25 - Birthdays

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Just after Luca was born it was Victoria's birthday then the next month it was Emily's and the month after that it was going to be Amanda's then again a month later it was Jared and the last birthday was Kayla's.


Victoria woke Jimmy and Breena extra early because she was so excited to be four, they let her open her main present before breakfast which was a new AG doll (she has 3) then Breena cooked some cute waffles with cream and sprinkles.

While Jimmy was getting her dressed they gave her a second present which was a party dress for her new AG doll that matched hers, they left their house and walked round to Tony and Ziva's which was only two roads away.

Tony and Ziva had agreed to have Victoria's party in their garden/house because it was bigger than Jimmy and Breenas and there was a better place for the girls to play together. Jimmy and Breena helped set up until someone knocked in the door "Ima" Tali and Kai chorused from the living room
"I'm here" Ziva said opening the door to Ellie and Olivia "come in" Ziva said, Olivia ran with her doll to join the other three on the rug. Everyone else arrived quite quickly after.

The party went well overall there where only a few tears, the teens stuck together while the adults merged around them.

Emily, Amanda, Jared and Kayla

It was a few days after Jared's birthday, everyone had decided to give the four of them a joint party as NCIS was crazily busy and they didn't get a lot of time off.

All four of the teens did a mixed school program which meant some days they would be homeschooled and other days they would go to a public school so they invited all there school friends. Emily, Amanda and Kayla mainly stuck to themselves but there where three other girls they where friends with, Bethany, Jodie and Sophie who they invited. Jared had a couple mates from school so he invited them, it was only 8 people from school then the rest where the NCIS family.

They held their party in a bowling alley so everyone had something to do, as there was about twenty four of them they split into sixes or sevens and took up four lanes all the teen girls where together, then all the teen boys with Tony and Tim, the four youngest girls with Ziva and Jimmy then everyone else in the last lane.

Emily, Jared, Olivia and Abby where winning when it happened, Amanda was helping Tali bowl then suddenly six smoke bombs where deployed and set off. Amanda tightly held on to Tali but that only meant she went with her
"You got Lee" one of the men shouted
"Yep, look who's here" another said
"The director and his precious little girl" the third laughed grabbing Kayla.

Amanda, Kayla and Tali where chucked in the back of a dark van which knocked the two oldest out and left Tali awake and alone. Tali gripped the cold metal sides and pulled herself up, there weren't any holes she could pear out of and the doors where locked. Eventually she gave up looking for how to get up and focused on the older two, she laid them down in much comfortable positions and sat in between them trying to wake them up.

Kayla eventually woke up she sat up next to Tali in silence, her and Tali weren't as close as Tali and Amanda. Amanda eventually woke up, Tali assumed they had been driving for over an hour as she really needed to pee.

"What happened" Amanda said sitting up next to the others
"Not sure, I saw at least four guys" Kayla started
"There where seven inside" Kai butted in
"Okay, they where looking for you" she said to Amanda "then they saw me" "I don't know why they took Tali" Kayla finished
"I was with Tali, holding her" Kayla explained
"Who are they" Tali asked cuddling up to Amanda
"I don't know" Amanda said tucking her arm around Tali.

After hours of driving they finally stopped
"Get out with your hands up" one of the guys shouted opening the doors
"What do we do" Kayla whispered
"Whatever they say, it'll be better that way" Amanda said standing up "I'll go then Tali then you" she said to Kayla then stepped out

"Hands together in the air" the same guy demanded "and spread your legs"
Amanda slowly stepped down with her legs apart and moved her hands above her head with her wrists crossed.
One of the other guys who hadn't spoken patted her down when he declared her clear the guys nearest the door used cable ties to tie her hands together then used one on each ankle with one keeping them together so she could still walk.

Tali came out next and the men did the same thing to her then to Kayla, the guys went two to a person and placed sacks over all three girls heads. They walked for ages until Tali could feel harder floor under her feet, the stopped for a couple seconds then half the men went and they where led down some stairs to what seemed like a basement.

After all the guys left the room Tali shook the bag off her head and watched Amanda and Kayla do the same.
"Have you ever been abducted before" Amanda asked both of them
"No, have you?" Kayla replied
"I have" Tali said
"Yes I have" Amanda said "I was about 8" she thought back to when Gibbs had to tell her Michy was dead, she wiped her eye slightly and asked Tali about when she was abducted last
"I broke my arm and Kai was payarysad" she said mispronouncing her last word
"Paralysed" Kayla asked
"Yeah" she smiled
"Do you know who it was" Amanda asked carefully, after all Tali was only 4
"I don't Grandpa said he wouldn't be back" she said.

A/N - New update at 10+ votes
Should I do a part about Christmas, or is it the wrong time of year to write that?

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