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Okay so the fast forward is going to be written differently to the normal book and this is how it works:

At the beginning of most chapters I will state how many months it has been since the fast forward began. 

For example

5 months:

Then on another chapter it may say

8 months

That doesn't mean it's been 8 months since it had been 5 months but instead means it has been 8 months since the fast forward began.

It's actually been 3 months since it's been 5 months.

^ that probably sounds so confusing but hopefully it makes a bit of sense. 

Just take the fast forward time that will be in bold as a guidance of how much time has moved on from the beginning of the fast forward, not the previous chapter.

If you get confused, just ask me and I will try and make more sense of it :)

Bad Desire: New Beginnings - Fast ForwardWhere stories live. Discover now