9 - Tony

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Tony sat on the bed staring blankly at the door until her heard little feet pad into his room "Abba" the little voice asked "yes sweetheart" Tony said looking at his daughter who stood in the doorway "where is Ima" she asked looking around "she's gone for a walk" Tony told her although he wasn't completely sure "can I sleep with you" she asked "of course Kai, is Tali still sleeping" "yes, she didn't hear Ima shout" she whispered sadly "come here" Tony said opening his arms to Kai, she crawled in the bed and snuggled up to Tony. After a few minutes Tali woke up and ran into Tony's room shouting "Ima, Abba, I lost Kai". "It's okay Tali, she's here" Tony told her smiling "come lay here" Tony said to Tali who was standing by the door with Kalev in one hand and her blanket in the other, she ran to the side of the bed, Tony picked her up and put her on the other side of him and Kai. The girls hugged and fell asleep holding hands.

Tony couldn't sleep without Ziva, he knew she was alive and he was worried that she was out alone barely wearing anything. He couldn't go out to look for her because of the girls, he tried ringing Ziva's phone but he heard it ring from the other room. He eventually gave up and let sleep take over him.

He woke up before the girls so he re looked at the the house and the apartment online but he didn't get any closer to deciding, he couldn't decide without Ziva anyway. The door slowly creaked open revealing Ziva still bare foot and with puffy red eyes. "Zi" he began but she shook her head "no, I'm sorry Tony" she said as he got up and hugged her "you where right" she apologised hugging him back "what are we going to do?" Tony asked "We should buy somewhere to live then I might stay with Gibbs till we are ready" she said pulling away "you thought this threw" he said laughing slightly, "I did not really sleep" she mumbled slightly walking to Tali and Kai's room "sorry" Tony called out after her.

Almost 2 hours later Tony and Ziva had finished packing all their stuff up and the girls where beginning to wake up "Ima" they both yelled running to her "Hey girls" Ziva said crouching down and hugging them, Tony took the girls to get dressed, they chose matching grey leggings and pink tops with the photo of a cat printed on the front.

Almost 2 hours later Tony and Ziva had finished packing all their stuff up and the girls where beginning to wake up "Ima" they both yelled running to her "Hey girls" Ziva said crouching down and hugging them, Tony took the girls to get dressed, th...

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In the car on the way to drop Tali and Kai at NCIS again Tony and Ziva talked about the house again. They promised to pick the girls up at 1600 in time for dinner then left.

They re visited the house then after discussing it for a while they decided to go for the house as it had space outside for the girls to play in and it had more room inside. After paying for the house with the remainder of Tony's NCIS funds they moved in all their things, the house came with basic furniture for example the master bedroom had a double bed, the second bedroom had a single bed and the kitchen had an oven, sink, fridge, ect.
They went out for lunch then bought some food for the fridge and cupboards, after they got home they sat on the sofas and spoke for a few minutes. Ziva decided she would spend her days at their house but sleep at Gibbs for the first few days while they where getting used to the new house, at NCIS Ziva checked it was still okay with Gibbs if she stayed over then they picked up the girls from Abby's lab and went home. Ziva cooked dinner while Tony showed the girls around, after dinner the girls (especially Tali) couldn't understand why Ziva had to leave them again. Both the girls put up a fight to keep Ziva at the house it was only when she promised them she would be back in the morning and she would FaceTime them before bed that they let her go.
Tali spent the rest of the night in the corner of the sofa sniffling and refusing to talk to anyone. Around 1900 Tony started to get Kai ready for bed, Tali still wouldn't cooperate and stayed silently on the sofa. Tony took Kai upstairs to the master bedroom as she would be able to share the double bed with Tali, they sat together on the bed and FaceTimed Ziva "Ima" Kai started smiling at her mother "Abba let us watch a film but Tali is upset, she won't let us talk to her" Kai explained while Tony and Ziva listened, after 10 minutes of talking to Ziva Kai had fallen asleep so Tony snuck out the room with his phone, Tony and Ziva spoke for a few minutes until Tony decided to tackle getting Tali to sleep. Armed with Kalev and pyjamas Tony walked down the stairs to find Tali sitting in the exact same place crying "Tali" Tony said holding Kalev out "no" she said hitting Kalev away and turning her head away from Tony "do you miss Ima" he asked her sitting on the floor "go away Abba" she yelled "can I put your pyjamas on" Tony asked hoping for a better answer "no" was all she said, Tony picked her up and changed her while she struggled against him. He went off to the kitchen to make her a bottle of warm milk to hopefully calm her down but when he came back in she was laying on the floor almost naked, he grabbed a blanket from the side and laid it across him. After picking up Tali he laid her across his lap and placed the bottle in her mouth, she was far too exhausted to fight back anymore so she laid there and gently sipped from the bottle. She barely drank any of it before she was asleep, Tony wrapped the blanket around her then sent a message to Ziva 'She's fallen asleep, see you in the morning?'
He carried Tali upstairs to the master bedroom where Kai was sleeping and slipped into the bed with both his daughters.

A/N - new update at 5 votes

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