrived, Jimmy and Breena had given Ellie and Olivia a ride, the girls looked adorable wearing Olivia wearing a cute pin...

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"Hey" Ziva smiled as the girls ran towards each other
"Hey" the three other adults chorused
"Tali, Kai, Olivia, Victoria, come on" Ziva called after she had caught up with Breena for a couple minutes, the girls had been talking about the new AG doll Breena was going to buy for Victoria.

Ziva led everyone into the school to the first grade room, it was a different teacher to the one Tali and Kai had in first grade she was a lot nicer and welcomed them smiling
"Good Morning girls, how many of you are in my class this year" she smiled crouching down to the height of the girls
"Two" Kai smiled "Torrie and Livv"
"And which two is that" the teacher asked so Tali and Kai pointed to the others
"Okay then, what are your names"
"I'm Victoria" Victoria mumbled
"I'm Olivia" Olivia also mumbled moving away from the teacher
"Ok girls let's find your seats" the teacher smiled at them taking their hands "here we are, you're next to each other isn't that good"
"What about Tali and Kai" Olivia asked after they sat down

"They're not in your grade sweetheart" the teacher smiled "you can still see them at recess don't worry" the teacher said as the twins waved and Ziva walked them to their class while the teacher started to talk to Jimmy, Breena and Ellie.


"Tali, Kai" Ziva smiled as they ran over to her

"Ima" the chorused

"how was your day" Ziva asked

"it was good, we got to eat wit Livv and Torrie" Kai smiled while Tali nodded

"Can they come with us for slushes" Tali asked grinning

"I don't know, have you been good"

"yes" thhe girls chorused doing puppy dog eyes

"Fine" Ziva laughed "lets ask them" she said spotting the across the car park

Ellie and Jimmy happily agreed so they all drove to the nearest mall for slushies and shopping, they went for slushies, coffee, dinner and ag accessories. While the four girls told them about their day

A/N - Sorry for not updating in ages, I've had most of this art written since last month I just needed to finish it

10+ votes for a new update (Its already written)

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