Chapter 87

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"Hi." She smiled, looking slightly awkward. "I hope now isn't a bad time."

She couldn't have picked a worse time to be quite honest but of course Jack wasn't going to say that to her face.

"Carly, isn't it?" His full attention was now on the woman he remembered from years back.

Carly was Kian's guardian, she was a 'friend' of Jazmine's and had part custody over the little boy. She had been the woman to take Kian off their hands when he had stayed with them a few years ago and she was now obviously back to discuss the recent news Jack had received.

"That's right." She politely replied before grinning at the children.

She had a friendly face and a friendly aura about her, something Jazmine rarely possessed therefore, Jack was grateful that she was clearly going to be the person he was dealing with.

"I'm sure you can guess, but I'm here to talk about... Kian." She said the last part in a whisper, not knowing if the kids were aware.

Glimpsing over at Jess, Jack gave the same clueless expression, as they both had clearly not known that Carly would be showing up today. They had been given no notice and they had only received the DNA results the previous day.

"I was told the results by Jazmine." Carly filled them in, noticing their confusion.

"Oh right, of course." Jack finally recollected himself. "Do you want to go in the other room and we can talk."

"That's great, yeah." Carly agreed leaving the kitchen while Jack hovered back for a moment.

"Are you coming?" He looked at Jess who was showing no signs of moving.

"No, this is for you to sort out. I'll watch the kids." She replied and Jack instantly picked up on the strong emotions running through her. She wanted to cry.

"Okay." He nodded, slightly disappointed but understanding her reasons before following Carly into the living room.


"Firstly, I'm sorry Jazmine has caused your family so much grief." Carly apologised, looking genuinely guilty. "I believed her previous drama when she messed you around. I was stupid to."

Jack nodded his head, as he did understand. Jazmine could be so manipulative, it was how she was brought up and he knew Carly was just putting Kian first.

"And I understand that you must be dealing with so many emotions right now."

"It's a lot to process, yeah." Jack agreed, completely undermining the more extreme emotions he was truly feeling. "But what happens now?"

"Well I don't know how much Jazmine has told you about Kian but she doesn't have full control over him. He's not in her care."

Carly's comment took Jack by surprise. Jazmine had been acting as though he was all this time however, Jack could guess why he wasn't.

"Is he in your care?" Jack asked.

"Yes. She sees him every weekend... nearly, but I'm his permanent guardian at the moment."

Jack could hear the unease in Carly's voice as she spoke. This was probably just as terrifying for her as it was for him. She had been the woman in Kian's life, the one to look after him and bring him up to be the little boy he was now. She was obviously terrified that all of her hard work would be taken away from her.

She obviously loved this little boy so much and she didn't want to lose him however, she also knew that with Jack being his biological dad, he would eventually have power.

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