36 - School

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It had been a couple of months since Tali started therapy. Tali and Kai were now 5, they got a lot of clothes for their ag dolls and loads of craft supplies for their birthday. Olivia and Victoria were both 4, Amanda and Emily were both 16 and Luca was almost 1.

"Tali, Kai wake up" Ziva gently shook them, it was just past 0600 Tony and Ziva decided to get the girls up early to prepare them better for their first day at school. For the last month or so Ziva had been taking Tali and Kai out running with her in the mornings, some days they would bring their scooters or bikes but most days Ziva would slow down for them and they would run next to her.

"Not yet Ima" Tali moaned rolling over
"Yes now Tali" "you need to get up" Ziva gently sat her up while Kai woke herself up
"5 more minutes" Tali asked in Hebrew
"Not today Tali come on" Ziva helped both the girls get dressed

"Not yet Ima" Tali moaned rolling over"Yes now Tali" "you need to get up" Ziva gently sat her up while Kai woke herself up"5 more minutes" Tali asked in Hebrew"Not today Tali come on" Ziva helped both the girls get dressed

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Tony had made the girls pancakes for breakfast and wrapped two chocolate croissants and cut up some fruits for their lunches. The girls where going into Grade 1 without ever being in a school like environment, Ziva just hoped she wouldn't get a call from their teacher.

The day went past really slowly for Tony and Ziva, they were working on a cold case but their minds were on Tali and Kai but eventually it got to 1500 and Ziva left to collect the girls.

She got their to see the teacher scolding both the girls, bursting into the room she asked what was happening, the teacher explained how she asked the class to go through the alphabet and the girls did it wrong.

"Tali, Tateleh, what did you say" Ziva crouched in front of her
"The aleph-bet" she answered unsure
"Show me" Ziva smiled
"Aleph, bet, vet, gimmel, dalet, hey, vav, zayin, chet, tet, yod, chaf, kaf, lamed, mem, nun, samech, ayin, pey, fey, tsadee, kuf, resh, shin, sin, tav" Tali almost whispered
"That's what I thought, same for you Kai" Ziva asked Kai who nodded "they where saying the aleph-bet or the Hebrew alphabet" Ziva confirmed with their teacher
"That wasn't what I asked from them" the teacher stated rudely
"Be more specific in future" Ziva told her clearly annoyed
"I shouldn't have to be, they are in America" the teacher looked up and down at Ziva
"Sorry but the girls know at least 5 languages which is clearly more than you and unlike other students they are willing to learn more" Ziva rambled then grabbed the girls hands and lead them out the school into her car.

She sat in the drivers seat and took a couple of deep breaths then asked the girls how their first day was they took it in turns to tell Ziva everything they did
"We did morning work were we got to write about what ever we wanted to do I wrote about the game me and Kaidy played with out dolls yesterday"
"And I wrote about when we made pasta together" Tali said excitedly "then we got to trace letters and words that spelt our names and numbers"
"Then we was allowed to explore outside and collect bugs, we got lot of cheesy bugs" Kai explained again
"We all sat around on the floor reading little red riding hood"
"We got to write our own versions of the story and did more writing"
"And we got to learn about the months and days on a umm caleder"
"And we did art, maths and sounds" the girls giggled
"And last we did the alphabet but we got it wrong" Tali mumbled
"No you didn't Tali it's not your fault you where confused, she should have specified more" Ziva reassured them.

"Let's get ice cream" Ziva smiled pulling into the mall car park
"Yay" both the girls squealed running ahead of Ziva into the mall
"Girls slow down" Ziva called after them laughing at their excitement
"Sorry Ima" Kai apologised
"It's okay let's go"

They entered the mall together looking for somewhere to get icecream
"Can we go there" Tali smiled
"Sure, okay with you" Ziva asked Kai
"Yes" Kai answered happily
Ziva lead the girls inside and ordered them two milk chocolate nutty ices, coffees for the rest of the team and a caf-pow for Abby. She gave the girls their ice creams and took them back to the car.

Ziva lead the girls into the bullpen, while she gave out the coffees they ran up to Tony and told him all about their day then almost as soon as they finished Gibbs came up so they ran over to tell him about their day as well.

Around 1800 Gibbs let, Tony, Ziva, Palmer, Bishop and Abby leave as they all had young children so Tony and Ziva got back into Zivas car and drove back to their house which was only about 15-20 minutes depending on traffic and the girls school was in between about 10 minutes from NCIS.

Tony re heated some food for the girls from the night before then Ziva took them up to bed and read with them for a couple minutes. By 1900 both the girls where fast asleep and she returned downstairs to Tony who was making them dinner.

"You know, when I got there their teacher was scalding them" Ziva mentioned over dinner
"It's scolding not scalding" Tony told her "what about"
"They got confused and said the Aleph-bet instead of the alphabet"
"That's not their fault" Tony agreed.

Tony cleared the table then he and Ziva started heading up to bed.

A/N - Omg I'm so sorry I didn't realise how long I had off from here , here's an update sorry for the long wait
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