Chapter 55

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It was the day after Jack and Dan had rushed home from Cambridge, due to Louise's state and everyone was gathered at his and Jess' house for dinner.

They had been into the hospital all morning and afternoon but considering Louise had slept for the majority of that time, they had reluctantly come home on the doctor's advice and Louise's persistence.

She didn't want them all moping around after her and feeling as though they couldn't get on with their own days just because she wasn't there.

She had started her treatment today and had wanted to be alone to take the time to process what was happening.

Therefore, Connor, Gemma and their two children alongside Dan had come to Jack and Jess' however; it had been difficult to create a conversation that didn't very quickly turn to Louise.

"Are you gonna be alright tonight, Dad?" Jack asked, looking across at Dan who was the other side of the table.

"Yeah, I'll be alright." Was his attempted reassuring response.

He had stayed at the hospital the previous night with Louise but was going to be sleeping alone in their home tonight. Therefore, Jack couldn't help but worry knowing that the loneliness of the situation would make him unable to stop overthinking everything.

"Do you wanna stay here? We've got loads of room." Jack went onto ask and Connor was looking between them both.

"Nah honestly, I'll be alright. You don't need to worry about me, son." Dan chuckled as he reached out for his beer.

"Alright." Jack nodded along even though he could read right through him.

Jack and Dan were close and he knew when his dad wasn't being completely truthful. He was trying to act strong over the whole situation and like Louise, keeping both Jack and Connor from worrying.

There were around ten minutes where the conversation drifted elsewhere before Dan got up to head to the bathroom. The moment he left the room, the façade had been washed off the brother's faces as they instantly broke back into concern.

"He's not going to be alright. He's bullshitting." Jack looked to Connor who instantly nodded his head.

"He won't let you have him here though. He'll feel like a burden."

"But we can't leave him alone, not tonight."

Both Connor and Jack had found themselves in a difficult situation they had never imagined experiencing. Although Dan was a grown man and continued to insist that he was absolutely fine and could handle the awful news alone, they knew that wasn't true.

He was hurting inside and even though he kept pushing their help away, they were not going to let it slide and would ensure to be there for him every step of the way.

They were both hurting just as much but the difference was that they both had their wives and children to provide that constant support and distraction. Dan didn't have that. His wife was the one laying in a hospital bed right now instead of being home with him, where she belonged.

"Why don't I see if Harv and Lucas wanna stay with him?" Jack then sparked up an idea. "They could stay for a night or two to keep him company."

The idea didn't seem like such a bad one to Connor who knew Dan would enjoy it. Both the boys adored Dan and would probably be buzzing at the idea of getting to spend a few nights with him.

Dan was so laid back and was always the one to let the kids do all the things they wouldn't be able to do at home. Therefore, that point alone was always enough to force excitement into them over it.

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