44 - Waterfight

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"Ima can we invite everyone round today" Tali asked sitting by the door to their garden"Why" Ziva asked"It's really sunny and I want to go in the pool" Tali smiled, during the summer Tony had decided to build a pool in their back garden with some ...

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"Ima can we invite everyone round today" Tali asked sitting by the door to their garden
"Why" Ziva asked
"It's really sunny and I want to go in the pool" Tali smiled, during the summer Tony had decided to build a pool in their back garden with some money his dad gave him
"Okay, who should we invite" Ziva asked grabbing a pad and pen
"Uhh Toria, Livv, Amanda, Luca, everyone" she grinned running off to find Kai who was somewhere upstairs with Tony.

While Tali was upstairs with Tony and Kai getting into their swimsuits Ziva was downstairs calling Jimmy, Ellie, Gibbs, Abby and Ducky, Ducky politely declined saying he was too old but everyone else agreed arranging to arrive in 15 minutes.

"Hey my little hairybutt" Ziva whispered sneaking up behind him already wearing her bikini
"Hello Sweetcheeks" he replied turning to face her "woah" he gazed down her body, she really was perfect everything from her head to her toes was beyond perfect, he felt himself falling in love with her all over again, he had butterflies just like the first time he said he loved her and the overwhelming feeling where he just wanted to kiss her.
"Moon to Tony" she whispered snapping her fingers in front of his face
"Mhmm" he mumbled still looking at her up and down not bothering to correct her
"Tony" she complained dragging his name out
"Sorry" he grinned sheepishly, wrapping his arms around her pulling her closer "I love you my little furry ninja"
"I love you too" she said looking at him confused, where was this coming from?
Barely leaving time for her to think he pushed his lips against hers, their lips moving perfectly together they fell against their bed
"What do you want" Ziva asked pulling away for a few seconds
"You" he whispered unclipping her bikini top
"Not now Tony the girls will hear us" she said pulling away reaching for her top
"Ima" Kai knocked, Tony was so glad it wasn't Tali she would've just walked straight in
"Oh crap" he whispered as Ziva grabbed her top and ran to their en suite, Tony adjusted his hair then opened the door
"Where's Ima" Kai asked completely unaware of what she almost walked in on
"I'm in here" Ziva called rushing to brush her hair and slipping a top over her bikini and casually walking out
"Can we go in the pool before everyone gets here" she asked
"No, we need to fill water balloons, guns and blow up the floats" Ziva smiled "go wait with Tali on the sofa" she instructed

"I told you" Ziva giggled
"My miss David was that giggle I just heard" Tony joked
"My yes it was Mr DiNozzo" she laughed back
"Why are you wearing a shirt" Tony pouted
"Because you can't seem to control yourself otherwise mon petit pois" she tapped his nose then walked out to see the girls.

After only 3 minutes there was a knock on the door it was a pregnant Abby and a 2 year old Luca
"Hey Ziva" Abby smiled "we brought loads of water balloons" She grinned acting like a little kid
"Hewo waunt wiva " Luca smiled wrapping his arms around Ziva's leg
"Hey buddy" she smiled ruffling his hair and leading the two (or three!) of them inside
"What did you bring" Ziva asked once they sat down, Abby was clearly excited
"Bunch o balloons, about 600 normal water balloons and a paddling pool to put them in" she said unpacking the bag
"Why are you so excited, didn't you do this in your backyard as a kid" Ziva asked laughing at Abby's expression
"Are you kidding there where alligators in my back yard" Abby said as someone knocked on the door, it was Tim panting he held up two water guns
"Found them" he whispered walking in and collapsing onto the sofa next to Abby who gave him a short kiss.

The three of them started to fill all the water balloons and the water guns, they managed to fill the whole paddling pool with balloons and blow up most the inflatables when Tony came back down in his swim shorts. Tony and Tim kept blowing up the last of the floats while Abby changed and Ziva started preparing snacks
"Why are you wearing a shirt" Abby finally asked
"Tony" she sighed "he can't control himself" she laughed
"at least he wants to be with you" Abby mumbled cutting the carrot
"What do you mean" Ziva asked taking the knife out of Abby's hand
"Tim, He just wants to be with Luca, all the time he'd rather stay home with Luca than go out on a date with me" she said looking down
"He probably wants to do a better job than his father did, have you spoken to him" Ziva asked hugging Abby which surprised both of them but Tony had broken down a lot of her walls
"No" Abby mumbled
"Talk to him tonight" Ziva smiled pulling away from Abby "he loves you a lot" she smiled walking away.

Ellie arrived next with Olivia and a couple water guns then it was Jimmy, Victoria and Breena who brought a couple of water balloons. They filled the last of the balloons and guns then set up just waiting for Gibbs, Jenny and Amanda who arrived pretty quickly with more water guns and joint them in the garden, they started grabbing the balloons and guns chasing each other round the garden, Tim carried Luca so he wouldn't get hurt because he was only little and everyone else took care of themselves running after each other yelling and laughing.

Until Tali slipped over and burst into tears
"Hey Tali its okay" Tony said rocking her in his arms but she kept crying so he took her inside for a few minutes "it's okay, I've got you" he smiled kissing her forehead "I've got an idea" he smiled once she stopped crying "let's use the hose on everyone" he laughed getting them an umbrella he screwed the hose topper on then turned the hose, he gave Tali the umbrella then holding her in one hand and the hose in the other they ran down the garden spraying everyone.

"Tali, Kai, Livv, Torrie, Come on" Amanda whispered rounding them up and taking them up to the tree house where she had two buckets filled with ice cold water.
"Torrie throw this at Gibbs" Amanda said so she did hitting him straight on the back, they sat there silently while Gibbs calling everyone in the direction the balloon came from, waiting until everyone was beneath them Amanda counted down from 3 then they tipped the two buckets out the windows onto their unsuspecting family, Tali, Kai, Livv and Torrie where on one and Amanda did the other, bursting into laughter at the gasps and screams from their family they ran down the ladders and across the garden splitting up, everyone running after them, Jimmy caught Torrie first grabbing her and throwing her in the pool laughing, she swam over to one of the floats laughing, then Jenny and Ellie caught Livv throwing her into the pool with Torrie, after her Gibbs and Tony caught Tali and Kai who where using their ninja skills to hide but they still found them and also threw them in the pool, the only one left was Amanda who was left to Ziva who chased her round the garden then managed to dive in the water hugging her, they both resurfaced laughing.

After eating in the garden everyone left, it was one of the best days they had together, Tali and Kai fell asleep before their heads hit their pillows and Tony got what he wanted.

A/N - I felt like this needed a happy chapter because of what's coming up

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