38 - Undercover

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"Agents David and DiNozzo" an unfamiliar voice yelled across the bullpen, they glanced at each other and looked around for the voice
"Up here, you are needed in MTAC" the same voice called, both Tony and Ziva turned to MTAC only to see the door slam and no one there
They both geared up confused

What was going on?
Where were they going?
Who was he?
Why them?

Together they went up to MTAC, scanning their eyes they entered, they where surrounded by officials and security but before either of them could speak the same guy spoke again. He had really dark hair, dark eyes, a big squared nose, he was very tall and wore a black suit with a dark grey shirt and slightly lighter grey tie.

"I have been told you are some of ncis' best agents, is that correct" he glared down at them
"Uhh uhm yeah I suppose" Tony mumbled
"Sure, why do you want us" Ziva interrupted
"We have an important undercover mission for you, you will be gone at least two weeks and --"
"No" Ziva stopped him
"What" he asked or yelled obviously furious
"We have two young daughters, you cannot possibly expect us to leave them for two weeks" she yelled
"You will be gone two weeks and you can't have any outside contact, you leave in four hours" he continued ignoring her outburst "if your half as good as people say you are, you might even survive" he laughed slightly then walked out along with most the other men and women in the room leaving a very shocked Tony and Ziva, Jenny and a couple tech people.

"Tony" Ziva mumbled forcing him into a hug
"It's alright Zi we won't die" he tried to comfort her
"That's not what I'm so worried about, how will we tell the girls" she tightened her grip around him
"Don't worry I'll sort everything out" Tony said doing his best to comfort her
"Where will they go" she asked again

"Ziva, I'm sure Jethro will be happy for us to take them, Amanda loves the girls" Jenny stepped in
"For two whole weeks Jen, are you sure" Ziva asked apprehensive
"Of course" Jenny smiled
"4 hours, that means we would only have an hour with the girls, we have to pick them up, tell them, feed them and pack them and make sure they don't forget anything" Ziva rambled
"Zi slow down, I'm sure Jenny will feed them and if we leave a key with Gibbs they can get in and get anything they need" Tony told her looking at Jenny for conformation who nodded.

For three hours Tony and Ziva worked with Ducky to create their covers while Gibbs and Jenny went back home to set the twins room up, finally just before three Ziva was allowed to leave to pick up the girls. Tony came with her this time, over this whole year he had only come to pick them up once because Ziva was ill. As soon as they got in the car the girls sensed something was wrong and stopped giggling.

"What's wrong Ima" Tali asked
"Abba" Kai asked
"Girls do you want to sleep at Gibbs" Ziva asked pushing all her emotions aside and smiling
"Why" the girls chorused
"Because Ima and Abba need to do something" Tony tried to explain
"Without us" Tali asked obviously upset
"Tali Tateleh" Ziva warned "you can't come with us because it's dangerous"
"So you might get hurt" Kai worried
"No Kai we won't get hurt its only dangerous for kids" Tony interrupted
"How long"
"It's only two weeks" Ziva smiled
"That's long Ima" they complained
"Our prestation is in three weeks will you be back" Tali asked
"Of course we will" Ziva smiled as they pulled up to their house.

Tony helped the girls pack while Ziva packed for them, then Gibbs and Jenny arrived for the girls, Jenny played with the girls while Gibbs fixed a couple of the girls toys and Tiva went upstairs.

"Bye girls we love you" Ziva hugged them
"Bye, we'll be back in two weeks" Tony smiled hugging them as well
"Promise" Tali asked
"Picky promise" Ziva said
"It's pinky promise Zi" "and yes we do" Tony interrupted
They stood together for a few minutes then Tony and Ziva stood at the door waving them off, they where upset and excited it was their first sleepover and Amanda always helped them make cakes and cookies.

Tony and Ziva rushed around their house packing everything they would need and tidying everything so it would look nice when they got back, they locked up and left each of them buried in thoughts.

A/N - Sorry for the short chapter

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