53 - ITS A .....

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"Tali come on your gonna be late" Tony complained, Ziva's due date was almost a week ago so she was lying in bed awkwardly on one side, she hated being pregnant but that wasn't something she was going to be telling Tony any time soon

"Sorry Abba" Tali yelled running out her room, down the stairs and out the door onto the bus, Tony just chuckled lightly to himself closing the door behind her.

It was only two hours later when Ziva let out a squeal of complete and utter panic

"Whats wrong" Tony asked running up the stairs

"This baby's coming now" she squeaked as a grin formed on Tony's face

"Don't worry sweetcheeks, I'll ring Gibbs and we'll leave

"Hey Gibbs, It's Tony. Uhh Ziva's having this baby now can you pick Tali up from school at four, Thanks"

Gibbs hadn't picked up so Tony left a basic message as they had already agreed for Tali to go to his she even had a bag there ready. Tony grabbed the bag full of Ziva's clothes and everything they would need for the baby. Tony helped Ziva into the passenger side of his car then sped off towards the hospital, in the back they only had Tali's car seat and the new one for the baby, they kept Kai's in the trunk just in case.

As soon as they arrived they where given a small private room at the back of the hospital, they had an alright view of a small field behind the hospital but Ziva wasn't really bothered about that, more about the tiny baby that was trying to push i...

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As soon as they arrived they where given a small private room at the back of the hospital, they had an alright view of a small field behind the hospital but Ziva wasn't really bothered about that, more about the tiny baby that was trying to push its way out of her. The nurses came in checked her dilation and left again leaving Tony to make her comfortable for birth, she put on her dressing gown and tied her hair up. Then after around an hour a new nurse walked in

"Jeanne" Tony stuttered, looking her up and down he hadn't seen her in almost 15 years

"Tony" She replied taking in the room, Ziva was laying somewhat surprised on the hospital bed with Tony at her side "Ohhh" she said everything clicking inside her head "You're getting other women pregnant too" she said placing the leaflets on the table besides Ziva

"Other women" Tony choked surely it was only Ziva he had gotten pregnant

"Oh yeah you never met Jacey did you" She chuckled

"Jacey" He asked

"Your other daughter" she said rolling her eyes at him

"How old" he asked raising his voice to almost a shout

"Fourteen, almost fifteen" She smirked

"I want tests" he mumbled mid gasp

"Sure" she agreed turning to leave with a little grin on her face "I'll find you another nurse" She added

"Tony" Ziva whispered after a few minutes

"I don't know Zi, I really don't" he sighed "15 years, I was dating her at the time" he said aloud calculating the possibility this 'Jacey' was his daughter

"It's - It's okay" Ziva smiled, she didn't want to lose him, definitely not now

"I love you" he smiled kissing her forehead

Almost 7 hours later the nurse promised Ziva one last push then this baby would be born

The baby's soft cries echoed around the room

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs DiNozzo, it's a girl" The blond nurse smiled handing Ziva the baby "Do you guys have a name yet" She asked grinning as Ziva cradled the newborn

Ziva looked to Tony who nodded "Rivka Grace" She smiled looking down at her baby

"Okay thank you" She smiled "Someone will be back in two hours to give you a check over then you should be able to leave" the nurse explained writing down to time of birth

"Thank you" Tony smiled as she left

"Do you want to hold her" Ziva asked wriggling to one side of the bed

"Sure" Tony smiled tears glistening in his eyes, he climbed into the bed next to Ziva as she handed him Rivka

"Hey little one" he smiled at her "I think I'm gonna call you Gracie" he said placing a little kiss on her forehead "I love you so much already, you look like your sisters, you have the same brown eyes and curly hair, its the same as your Ima's too. Unfortunately you won't be able to meet your oldest sister not yet at least, her names Kaida, it means little dragon but I promise that you will meet her one day" he paused taking a deep breath "Maybe even Jacey will come see you, all I know is I won't miss any of your little life, none of it" he smiled, Rivka seemed to understand

If she didn't Ziva did

"I'm sorry, I didn't try to take the twins from you"

"I know Sweet cheeks" he smiled at her slipping his arm round her shoulders "This Jacey, if she is mine then I'll have missed 15 years of her life, 15 whole years" he mumbled, he should have been over the moon, not only was he with the love of his life they just had their third daughter together but he wasn't this possible baby with Jeanne was nagging at the back of his mind and his thoughts where with Kai, every day that passed was another day of her life that he was missing, it was slowly destroying him, he hated seeing his family without her, Ziva's walls where starting to creep up and Tali's grades where falling which was definitely strange for the once straight A student

"Tony" Ziva said snapping her fingers in front of his face

"Huh" he asked

"You okay" She asked

"Definitely, this baby is a dream come true" he smiled, they rested together watching the latest addition to their family sleeping in their arms

"Gracie" Ziva eventually whispered

"huh" Tony asked confused

"Gracie" She repeated "It suits her" she decided

A/N - So here it is welcome baby Rivka Grace to the family, Her first name is the same as Ziva's mothers and her surname is obviously David-DiNozzo. She will probably be referred to as Grace or Gracie rather than Rivka unless she gets in trouble

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