24 - 7 months later

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It had been almost 7 months since Amanda moved in with Gibbs and Jenny, Abby was almost bursting, she had decided not to find out the gender and was looking for a new house she could live in with her son/daughter. Tali and Kai had their 4th birthday, Olivia and Victoria were both 3. All four of the girls had an obsession with AG girls although they all had very different personalities.

Every appointment or checkup Abby had Ziva or Gibbs took her, Abby was sure their doctor thought her and Ziva where together but neither of them minded it only made them constantly laugh.

"Hey Ziva, what do you think about Annabelle for a girl" Abby asked, Ziva was staying down in Abby's lab with her incase she went into labour
"That's beautiful, what about a boy"
"Uh, maybe Luca after my brother or Tyler" Abby suggested writing it on the list.

Ziva had been staying with Abby for almost a whole month so they had spoken about names and houses before but Abby's due date was getting closer, they had two weeks until Abby's baby was due but her and Ziva hadn't been able to find a house.

"Ziva" Abby suddenly said stopping in the middle of the room
"What's wrong"
"I think the baby's coming" she said stunned
"Are you sure" Ziva asked going for Abby's hospital bag
"Yes, and it's too early, I'm not due for another two weeks
"I'm sure your baby will be fine, it's only two weeks" Ziva comforted her "let's go" Ziva supported Abby with one arm and rang Gibbs.

They where at the hospital in less than 10 minutes thanks to Gibbs driving. Abby screamed and cried for the whole birth but after six long hours her beautiful baby boy was brought into the world.

"Congratulations Abby" Ziva smiled stretching her numb fingers
"What's his name"
"Luca" Abby smiled holding his tiny hand "Luca Jethro" she smiled again looking at Gibbs who stood there shocked tears forming in his eyes, he meant so much to her. Gibbs stepped out the room for a few minutes to stop himself completely crying, as soon as he came back in Abby handed him Luca
"He looks just like you Abs" Gibbs smiled comparing them, he had dark green eyes, a tiny bit of blondish brown hair and was just all round adorable.

"Oh and Abby, Tony sent me a text about a house a few doors away from us" Ziva showed Abby the message
"Ok, can I view it as soon as I'm out" Abby asked and let Ziva arrange everything while she spoke to little Luca.

After a very long week Abby was able to move into her new house, the old owners had moved months ago but hadn't put the house up for sale straight away, her house was actoss the road almost opposite to Tony and Ziva's although her interior was designed differently the downstairs rooms where all separate then upstairs all three of the bedrooms where pretty much the same size as each other and the attic was just for storage.

"Hey Abby" Ziva called carrying the final few boxes to the van
"Yeah" she called back
"Gibbs said we can leave Luca and the girls with him while we unpack" Ziva explained climbing walking to Abby's car/moving van door.

"ABBY DUCK" Ziva yelled suddenly, Abby grabbed Luca tucking him in the footwell and using her body to protect him.
A motorbike sped down the road gun pointed at Abby and aimlessly firing shots, they had a clear shot but Ziva told Abby to move. Luca started screaming the second the first shot was fired and wouldn't stop.

"Abby" Ziva asked firing a couple shots at the bike only hitting the gun mans right shoulder and the blackened number plate
"We're fine" she said standing up and cradling Luca
"Abby.." Ziva trailed off
"What" Abby said turning round
"It's nothing, let's go" Ziva smiled taking Luca and strapping him in the car seat then guiding Abby into the van
"I don't need help Ziva" Abby laughed strapping herself in, Ziva only walked round and got in the drivers seat.

Ziva slowly drove and parked outside Abby's new house, she unbuckled Luca then helped Abby out
"I told you earlier I don't need help" Abby complained
"I know" Ziva said helping her anyway "oh and Gibbs" Ziva called
"Yes, Ziver" he answer walking over to her.

She whispered something in his ear then he lead Abby to his car despiteher protests. Ziva took all the boxes in as fast as she could because they were renting the moving van per hour.

Gibbs brought Abby back before Luca was hungry but with a sling supporting her left arm
"Why didn't you tell me I was shot" Abb demanded taking Luca
"You where full of adrenaline and weren't in pain plus you would only panic" Ziva said calmly
"I can't believe you didn't tell me" she exclaimed.

"Abby" Gibbs called after a couple minutes "I finished" Gibbs told her, Ziva gave Gibbs a questioning look then helped arrange Abby's rooms. It wasn't until they got to Abby's bedroom that she found out what Gibbs project was. He had made Abby's coffin into a full sized double bed to fit her new room better.

By the time it was 8pm Abby's house was unpacked and Tony had cooked dinner at his for everyone, Gibbs, Abby and Luca stayed at Ziva and Tony's for almost two hours to have dinner then just chat. The girls loved Luca although he slept the whole time they didn't get to play with him, as soon as they finished eating they asked Gibbs to put them to bed so he took them up and Tony took Abby across the road to her new house. When he got back Gibbs was just leaving so Tony said goodbye and they cleaned up the living room.

Ziva and Tony went up just after 10, Ziva changed then went to check on the girls. Tali was still awake and sitting in her bed "Tali" Ziva whispered
"Ima" Tali smiled knowing she shouldn't be awake "I can't sleep" she complained
"Do you want to sleep with me" Ziva asked quietly, Tali nodded getting out of bed with Kalev.

"Ima" "where do babies come from" Tali asked after they had been laying in Ziva's bed for a couple minutes, Tony and Ziva where facing the same way but not touching each other then Tali was laying on her back. Ziva heard Tony laughing so she flicked her leg back kicking him in the sensitive area, he grunted and shut up.

"It doesn't matter Tal" Ziva said closing her eyes
"Yes it does Ima" Tali said sitting up
"I'll tell you tomorrow if you go to sleep now" Ziva said which satisfied Tali enough for her to fall asleep.

A/N - Should I do a chapter on Christmas or not?
7-10 votes for the next update

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