35 - After

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Tony and Ziva took Tali home after that but every time she fell asleep she woke up screaming and crying, obviously being in court brought back her memories, after a few hours Tony left to pick up Kai from Jimmys. Over the next few days they tried to get back on their schedule but every time Tali closed her eyes she got flashbacks from when she was kidnapped.

Every time she fell asleep she would wake up after a couple minutes screaming and crying, neither her or Ziva where able to sleep for long so they both where completely exhausted by the end of the week. Gibbs caught Ziva napping at her desk a couple times after her ballet lessons but he didn't say anything.

Finally on the Saturday Ziva booked a therapy session for Tali that would hopefully help Tali with her nightmares and let Ziva get more sleep, the therapist said Tali might have ptsd but she couldn't give a diagnosis because the symptoms where only present for a week, she had only been able to prescribe sleeping tablets to help her sleep for the first few days.

Once Tali started taking her sleeping pills she did sleep a whole lot better and Ziva was able to sleep as well although Tali's daily behaviour wasn't getting any better she would lay on the sofa all day everyday, kick up a fuss every time someone tried to talk to her/move her/play with her, she wouldn't even lay in bed on her own Ziva had to force her to take her tablets then wait for her to fall asleep and put her in her bed. Tony spent most of his time trying not to ignore or leave Kai out.

Finally after 3 weeks Ziva was able to take Tali back to the therapist who was able to come up with a diagnosis of ptsd, she decided to keep Tali on her sleeping tablets to start with but wanted to slowly reduce them. She also wanted Tali to come to therapy two or three times a week for a just over a month which Ziva agreed to mentally preparing herself for the next month.

The therapist suggested to get Tali to play with Kai when they got home and to praise her for everything she did even if it seemed tiny but as soon as Ziva put Tali on the floor by the sofa with some toys and called Kai over Tali ran off upstairs
"Sorry Tateleh" Ziva smiled at Kai, she didn't understand why her twin sister and best friend wouldn't play with her anymore
"Tali come back here" Ziva called but Tali didn't come back so she had to follow her up the stairs, Tali had locked herself in the bathroom
"Tali please let me in" Ziva calmly knocked on the door
"No" Tali screamed at her
"Talia Caitlin David-DiNozzo open the door" Ziva tried again a little firmer
"No, I want Manda" she cried

Ziva walked downstairs and rang Gibbs to ask if he could bring Amanda over which luckily for Ziva he could get there in a couple minutes.

"Hey Amanda nice to see you" Ziva smiled hugging Amanda "Tali's locked herself in the bathroom and she only wants you" Ziva explained
"Okay, give me a couple minutes" Amanda smiled and walked up to Tali
"Hey Tali its me" she whispered
"Manda" Tali asked
"Yes, can you come out" Amanda asked her sitting by the door
"Is Ima there"
"No, do you want her" Amanda asked again
"No, I just want you" Tali cried opening the door, she stood there tears pouring down her red face
"Come here sweetheart" Amanda opened her arms smiling sadly

Tali happily walked into Amanda's arms who cradled her gently and quietly sung to her m, quite quickly Tali fell asleep. Amanda slowly walked down the stairs still holding Tali.
"How is she" Ziva asked when Amanda got to the kitchen
"I think she's okay, she fell asleep" Amanda carefully supported Tali, watching her while she slept.

After only half an hour Tali started twisting and moaning in her sleep, it was clear to Amanda and Ziva she was having a nightmare so Amanda gently woke her up
"Aghh what" Tali squealed
"It's okay Tali, it was only a dream" Amanda comforted
"No it wasn't" Tali cried shaking in Amanda's arms
Amanda sat with Tali until she calmed down and stopped crying as much.

Day after day Amanda got called to the David-DiNozzo house, every time Tali asked for her she was called. The therapist told Ziva it was probably because Amanda was there with her.

Tony and Ziva didn't know was that Amanda was going to her own therapy sessions almost 6 times every week. They hadn't even seen Kayla since although they did find out that she was moving away soon, Vance had quit his job as Director of NCIS and had bought a house for him Kayla and Jared somewhere in Arizona.

No one knew who was going to take on his role, Jenny didn't want to take it as she was still kind of dead but she did want to continue being co director but obviously still undercover.

Ziva was charged for "attempted murder of Harry Brook-Cruz" and had to pay a fine although she helped re capture him his defenders wanted to get back at her for putting him away. She realised she couldn't shoot him because in that moment she wanted him to serve his time and die alone in prison not get off without time.

During the trial Carlos was proven innocent and accepted a new job at NCIS, in a different team to Gibbs but the whole team where very grateful for him helping Kayla, Amanda and Tali out and away from Harry.

A/N - this might be my last update for a while although I have written the next few parts. I NEED ideas for when the girls are about 5 for a filler chapter because I'm beyond stuck

Comment some ideas for me and I'll mention you in my next part, Taya :)

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