37 - Who's the father?

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It had been a couple of weeks since the girls started school which was going well for both of them they enjoyed it and had gotten into a new routine where Ziva got to work about 0745 after everyone else.

Today was different Ziva got in at her normal time but before she could even sit down Gibbs called her
"Ziva, elevator, now" her ordered grabbing his coffee and speeding off towards it with Ziva close behind. They stood in silence until the elevator was about halfway down and Gibbs flicked the switch
"Abby hasn't turned up and she won't answer her cell" Gibbs told her
"I'll go see her" Ziva said switching the elevator back on and walking out to her car.

"Abby" Ziva asked knocking on her front door, it was silent so she used her spare key and walked in. Abby was no where to be seen until Ziva got to Luca's bedroom, the 1 year old was sprawled out in his bed sleeping peacefully. Beside his crib was a curled up Abby sobbing.

"Abby" Ziva whispered lowering herself next to Abby
"Go away Ziva" Abby said harshly
"What's wrong" Ziva asked quietly, Abby was about to tell Ziva to go away again but ran to Luca's bathroom first, Ziva followed her and held her hair back while she threw up. As soon as she finished she collapsed next to the toilet leaning against the wall.

"What's wrong Abs" Ziva asked again
"I'm pregnant" she cried putting her head in her hands
"That's an amazing gift Abby" Ziva smiled hugging her from the side
"I tried to tell Luca's father" she paused sobbing "ab-bout Luca being his" "but he drank too much"
"It's okay Abby" Ziva comforted her
"He ended up getting me pregnant again" she sobbed into Ziva
"Who is he, I'll talk to him"
"I can't" "rule 12" she mumbled ashamed
"Well assuming neither Jimmy or Tony are cheating, you slept with Tim" Ziva guessed
"Yes" Abby mumbled again
"Gibbs let me and Tony go it will be fine" Ziva reassured her
"That's not what I was worried about, he was drunk both times"
"I'm sure he'll be thrilled, it's best to tell him" Ziva promised pulling Abby up and leading her to her room to get dressed.

Ziva sat Abby and Luca in her car then drove them to NCIS, "it'll be fine Abby, it's best to tell him before you have two children"
Ziva gave Luca to Tony then waited for Tim to come up, he eventually appeared with 3 cups of coffee, he threw one away finished another then started the third groaning he sat at his desk groaning clearly hungover.

"McGee we need to talk" Ziva told him practically dragging him and Abby to the elevator, switching it off she turned to Abby and nodded.
"Luca is your son McGee" Abby stuttered starting to breakdown and trying to hide behind Ziva
"And" Ziva urged her
"I'm pregnant" Abby added

McGee stood there shocked for a couple of seconds then stopped moving thinking and even breathing then switched the elevator back on and sped off for the head.

"He's just shocked" Ziva comforted Abby taking her down to her lab
"I'll go talk to him" she rushed off

"McGee" Ziva called through the room
"She didn't tell me Ziva"
"She didn't know how to" Ziva told him
"This whole time I've had a family right in front of me"
"And now you have the chance to be with them" "McGee you need to take that chance while it's still there" she warned
"But what if I ruin it all, I've already missed a year"
"Think about it, Tony met Tali when she was 3 and Kai when she was 4 you're in the same boat as him"
"I'm not a father though"
"Yes you are whether you want to be or not you are a father, the only choice you need to make now is whether you are going to be in your sons life or not" she said harshly
"Of course I want to be in his life but"
"Do you love Abby" she asked, silence
"Yes" he finally said
"Then you're halfway there you'll learn how to look after Luca" "now go talk to Abby" Ziva pushed him out the door he tried to resist but she forced him getting weird looks from the queue of people waiting outside.

Ziva walked back to the bullpen almost knocking Kai over, while she was talking to Tim and Abby Tony had picked the girls up from school
"What's wrong Tal" Ziva asked the little girl she was standing there tears threatening to spill from her eyes
"I was walking playing this game" Tali showed Ziva Tony's phone "and now I think I'm broken" she whispered
"Why do you think you're broken" Ziva asked
"Listen" Tali said shushing Ziva
"Tali sweetheart that's the game" Ziva said trying not to laugh
"Oh so I'm not broken" Tali asked
"No Tateleh, you're not" "come on" Ziva carried Tali back to the bullpen.

"Guys we have an announcement" Abby ran into the squad room with Tim and Luca close behind
"What is it" Gibbs asked confused all day Ziva and Tim had been gone
"Me and Tim are going to have another baby" she grinned
"Another" Gibbs asked
"Luca is Tims" Abby said
"Rule 12" Gibbs said
"But Gibbs what about us" Ziva asked as Abby's face fell
"Rule 12 - Relationships do not affect work" Gibbs finished and got up "I need coffee" he walked out

"Congrats guys" Tony smiled he was confused but he knew they where perfect for each other "why aren't you surprised" he asked Ziva who was calmly typing at her computer
"I already knew" she simply stated turning off her computer "well goodnight guys" she smiled hold Tali and Kai's hands and walking out.

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