You're Beautiful (2)

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Nessuno's POV

"Ugh, I do not want to go to work!" I whined for the hundredth time today.

"I know." My best friend, Missie, said. I knew she was getting tired of hearing me complain but I didn't care. As a best friend, she signed up for this kind of torture. I complain a lot and I have no shame. There's no joy in my job, so every day is dreadful. Like who wants to be a server and deal with assholes all day? Not me. I'm currently working 3 different jobs to help pay my portion of the rent and other bills. Missie and I live together and of course, chose the most expensive place to live. I suppose if I weren't also saving for a car I wouldn't need 3 jobs. Even though Sebastian has his own place, he's always here, so that's fun. work at a nice restaurant twice a week, then I work at the bookstore the other days of the week, and I work at an animal shelter on weekends. It all works out quite well, I just never have any damn spare time. During the time I am not at work, I am either at school or doing extra work at the shelter.

I enjoy everything I do. Not necessarily the restaurant though. I hate working around food. All you deal with are short-tempered people who easily get upset for either waiting too long or something being incorrect on their order. As if it's so fucking hard to just stay home and cook your own damn food. Granted, Castellanos makes the most amazing Italian food I've ever had. A perk of being an employee is a discounted meal each shift. Yeah, no free meals but half off isn't so bad. Considering our prices are through the roof. I never understood how we can make so much money and still get shit pay.

In case you were wondering, that is the job I have to be at in ten minutes. I am always excited to go to work when it's the bookstore or the shelter. However, I dread Tuesdays and Thursdays because those are the days I have to come here. After being long enough, you'll end up loathing the smell of garlic. Another reason I hate this place. With no time to actually cook myself, I usually eat here since it's somewhat cheap. After eating it for so long I've lost the taste for garlic breadsticks. Which is a tragedy if you think about it.

Everything was going well today. I clocked in and set off to do my duties. I got a bunch of tips which made me very happy. The day was almost bearable.

"Hey Nessie, Sebastian is here to see you," Kristy said as she floated on by with drinks on her tray. I squealed internally and rushed out to see him. I loved this little fucker and can never get enough of him. He was honestly the cutest thing ever. We met at a pride parade a few years back. I enjoy volunteering at the shelter with him. He makes everything so much more interesting. Even though I spend almost every day with him, I enjoy his presence.

"Sebby poo!" I exclaimed. A few diners looked over at me but I ignored them. Sebastian engulfed me in his classic bone-crushing hugs. He said that hugging me is like hugging a giant marshmallow and he just loves to squish me. It makes me smile every time.

"Hey, bitch! This is my boss, Ruvik." He said as he pulled back. My eyes traveled over to the sexiest eye candy in the world. My mood immediately dropped when I saw he was staring at me with disgust.

"Sebastian, you didn't say they serve pig here" He muttered. I gasped silently and looked over to Sebastian for help. Internally I wished I were anywhere but here. My skin was on fire as my body seized up in anxiety. I could feel his eyes rake over my body like cockroaches. My eyes started to water and I willed them to go away. Not here, not right now. Swallowing I pushed down the tears and willed myself to calm down. This was nothing that I wasn't used to. Years and years of being bullied for my weight, this is nothing.

"What?" Sebastian asked.

"You heard what I said. Is there another server? She's ruining my appetite." His boss, Ruvik, said. Ouch. That hit a nerve. Clawing at my wrist I willed this to be over. It felt as though everything was moving in slow motion.

"I'll go see if Brittany is available. It was nice seeing you boo." I said and kissed Sebastian goodbye. I heard Ruvik telling Sebastian to sanitize his cheek like I am some diseased pig. I am well aware of my weight. I've been big my entire life. It has taken me a long time to like my body after high school, and now I feel like all my progress has been erased by this one interaction.

"Babe. I am so so so sorry. I didn't know he was going to be such a complete ass." Sebastian said from behind me, scaring the crap out of me.

"No need to apologize babe. You know I don't let that shit get to me anymore. I mean look at me, I am sexy as fuck." I said and twirled around. He giggled and snapped his fingers in a "Z" formation.

"Yaasss queen yaaasss." He exclaimed in his flamboyant voice.

Sebastian gave me a quick hug and left me to calm down and return to work. After three more long hours, I finally got to go back home. Missie fell asleep on the sofa again so I quietly walked to my room. She told me to wake her when I got home but I decided not to. I knew that if I did she would read the look on my face and demand that I tell her what happened. I already had a bunch of missed calls from Sebastian and shit ton of ranting texts from him about his boss. To be honest I don't have it in me to care for his needs right now. I was publicly attacked by a man I don't even know, then had to proceed to work my short shift regardless of how I am doing mentally. Sebastian is sorry, but he doesn't have to be. Ruvik is the one who needs a new soul because clearly he doesn't have one. I understand assholes in school bullying to undermine their own issues and to be cool in front of their friends. What I don't understand is a grown-ass adult being so cruel for no reason.

Laying in bed I decide to reflect on my day and of course overthink. I replay the scene over and over in my head, thinking of different ways it could have gone. Slowly I dozed off. My dreams were filled with a sexy god who despises me. My toxic brain romanticizing and fantasizing about what will never happen.



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