Rekindled Friendship (10)

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Nessuno's POV

Jefferey escaped with us. I knew Ruben would have a fucking cow when he found out. Jefferey wanted to play catch up with me. Honestly, I didn't want to. If he cared enough to know these things he would have stayed. I just want to go home.

Here we sat at Missie's job, deciding on what we want to order. Lucky for us she's here working. Even though I'm not in the mood for Chinese, we got a discount here. We definitely stood out. Not only were we the only ones in the restaurant, but we were dressed for a very formal event we abandoned.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Sebastian informed the group.

"Please be careful," I said quietly. The last time he went to the men's bathroom alone, he got jumped for being gay. Even though we are the only ones here right now, I still worry. Ever since someone has been with him. He told me that even his boss, his old boss, never let him go alone after that. Sebastian spoke so highly of his boss. It was a shock to both of us that he turned out to be such a dick.

"I will babe. Be right back," he said and sashayed away.

"So he's an interesting character. Is he single?" Jefferey asked once Sebastian is gone.

"Yup," I replied.

"Are you mad at me or something. You've barely said more than a word to me all night." He sighed.

"It's whatever," I shrugged. That's a lie but I really didn't want to have this conversation right now.

"No, it's not. Tell me. What did I do?" He pleaded.

"You fucking left! That's what you did." I yelled, surprising him and myself, and stood to leave. I didn't need this shit tonight. I've been through enough this week. Mentally, I could not handle it anymore.

"Char, wait," He grabbed my arm, preventing me from leaving the restaurant.

"Leave me alone!" I snatched my arm out of his hold.

Missie appeared out of nowhere and with a blink of an eye she's in Jefferey's face.

"What's going on here?" She demanded angrily.

"Charlotte is an old friend of mine. She's upset with me and I just want to explain to her what happened." He said helplessly.

"Nessie?" She asked, her eyes continued to shoot daggers at Jefferey.

"Can we please sit and talk about this?" He asked, looking around Missie. His pleading, helpless eyes caused me to cave once again.

"I guess," I mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed for my outburst.

We sat back down and I returned to browsing the menu. Jefferey reclaimed his seat across from me and fumbled with his fingers until he finally spoke. "My parents sent me away to this camp. It was a camp that basically beat the gay out of you. That's why I was gone. I couldn't send you letters or anything. I missed you every day that I was gone. You were the only one that made me proud to be myself."

I stared at him, unsure of what to say. All of these years I thought he abandoned me as everyone else did. Now, I felt like the hugest asshole for being so involved in my own mess, that I didn't even consider that something bad could have happened to him.

"I'm so sorry Jeffie," I whispered. Tears started to fill my eyes as I thought back on all of the hate I had for him for leaving me. Now I know that it wasn't his fault. While he was being beaten and tortured, I was hating him. If I had known, I would have done anything to save him.

"Don't cry, babe. It's over." He whispered and moved to sit next to me. I didn't realize that I was full-on sobbing. He wrapped his arms around my shaking body and pulled me close. It made me feel even worse because here he is comforting me when I'm the asshole. I buried my face in his chest, completely forgetting about my makeup.

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