58 - New case

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"David, DiNozzo, McGee" Gibbs barked across the bullpen "We have a hostage situation Minnesota" "Our flight leaves in one hour" he added leaving again

Ziva called Jenny and asked her to babysit for them, she luckily agreed to pick Gracie and Tali up after school and if Ziva could text Jacey she would be happy for her to come over as well. Ziva sent Jacey a short text telling her the basic things about the case and for her to look after her sisters for the next few days.

The team got their bags from under their desks and set off towards the airport, it would have been a 19 hour drive but as the case was high priority they where taking a 4 hour flight.

They quite quickly arrived and set up, they where told a man and a woman had taken a whole bus of children hostage , the children where on their way to a school trip to a zoo when the two climbed on board and took them hostage.

ON THE BUS (4 hours prior)

"Ava" "Are you sure it's a good idea" Isabella whispered, the two had been sitting next to each other on the bus when it was taken over

"Yes Issie, it'll work" Ava promised, she slipped her iPod into the bag with everyone elses phones, you couldn't tell it was an iPod against all the other 3rd and 4th graders phones, the case bulked it up quite a bit and the woman with the gun didn't even blink an eye as Ava dropped it in

"see" she hissed when the woman was out of ear shot

She quickly tapped away at the buttons keeping the phone hidden, she touch typed Issie's dads number as he was a marine and would know what to do she kept the message simple only saying what she needed to 'SOS, guns, taken hostage' was all she got before the woman turned back round and she had to hit send, she was disparately hoping that she hadn't made any drastic spelling mistakes but she couldn't get her phone out to check.

Issie's dad received the message only seconds later and took it to NCIS


"come on Tony" Ziva nudged, he was mucking around instead of working "Imagine if it was Tali or Kai"

"Sorry Zi" he sighed going back to work

"What you got" Gibbs asked, this wasn't an ordinary case there were children involved and they all knew what it was like to have their kids missing, Tony and Ziva more than the others

"Susan Cowx and Jason Cowx" Tony said putting the pictures up on the screen "Brother and sister"

"Escaped from custody this morning" Ziva interrupted "They are facing charges of burglary and manslaughter"

"One of the students was able to get a text out, so we know they have guns and have been tracking them around all morning" McGee informed them still tapping at his computer

"What's this kids name" Gibbs asked

"Ava" McGee replied "She sent the text to her friend Evie's father who's a marine and called us" McGee explained

"The parents will want to know whats happening" DiNozzo said

"You just volunteered yourself DiNozzo" Gibbs ordered sipping his coffee "David with him".

The two walked down the the room where all the parents where waiting as slow as they possibly could, although they would want to know if they where in the parents shoes they really didn't want to be the ones to tell them that the people holding their children had guns or that they where wanted for something else that resulted in the death of another human.

Taking a deep breath Ziva pushed open the doors with Tony following close behind her, everyone turned to face them as they stepped in

"Are you the ones responsible for finding our children" one of the mums asked#

"Yes we are and I can assure you we are doing everything we can to get them back safe" Ziva nodded standing with Tony in front of the whole group of parents who looked ready to trample all over them

"I'm Agent DiNozzo, this is Agent David" Tony added introducing them

"How did they even get in this position" another asked

"The two people on board, acted as though they needed help to get the bus driver to pull over then held the driver at gunpoint to force him to drive until they get the ransom money"

"We are going to pay, right?" another asked

"We are doing our best to get them back without transferring any money" Ziva nodded

"You don't have any kids do you Agent David" one of the fathers asked stepping forward

"Yes actually I do" she said doing her best to smile at the parents

"How many" the man demanded

"I have uhm 4" she said

"Oh really" he looked at her, glaring straight into her eyes

"A 15 year old step-daughter, twin 8 year olds and a 2 year old" she said keeping her cool and smiling at the parents, surely he was just worried for the kids

"And how about you Agent DiNozzo" he asked swiveling on his heels

"4 daughters, Agent David is my girlfriend" he clarified

After that the man pretty much stepped back into the crowd

"How do you know they have guns" another asked

"We have security footage from several cameras and one of the students was able to text us" DiNozzo explained

"What student" they all asked

"We believe it was Ava" Ziva stepped in "After that everyone received the ransom calls, 1000 per head"

They managed to get that over quite quickly heading back upstairs to continue their search, they had multiple swat teams ready for action but they couldn't deploy them until they knew that Susan and Jason wouldn't shoot any of the kids. They also had to wait for them to drive into a much more secluded area away from shops and houses, but it was almost like they knew that that was what they needed and where purposely avoiding those areas.

977 words

A/N - Sorry I haven't updated in forever (6 days) I had this written but I forgot to update

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