28 - How?

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Carlos woke up super early, he knew Harry had been drinking a lot the night before so he took his chance, if Harry caught them he knew they would be dead but if they stayed there any longer Amanda would die anyway and he was almost certain that Harry wouldn't let them go until they were dead. Carlos crept around the three sleeping girls, Amanda was passed out on the single bed and the other two were on the floor tucked under the bed slightly. He spent a couple minutes fumbling around with the few clips he had before he managed to unlock the door, he gently woke Kayla and Tali then carrying Amanda he laid Tali across him and Tali, Kayla limped behind them she was the luckiest of the three when it came to Harrys beatings but she still struggled to walk.

Carlos helped Tali and Kayla into the back seats loosely strapping them in and putting Amanda in the front seat next to him, she was still passed out but she groaned slightly. Carlos started driving as slow as he could so there wasn't much noise to wake Harry but as soon as he was far enough away he started speeding, well over the speed limit but the girls were in so much pain he didn't think anyone would mind.

As soon as they pulled up at Hq they were surrounded by at least 6 other police vehicles, 4 dogs, and more than 10 officers

"Everyone come out with your hands up" one of Carlos' closest mates, Alex, called hating the way they had to treat Carlos but after all, it was their jobs.

"The girls can't walk, the oldest is passed out and Harry isn't with us" he tried his best to inform them and prove his innocence but still coming out with his hands up

"Carlos Ponce, you are under arrest for the abduction of Amanda Gibbs, Kayla Vance, and Talia David-DiNozzo, you do not have to say anything but anything you do say may be given as evidence"

A few people helped the girls out the car onto stretchers from three ambulances that had arrived while they were arresting Carlos, the ambulances drove them to the local hospital, they put Kayla and Amanda in one room in the teen ward for critical injuries and Tali in her own room three floors down in the kids ward. Ziva, Tony, Gibbs, and Jenny got to the hospital as soon as they could leaving Kai and Jared at Abby's house to make the trip easier, they didn't know how long they were going to be in Idaho so Tim offered to stay with Abby.

"Tali" Ziva smiled, tears streaming down her face as she examined her fragile daughter, whoever did this was going to regret it, no one could touch either of her angels and get away with it

"Ima" Tali mumbled letting the medication take over and falling asleep

"Why did we go back to NCIS," Tony asked himself sitting in the hospital chair with his head in his hands

"This had nothing to do with our jobs Tony," Ziva said walking over to Tony and rubbing his shoulder

"Yes, Ziva, it did" he shot up glaring at her

"No it did not, it was a random attack on three girls he wanted for toys"

"No, if those guys hadn't come to the bowling alley in the first place our baby would still be fine and we wouldn't be here right now, we would be on holiday like we planned!" he yelled moving away from her

"We do not know what they wanted yet!" Ziva said as Tony stormed out slamming the door

"Ima" Tali cried from her hospital bed tears falling down her face

"Don't worry Tali, everything will be fine" Ziva smiled at her taking a deep breath

"Wh-why was Daddy shouting" she sniffled

"He just cares about you" Ziva kissed Tali's head and laying with her tangled hair.

Tali managed to convince Ziva to lay with her so Tali cuddled into Ziva's side in silence

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