Chapter 49

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It was the day after Sophie and Felix had spent the afternoon putting Phoebe's new room together. Considering they were only relying on having the basics and needing to take a few more trips to DIY shops before they could do a perfect job, they had done pretty well.

Now was the first test for Sophie on whether or not she could do as she hoped to prove and that was be a working mum while in the control of her daughter.

She was back at work after having the previous day off and after having Phoebe sit in her office for a good three hours, she could tell the 2 year old was reaching boredom therefore Sophie had called her mum. Thankfully, Estee was in London so that meant she could spare an hour or two and take Phoebe out to keep her entertained. It worked out perfectly with timing because Sophie had reached that part of her day where she had countless of meetings alongside interviews to get through.

When she was finally heading back to her office after sitting in the longest meeting of her life, she was ready to see the first person she would be interviewing. She had advertised for the role of an assistant for herself and needed someone to basically help out on all the boring and tedious tasks of her job.

She wasn't sure how it would all work out but for now she just wanted to meet and interview some people to get an idea of who would be up for taking on that challenge. However, as she confidently made her way through the large building, Sophie suddenly stopped dead in her tracks as she took note of the figure through the window of her office.

"What the fuck?" She mumbled under her breath as Erika was sat in the chair, swinging back and forth in a rhythmic motion. "No way!"

Walking backwards, she then turned around until she bumped straight into Felix, taking him completely off guard.

"Woah shit, sassy Sally." He lifted his coffee up in the air to try to prevent it from spilling. He did a good job to prevent the mess when only a few drops went over the side due to being so startled and the impact. "Where are you going?"

"Did you see the girl who went in there?!" Sophie barely answered his question as she turned around to point back to her office.

"Yeah, I let her in."

Felix had taken on the job himself of greeting all the candidates that Sophie would be interviewing today. He did it partly because he was extremely nosey and just wanted to see what each were like but also because in his good friend nature, he was helping Sophie out due to knowing her busy schedule since being back and having to look after Phoebe at the same time.

"That's my ex's fiancée! The one I have been telling you about."

No other explanation was necessary for Felix to pick up on the same shock that Sophie was experiencing. He had heard every last detail about this girl after him and Sophie had been back and forth on facetime and text with every little thing she was doing wrong.

Since the terrible first meeting Sophie had experienced with Erika, she had hoped it had just been a one time thing. She understood that Erika was a little uncomfortable thus making her insecure, so had just let it slide. However, it had not stopped there as had been expected.

Erika had continued to act extremely short with Sophie whenever she saw her around and had also latched onto Juliet with both hands. She had been trying to make a clear point that Juliet was now her 'little sister' and that Sophie didn't need to be in the way of that anymore. Then lastly, she had also organised many gatherings and made last minute invites to individuals when they were around Sophie, yet not providing Sophie with one herself, even just out of politeness.

It could have been argued against Sophie's views on the situations from other's perspectives and not all may agree that Erika was really doing anything out of spite. However, it was bothering Sophie enough to not want to have to see this girl ever again if she could get away with it.
Therefore, showing up to her office to see Erika sat waiting the opposite side of her desk was every bit of shocking.

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