Chapter 104 - Part 1

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A few weeks later:

It was the morning of their Anniversary and Jess was tiredly walking down the stairs on the hunt for a missing Jack. Heading into the kitchen when there was still no sign of him, she was met with a beautiful sight.

At the end of the kitchen table were two huge balloons; the first being a 1 and the second being a 0. Then on the table, there was not only steaming hot coffee but also a breakfast laid out and finally a card.

Reaching down to pick up the card, Jess cautiously opened it and read the words scribbled on in Jack's messy handwriting.

'I've just gone to get petrol, I'll be back soon.

You have about 20 minutes to eat this breakfast and pack a case before I get back.

Make sure you bring your passport :)

Ps. Happy 10 years beautiful. I love you so much xxx'

Jess just stood in awe at the card in front of her, her heart filling with so much love and shock to what she had just read.

When Jack had suggested that his parents look after the kids for their anniversary, this was not what she was expecting.

She stood and stared at the card for a good few minutes while she tried to process what was going on. He said to pack a passport? Where the hell were they going?

Being unable to sit down and eat her breakfast due to her mind being all over the place with excitement, Jess took it upstairs with her instead.

She was eating it and sipping the coffee all while attempting to pack a bag and trying to get in touch with Jack. She couldn't pack a case when she didn't know where she was going. It was impossible!

After those promised 20 minutes passed, Jess heard the roaring of Jack's engine as he pulled up onto the drive. Looking out their bedroom window, she watched as he got out and walked through the front door and before he got chance to head for the stairs, she was running down them and throwing herself into his arms.

"Woah!" Jack laughed, wrapping his arms around her and steadying them both.

"I love you so so so much!" She beamed, pulling back slightly so she could press her lips to his.

"I hope your case is packed. Mine's in the car." Jack responded with a smug expression over his face while Jess' eyes widened.

"What? No! I can't pack until I know what's happening."

Laughing, Jack began making his way upstairs to which Jess instantly followed.

"How did I guess you wouldn't do as I asked?"

Wrapping her arms around Jack from behind as he walked down the hallway to their bedroom, his hands were placed over her own.

"Please just tell me." She rested the side of her head against his back, attempting to hug the answer out of him but Jack resisted.

"This is a good start." He instead just chuckled at the underwear Jess had put in. "These are... wow."

As Jack held some up in a teasing manner, Jess rolled her eyes as she reached out to grab them from him.

"Stop and help me Jack!" She laughed, as he turned it into a game and kept lifting them higher.

He knew for a fact Jess couldn't reach unless she grabbed some heels with an insane amount of height to them.

"Just pack some clothes." Jack answered simply, as though her concerns were stupid.

For a guy it was always so easy but putting outfits together for most females meant needing to know exactly what would be happening while they were away.

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