32 - Pool

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The next morning Ziva was a lot happier and pretty much back to her normal self, she dealt with the girls without a problem and arranged to take them, Olivia, Victoria and Amanda to the beach for the afternoon, they spent the morning playing games with everyone else in the pool.

Other than Ziva and Amanda everyone went in the sea, on the way down to the beach Ziva bought all the girls snorkels so they could see the fish swimming in the water with them. Ziva spoke to Amanda while the four girls ran around up and down the beach, the changed from building sand castles, playing it, building a channel to the sea and swimming in the sea.
"Girls, watch out,the waves are getting bigger" Ziva called to them after a while, it was true a lot of the smallest kids ere getting swept off their feet and had to cling onto their mothers so they didn't get swept out to sea
"Come swim" Kai called giggling as another wave hit her
"Okay, are you coming Amanda" Ziva asked folding her towel under a rock
"Yeah" she looked round "sure" she stood up and followed Ziva into the sea, Amanda held onto Olivia and Victoria while Ziva held onto the twins.

"Ima, look it's a fish or" Tali squealed when the fish got swept into her leg
"Okay, Tal I'm going to sit down again okay" Ziva smiled letting go of the twins hands and walking out of the sea back to their towels, it didn't take long for Amanda to get bored and go back to sitting with Ziva.

"Aaah Ima Tali" called when Olivia knocked her over because of the force of the wav, Tali then caught Victoria's leg who went to grab Kai and all four of them under the water
Ziva grabbed onto Amanda and pulled her towards the water, grabbing the nearest two kids and carried them to their towels. Coughing and spluttering the girls hung onto Ziva and Amanda's necks.

Ziva struggled to pack all their things away with two of the girls hanging onto her in complete silence
"Hey girls who was that boy you were playing with earlier" Ziva eventually asked them as they were stepping through the front door
"His name was Albert, he speaks Spanish" Tali loosened her grip on Ziva
"What did you play with him"
"Pokemon GO" Kai smiled a little letting go off Ziva completely and running over to Ziva's bag "Can we get it Ima" Kai smiled giving Ziva her bag.

Ziva got her phone out and called for Tony
"Yes Zi" he replied
"Can Tal borrow your phone"
"Yeah sure, I think it's in your bag" he answered turning the shower on

"Here you go" Ziva smiled handing both their phones to the girls, she set up to accounts one for each of the girls, Tali happily caught Pikachu then Kai got Charmander. The two girls ran around the house and garden looking for their next Pokemon but after they came back they only had two new Zubats and a Squirtle.

The girls begged their Ima and Abba to go out and search for more, they finally gave in. They wandered around the local streets and shops searching for Pokemon, between them the girls found a Caterpie, a few Weedles, a lot of Zubats and Pidgeys, two Pidgeottos, three Rattatas, a Paras, a Poliag and a Jynx.

Ziva eventually forced the girls into going home without the Meowth they so badly wanted. They ordered pizza then laid with the girls till they fell asleep.

The next day Gibbs, Ziva and all the kids went to the pool again to give the other adults some time to themselves, Tony was going to join them but somehow he caught a horrible cold and woke up ill.

"Come on Tali" Ziva called her and Kai had been waiting for ages for Tali who decided at the last second that she wanted different shoes and ran off to get them
"Coming Ima" she yelled
"Tali don't yell, your Abba's trying to sleep" Ziva told her off
"Sorry Ima" she whispered with her feet still stomping along the floor
Ziva laughed to herself a little, Tali had decided to wear bright blue wellies, her rubber ring, her snorkel and was completely covered in sun screen.

They met up with Gibbs outside his, Jenny's and Amanda's Villa, he had already met up with Amanda, Victoria, Olivia, Emily and Luca, together they all set off for the pool, Tali and Kai were glued to Tony and Ziva's phones while they walked, all the others were interested in the Pokemon the girls were catching.

At the pool, Emily, Amanda and Ziva did a couple of races around the pool before Tali and Kai wanted to come in as well, Ziva climbed out and helped them put there rubber rings and arm bands on and climbed back into the pool with the girls then after the girls where used to the water she got back out and took Luca in with her, he happily splashed around for a couple minutes but he ended up o tired that Ziva wrapped him in his towel and laid him with Gibbs.

"Ima, can I swim like you" Kai asked splashing around
"I can teach you" Ziva smiled, deflating Kai's rubber ring
"Ima look I'm doing it" Kai giggled kicking her legs
"Look at you, well done" Ziva smiled, after she was done Tali wanted to be taught and so did Victoria and Olivia so for most of the day Ziva was in the water teaching them all to swim, the only time they got out was about half an hour for lunch, the girls all wanted to go back in the pool but Gibbs made them stay out for a couple minutes to let their food digest.

As soon as the girls went back in the water they asked Ziva if they could race together, Ziva helped the four of them line up at one end of the pool and she stood at the other end filming them. They all got to the other side at the same time, so Ziva helped them out and sent the videos to Ellie, Tony and Jimmy. On the way back Gibbs bough the four youngest a single fake with sauce and the older two a pot of cookie dough ice cream each and then Ziva bought herself a Caramel chew in a pot.

They dropped everyone off then went to their separate villas to watch a bit of Tv and go to bed.

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