48 - Searching

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"I called the police but the snows so bad they won't get here until at least tomorrow" Ellie sighed she couldn't imagine how it would feel to lose her daughter

"We need to get out there searching, she couldn't have gone far" Ziva mumbled

"Ima, where's Kai" Tali asked

"We don't know tateleh" Ziva smiled sadly looking at Tali, her clothes were wet and her cheeks were bright pink "come with me you need to change" Ziva instructed in Hebrew taking Tali's hand.

Ziva washed Tali down and changed her into pink leggings and a blue top with pink spots and dried her hair "Where's Kai" she asked again starting to get more upset

"we don't know tateleh, did you see her go anywhere" Ziva asked digging out a coat and boots for Tali from her closet

"no"  Tali mumbled crying

"Tali, we'll find her don't worry" Ziva said coming out the closet "where did you get that" she asked stopping, Tali had found a pacifier somewhere

"there" Tali mumbled slightly pointing under the cabinet

"You know you're too old for those" Ziva smiled "can I have it" she asked holding her hand out

"nu uh, I want Kai" Tali grumbled tears still flowing down her face

"fine" Ziva agreed Tali was already in tears and she wanted Kai as well "lets get you a bear and we can go" Ziva smiled hugging the small child in her arms "it's going to be okay" Ziva smiled kissing Tali's hair, they got Tali's bear with the pink pjs, her pink torch, and her frozen Anna bottle then went downstairs.

"stay in twos or threes at all times and keep your phones on you, Jimmy, Breena stay with the kids" they instructed splitting up into groups, Ellie went with Tim, Abby with Jenny, Fornell and Gibbs went together and Tony went with Ziva and Tali who was clinging on to Ziva's shoulder.

"Tali do you want to stay with Amanda" Ziva asked, she wasn't too keen on taking Tali back out into the cold but Tali just shook her head and tightened her grip around Ziva "okay, you need to put your coat on first" Ziva said putting Tali down and helping her into her coat and boots the picking her back up, she filled Tali's bottle with weak orange juice and grabbed both their torches, Tali held her bear in one hand and the torch in the other she also had her phone in her pocket.

"Tali do you want to stay with Amanda" Ziva asked, she wasn't too keen on taking Tali back out into the cold but Tali just shook her head and tightened her grip around Ziva "okay, you need to put your coat on first" Ziva said putting Tali down and...

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Everyone left taking different spots Kai would go calling her name but hours went by and it got darker eventually everyone was back at the house without seeing any signs of her, Tali was fast asleep as where most of the other kids so they all agreed to end it for the night and meet back at Ziva and Tony's tomorrow morning.

Ziva took Tali upstairs and silently changed her into a pair of pjs with a blue snowman top and mainly white bottoms and left her to sleep. She started to walk back to the front door but Tony stopped her

"Zi" he smiled sadly "come to bed"

"I need to find her Tony" she said ignoring him the best she could

"I know but you won't find her in the dark especially if you're tired"

"she could freeze, starve, dehydrate, fa--"

"Ziva" he interrupted "she might have been taken, did you think of that, she might not be out there, she could be in someone's house with hot cocoa and a blanket" "come to bed we will look again tomorrow" Tony promised watching her collapse into his arms "she's going to be okay"

----NEXT DAY----

"Ima where's Kai" Tali asked waking Ziva up

"we haven't found her yet tateleh" Ziva smiled "are you hungry" she asked, Tali nodded so Ziva got up and followed Tali downstairs, "do you want fruit loops" Ziva asked finding the bowls, spoons, and milk

"no they are Kai's" Tali whispered "I want cocoa pebbles"

"okay, here you go" Ziva smiled looking out the window, at least half the snow had melted and two police cars were following a snow plough down the road, Ziva let them in and they sat around the table discussing Kai while Tali was listening to music through her earphones

"we noticed she was gone about 1700 when everyone came in for cocoa and cookies, we spent almost 5 hours searching for her then we came back in, her phone was found in the snow"

"Okay thank you, do you have a recent photo of her" one of the police officers asked

"yeah I do but this is Tali her twin sister, they're identical" Ziva explained hoping that it would help them find her

"okay, who else was with you yesterday" he asked writing in his note book"

"uh, about 14 people not including me, my boyfriend or the twins" "out of all of us there where 7 NCIS agents and 1 FBI agent" she added

"okay thank you we will need to talk to them all as soon as possible"

"sure, two of them live opposite us and everyone's meeting us outside in an hour or so to keep searching for Kai" Ziva explained as Tony came downstairs "Tony this is PCs Bridges, Brooke, Johnson, and Martinez, they're here about Kai" Ziva explained

"Nice to meet you" Tony said forcing a smile

"excuse me" Ziva said rushing off to the bathroom to throw up

"Zi, you okay" Tony asked holding her hair back

"yeah, I didn't put my boots on yesterday remember" she asked laughing slightly, rinsing her mouth and following Tony back to the table

"Are you okay Ma'am" PC Bridges asked

"yes thank you, please call me Ziva" she smiled gritting her teeth

"If you're sure, Ziva, we've put a BOLO out and called in all our other resources, this will be a high priority case because of the weather"

------- WEEK LATER -------

"hello Miss David" PC Bridges said ringing the door bell

"what happened" she asked, other than the morning after Kai disappeared they hadn't spoken

"We're sorry Miss David"

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