27 - Where?

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"Hey uh Harry this isn't Hq" the nicer guy said
"Oh I know" the Harry guy grinned getting out the car with the nicer guys gun and his own "all of you out now" he demanded.

Amanda and Kayla stood on each side of Tali and the nicer guy stood next to Amanda
"Right Amanda is it, I want you to take the others inside to room 106" he instructed chucking her the door keys "now" he barked at her when she didn't move "oh and don't even think about trying to leave" he called after them.

"My names Carlos by the way" the nicer cop whispered as he followed Amanda and Tali up the stairs
"Nice name" Amanda smirked "is your partner always like this" she asked
"I wouldn't know, I've only been with him a couple days" he said apologetically
"Here's 106" Amanda said nervously opening the door, the place was trashed. All the furniture was broken in at least one way and the windows were boarded up blocking almost all the light.

"I want Ima" Tali complained crying slightly
"I know sweetheart, you can see her soon, I promise" Amanda said wiping Tali's tears and ruffling her hair
"who's Ima" Carlos whispered
"Her mum, it's Hebrew" Amanda whispered, Kayla had shut up completely.

Harry came back two bags in tow, each of them stuffed but zipped tight. He put them in the main bedroom then using duct tape wrapped Kayla's, Tali's and Carlos' hands and feet, he left. Amanda then shoved the others down the narrow hall into the tiniest box room that just about fit a bed.

Amanda got to find out what was in those bags first, the others could hear her screams and cries from the other room even though she tried not to make a noise. He eventually finished with her and wrapped her hands and feet in the same duct tape and threw her in with the others.

Amanda was still sobbing when she landed in the small room, Carlos helped lay her on the bed so she would be more comfortable and could sleep, Tali curled up next to her and fell asleep while Carlos stayed up and kept watch for Harry, Kayla slept next to him on the floor slightly under the bed.

The next day he took Amanda out again and repeated the same process as the day before, he carried on taking her out multiple times a day for the first three days then decided to take Tali instead but Amanda resisted
"Take me instead, please she didn't do anything, take me, take me, please" she begged as he picked up Tali who was now absolutely petrified and crying her eyes out, he took Amanda much to her pleas but also fear.

But he only took her to come back in and take Tali while she was too weak to protest, Kayla protested instead but he kicked her once and left with Tali. Amanda had to lay in the bed listening to Tali's cries without being able to do anything, he finally came back with Tali who looked disgusting and left again but with Kayla as payback for her earlier resistance.

Hour after hour Amanda spent in the other room not being able to stop him, he saw how much it hurt her when he took Tali instead so he took her more and more often. It had been weeks Amanda and Tali where too weak to stand alone, Tali's little body caving quite early on and Amanda fighting for her survival which its chances where slipping away with each day.

Harry never took Carlos they supposed it was because he was and adult and a guys so after every single 'session' he would help them into the single bed and force them to sleep.

Kayla was taken a whole lot less than Amanda and Tali but he still constantly took her out and she would return weaker than Amanda even after only once she was as weak as Amanda after the fifth time.

Carlos kept them off the topic of Harry by telling them stories of when he was in high school and of his dad, Harry had locked the door and left which meant Carlos was able to tell the girls a story and they could laugh without a fear if punishment.

"Okay so every night my father would go upstairs to do his teeth and shower before bed then come back down to tell us he was going to bed, this one time I was sitting on the sofa with my Mother and my brother was showing my sister a video on her phone when we heard a thump then a groan. Nothing else, we all looked up and my Father appeared with his hand pressed to his head, he told us he was going to bed and disappeared.

We all stared at the door then the wall, and burst into laughter, the thump was my Father missing the door by less than a meter. He had only just missed the door and all he wanted to tell us was that he was going to bed" Carlos finished.

It wasn't one of his best stories but it made the girls laugh which was the whole point anyway.

Harry came back half an hour later, only to drink more beer and carry on with his normal routine, first with Amanda then Tali and if he still felt like it Kayla. If they made the slightest mistake then he made them pay with at least double the time, the only way to make him stop was pass out and even that didn't work everytime

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