60 - Fingerprints...

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"The fingerprints belong to Kaida, our Kaida" Abby grinned "Where did you get them" Abby eventually asked

"They're Avas" Gibbs mumbled

"I'm sorry" Ava said running out the room

"Kai" Ziva whispered going after her

Ziva eventually caught up with her

"Kai" she said scooping her up "You knew who we were" Ziva asked

"Yes" Kai whispered looking down

"Why didn't you say anything tateleh" Ziva asked rocking her lightly, Kai was nearly in full blown tears

"Mom told me you were dead" Kai cried scrunching Ziva's shirt in her fists "Where's Tali" she asked sobbing "Mom told me she was dead too"

"She's at Abby's" Ziva said comforting Kai "It's okay tateleh, calm down and tell me what happened"

Kai took a few deep breaths then began explaining "We were all playing in the snow" "I ran away from the snowballs and crashed into Lisa"

"She took me inside for cocoa, she told me that while I was with her there was a fire at home and we had to leave"

"She told me you where all dead" Kai cried in Ziva's arms

"It's okay" Ziva kissed Kai's hair "Shall we go see Gibbs and Abba" Ziva asked perching Kai on her hip

"Why didn't you find me" Kai asked

"We tried, so hard tateleh" Ziva said tightening her arms around her now 8 year old "Tali missed you so much, so did Abba and I"

"What's going to happen to Mom" Kai asked laying her head on Ziva's shoulder

"I don't know, we'll have to wait till she gets here" Ziva smiled at Kai, her little girl "Lets go back to Gibbs and Abba" Ziva smiled again

"Where's uncle Tim" Kai asked she knew that he would usually come to cases like these

"He should be on his way, we can check with Gibbs" Ziva smiled, what had this woman said to her

"Tony" She grinned "She admitted it, she's our Kaida" Ziva smiled holding Kai in her arms

"Kai" Tony grinned taking Kai from Ziva "Oh Kai, I can't believe it's you, we spent months searching for you, Tali misses you so much, she doesn't let Jacey or Gracie touch anything that's yours everything has been kept ready for you" he grinned at her "I will never let you go ever again" he swore kissing her fore head tears threatening to spill

"Don't cry Abba" she smiled through her own tears "I can come home" she grinned "right" she asked loosing the grin

"Of course" Ziva smiled stepping in

Gibbs was on the phone to McGee "McGee go to Lisa Sawyers house and pick her up now" he barked slamming it on the table

"You might break it Gibbs" Kai laughed hugging him

"I missed you kid" he smiled

"I missed you too" she said hugging him so tightly

Ziva filled Gibbs in on everything Kai told her.

"Gibbs" McGee said sticking his head through the door "Lisa Sawyers is in interrogation" he left as Gibbs followed him down all the complicated hallways, they weren't at NCIS and he had no idea where interrogation was

"Miss Sawyers" Gibbs said sitting opposite the monster of a woman

"Where is my daughter" she asked massaging her fingers against her temple

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