59 - Go

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The stingers where laid out across the whole road, just as they expected they gradually got further out, further away from busy areas.

*POP* was all they could here as the tires burst and sparks started to fly, the bus skid to a halt as the engine failed and the driver panicked

"Duck Issie" Ava commanded sticking her head as low as she could, the rest of the students followed as the swat teams approached the bus and Susan opened fire

The swat team was careful when to open fire, they hit Susan in the right shoulder and left leg and Jason in the right shoulder and abdomen, swat along with the ncis team ran on board kicking the weapons away from the brother and sister McGee and Gibbs cuffed them an took them off the bus. The swat team removed the weapons from the site then allowed Ziva and Tony to start removing all the students.

"My name is special agent DiNozzo this is my co worker special agent David" Tony explained to the petrified kids, he heard a small gasp but carried on talking "We are with the police is anyone hurt" he asked

He got a mixture of nos and just squeaks "Agent David is going to start on the left while I start on the right, you need to walk slowly off the bus and outside you will be directed by some other members of our team, do exactly as they say" he instructed as he and Ziva began walking up the aisle of the bus dismissing the kids as they went, they were almost at the back when Ziva let out a somewhat squeak and pulled Tony over to where she was standing

"It's Kaida" she whispered nudging Tony and pointing to Ava

"Agent David" Ava asked "May we get off now"

"Sure, go slowly" Ziva instructed moving out of the way.

Eventually all the students where off the bus, Ziva sat in one of the chairs

"Tony I swear that was our Kai" she said

"I know she looks just like Tali" "We'll sort this out" he promised as Gibbs climbed on board the bus

"Whats going on" he asked, since adopting Amanda and Kelsey he had become more literate

"Did you see her" Ziva asked

"Who" Gibbs said shrugging

"Ava" Tony interrupted "The little girl who sent the text"

"Not yet" Gibbs sighed passing Ziva's camera to McGee, something was definitely up "Introduce me" he suggested, exciting the bus with Tony and Ziva close behind

"Gibbs this is Ava" Tony said, Ava was waiting alone, all the other kids where with their parents being checked over by medics "This is the girl who sent the text"

"Hello Ava" Gibbs smiled crouching down to her height glancing at Tony and Ziva, he had the same thoughts as them "Where are your parents" he asked taking her in, her hair was shorter than Tali's, straighter than Tali's and she was paler than Tali but they still looked scarily similar

"I just live with my mom" Ava shrugged "Issie's parents dropped me off this morning"

"Is she on her way" Gibbs asked

"I don't know" Ava said shrugging again "She drank a bit too much last night, she might not be able to get here for a while"

"Drank too much" Gibbs asked

"Yeah, sometimes she forgets how much she's had" Ava shrugged, it didn't really matter much to her

"Does she hit you when she's had too much" Gibbs asked her, this little girl looked so much like Kai he had to make sure she was okay

"Only if I do the wrong thing" Ava said she didn't mind that much she was still looked after

"Until your mom arrives you'll have to come with us" Gibbs smiled reaching for her hand and leading her to the back of his car "I'm going to take you back to the police station to wait" he explained.

"Here we are" He smiled at her, he gently led her inside to one of the staff rooms "Here's some biscuits and milk" he smiled "You remember Agents David and DiNozzo right" he asked

"Yeah" she nodded chewing on her cookie

"They will be here in an hour if your mom still hasn't arrived"

"Okay" she said swinging her legs with her mouth still filled with cookie

"Can I take your fingerprints" he eventually asked

"Like they do in movies" she asked her eyes lighting up

"Exactly" he smiled

"I don't mind" She giggled, she let Gibbs take all her fingerprints and sent them all to Abby for analyzing

"So what do you like doing" Gibbs asked

"Gym and Ballet"

"Agent David has a daughter just like you" he beamed at her

"What about you" she asked smiling back at him

"Building boats and spending time with my daughters" he answered

"What are your daughters names" she asked

"Amanda and Kelsey" "Do you want to see a photo" he asked getting his phone out

"Sure" she smiled

"You're going to have to get it up" he said even though years had gone past he was still as bad at technology as when he joint NIS

"Is this them" she asked tapping a few buttons

"Yes, the oldest one is Amanda and the youngest is Kelsey"

"Are they adopted" Ava asked wearily

"Yes" Gibbs smiled

"They're kind of like me" she smiled passing the phone back to Gibbs, just as he was about to ask how them being adopted was like her, Tony and Ziva burst through the door

"We've got them boss" Tony grinned "They confessed to it all" he added

"Is it okay to sign the case over" he asked

"Sure" Gibbs nodded, focused on turning his phone off

"It's that button" Ava pointed

Gibbs pushed it and smiled at her, "Abby has Ava's fingerprints and her Mom should be on her way, if she doesn't arrive soon send McGee to her house" Gibbs ordered

Before Tony and Ziva could turn round Gibbs' phone rang, he passed it to Ava "Can you put it on speaker" he asked her

"Sure" she giggled, pressing two buttons and passing it back

"Hey Abs" Gibbs smiled dropping the phone on the table

"Hey Gibbs, what was that" she asked

"He put the phone down" Ava giggled again emphasizing the 'put'

"You must be Ava" Abby smiled through the phone

"That's right" Ava smiled

"Gibbs you'll never guess what" Abby exclaimed

"Abby" he warned

"Gueesss" she whined

"Not in the guessing mood huh" she sighed

"The fingerprints..."

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I got a new lens for my iPod so expect a couple photos at the end of the next chapter (I'm seriously in love with it)

Hopefully I'll get something NCIS related tomorrow, in case you don't already please follow my main insta @CMariaJosedePabloFernandez

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