33 - home

445 23 2

Their holiday went much faster than they expected, all four of the girls ended up obsessed with Pokemon and even more addicted to their AG dolls, the older two girls got on very well and became a lot closer and all the adults enjoyed their time.

Tony was still curious about what upset Ziva near the beginning of the holiday but he knew better than to ruin their holiday and forcing her to talk about. He was also worried about how Tali and Amanda's would work out, both the girls had tried putting it, to him it appeared that Amanda had some memory of what happened but Tali had blocked all memories.

"Tony" Ziva said snapping her fingers in his face
"Huh, yeah" he jolted up, out of his thoughts
"They just called our flight" She helped Tali and Kai with their backpacks and handed Tony his
"Oh sorry"
"No problem my little Hairybutt" Ziva whispered in his ear laughing "and sit by me" she asked
"I can't, what about the girls" he apologised
"I'll sit with them" Amanda piped up from behind
"Oh, aah, Amanda don't scare me" Ziva laughed "are you sure"
"Of course, I love the girls" she smiled at Tony and Ziva

They arranged the seats the best they could, Amanda, Tali and Kai would sit on one side with Tony and Ziva on the other, next to Tony and Ziva would be Emily who would be helping Amanda if she needed it then Fornell sat with Gibbs and Jenny, other than that everyone was pretty much in the same seats.

"Hey Tony" Ziva asked him after they got in the air, other than them everyone was sleeping even the girls
"Yeah" he mumbled turning more towards her
"What were you thinking about earlier" she asked unbuckling her seatbelt
"Oh uh, things" he said although it sounded more like a question
"What's wrong Tony" Ziva started worrying, why wasn't he telling her what these 'things'
"Okay then" he started "I was thinking about why you where do upset on a couple of the days" he confessed, he hoped she wouldn't get annoyed with him
"Oh" "uhm well you know Tali" she paused, tears starting to form in her eyes "my sister" she confirmed "it was the anniversary of her death" she crawled over to Tony into his lap, he happily wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight
"I'm sorry Zi" he smiled sadly gently placing a kiss on her head
"It's not your fault Tony" she allowed herself to fall asleep in his arms.

"Ziva beautiful wake up" Tony gently shook her
"5 more minutes" she grumbled turning her head away from him
"No sorry Zi, we're landing soon" he rolled her into her own seat where she woke up more and plugged herself in.

They finally said goodbye to the rest of the team and went straight to bed, after all it was only 3am and they where exhausted.

None of them woke up until 1200 when Tali and Kai came running into their room giggling
"Go back to sleep girls" Ziva rolled away from them
"No Ima it's lunch time" Kai moaned
"Really" Ziva groaned
"Yes really Ima, we read the clock" Tali added dragging Ziva by her hand to the edge of her bed
"Ima" Kai complained
"Upghh" Ziva moaned as she rolled over and hit the floor
"Ima" the girls cried crouching down to her
"I'm fine girls get Abba to get you some cereal" she slowly sat up and walked to the bathroom.

"C'mon girls" Tony held their hands and raced down the stairs with them
"Can we have pancakes" Tali asked when they got to the kitchen
"Not today sweetheart" Tony smiled untangling her hair slightly
"Why not Abba" she asked slightly upset
"Because we have cereal today" Tony said finding the cereals
"But I don't want that Abba" Tali crossed her arms
"We have no one else to eat the cereal" Tony said
"So I have to eat it to finish it" Tali asked
"Exactly princess" Tony smiled, he turned his attention to Kai who was playing in her own world.

Eventually Ziva came down with wet hair and a pile of papers
"Hey Zi" Tony smiled pulling her in for a kiss
"Ew, Ima abba" the girls moaned,
Tony and Ziva faced them laughing
"You okay" Tony whispered so the girls wouldn't hear
"I'm fine"
"I saw you flinch Baby" Tony stroked her cheek
"I must've bruised my back earlier" Ziva smiled and laid the papers across the kitchen counter.

"It's Amanda and Tali's court hearing tomorrow" Ziva groaned "if I get my hands on him I will-"
"Ziva" Tony warned "he will get justice"
"In Mossad he would have been have been killed by now" She growled then stopped "no he wouldn't" "but I will her him I swear"
"You're not going then" Tony said, he clearly had some sense left in him
"Khara, I'm not leaving my baby girl to go through that alone" she swore
"Fine, where's Kai going to go" Tony changed the subject
"Abby said she would be happy to take him but they might need her for evidence so Jimmy might take Kai and Luca" Ziva rambled spreading the papers out even more.

They spent the rest of the day trying to talk about the case and trying to tell Tali about what was happening the next day but she wouldn't listen and didn't want to know.

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