16 - Going home

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"Ima when can we go home" Kai asked poking at her leg "I do not know Kai" Ziva said flipping the page of her magazine aggressively, after all this was the seventeenth time Kai had asked that in o few hours "Abba" Kai asked moaning "I don't know either Kai, just do your coloring" he told her picking the red off the floor.

"Ima" Tali asked "what" Ziva said looking up slightly "sorry Tali" she said again after breathing "can you read to me" Tali asked a bit shocked "of course, what book" Ziva smiled getting up "can we read Yaels House" Tali asked sweetly "yes" Ziva said getting the book and sitting on Tali's bed, while Ziva read Tali followed along.

Kai was sleeping in her bed, her hands covered in reds, greens and blues from her coloring. Her coloring book and pens where spread out across the floor so Tony quietly picked them up and put them back in the bag. While Tony and Ziva where talking and the girls where sleeping a nurse came and told them they where free to leave that afternoon but Kai would need physical therapy for her leg.

They arranged for a physical therapist to visit their house the next day then quietly put the two sleeping girls in the buggy and slowly walked out to Tony's car. They carefully put the two girls in their car seats, in Kai's sleep she fought back and as her leg had to be kept in a certain position it was hard for Ziva to position her in the car seat.

When they eventually got home Tony started making lunch, small pieces of bread, fruits and vegetables with soup for Kai and pasta with cheese sauce for him, Ziva and Tali. The smell of the food woke the girls up so they sat on the sofas eating. Ziva suggested finally getting round to decorating the girls playroom which everyone agreed on.

As soon as everyone had finished eating Ziva took the girls and the buggy out to the car while Tony went upstairs to take a few photos of the room to help them plan it.

"Can it be pink" the girls asked simultaneously
"If you want" Ziva told them strapping Kai in first
"And blue and purple" Tali asked climbing into the car and struggling to climb into her seat with her broken arm
"We'll see" Ziva said walking round to Tali's side
Tony joint them in the car then they set off to the closest shops.

Kai was firmly strapped into her side of the buggy while Tali was allowed to get out if she wanted, Kai was grumpy and sulking in her pushchair as her leg stopped her from walking.

They started in the paint section they agreed on a pale blue, a pale purple, a green and a pink, they also bought a plain white as a base coat. Tali walked beside the buggy as they headed towards the furniture department, Kai helped pick the table and the four chairs then Tali ran off and came back with a pink lampshade. Ziva told her off a bit then they followed her back to where she got it from, Kai liked the blue lampshade so after the girls arguing over the better color Tony stepped in picking up two other lampshades the green and the orange.

They bought some fabric to cover the window area then a bunch of pillows matching the paint colors, Tony picked up the blinds then they ordered a bookshelf connected to a seat area to fit exactly in the window area to the balcony. 

They forced the girls to take there medicine with dinner then put them to bed.

Tony woke up to an empty bed so he searched around the house for Ziva, he eventually found her sitting in the empty attic "hey Zi" he said shuffling next to her "I was thinking, we should decorate up here" she said looking around, "how do you want it" Tony asked putting his right arm around her shoulders "as it is split maybe we should use the smaller area for a movie room for the girls then the bigger area for a study" she asked "of course" he smiled kissing her head, they sat there for at least an hour until they heard Tali screaming there names and Kai moaning.

"I think we should go down to them" they laughed slightly getting up, Tony went to Tali and Ziva went to Kai. Kai couldn't sit herself up and Tali woke up and went looking for Tony and Ziva but she couldn't find either of them so got scared. They took the girls downstairs and secured them in their separate highchair with dry cereal and fruit pieces.

Ziva rang Gibbs to see if he wanted to come over to help and Tony took in the delivery of the table, chairs and the book shelf/seating area. Gibbs arrived an hour later with his tools he said hello to the girls who where watching cartoons on tv.

The carpet was alright so they didn't need to change it, they used a plastic sheet to cover the floor then opened the first can of paint, Ziva brought the girls up to help paint the base coat. "I can't stand Ima" Kai complained as Ziva picked her off the sofa "I'm sure Grandpa Gibbs will help you" Ziva assured her taking Tali's hand.

Gibbs took Kai and held her on one hip, together they used a roller up one wall while Ziva guided Tali on the opposite wall and Tony built and painted the bookshelves and seating area. By 1700 they had finished painting and Ziva had cooked dinner.

"Gibbs you must stay for dinner" Ziva insisted "you spent the whole day helping, it's the least we can do" Tony added "pwetty pwease gwanpa Gibbs" the girls begged at the same time in their cutest baby voices "fine, only for you two" he gave in ruffling the girls hair and following everyone to the table.

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