The Garden (31)

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Chapter 31: The Garden

Ruvik's POV

Watching Nessie dance and sing with her friends was a luxury I hope never ends. Money doesn't buy happiness. That's something I learned a long time ago. It is something that Nessie had shown me tonight. Granted, alcohol was involved. I quickly learned that Nessie isn't a big alcohol drinker. Missie and Sebastian, however, didn't last long. Sebastian didn't make it far. He's sprawled out on the sofa. Missie had gone to her room before going to bed. Nessie was cleaning up their empty cups and throwing away the empty bottles despite me telling her that the cleaning staff would do it in the morning. I decided to not be completely useless and help out.

"Is it weird that I'm not even tired?" Nessie asked as we walked the trash outside.

"Well, we're 6 hours ahead here so it makes sense," I responded.

"I never even noticed. Which is odd. I think I was too distracted to even notice." Nessie giggled.

"Well, since you're not tired, would you like to go for a walk?" I offered.

"That sounds nice." She smiled.

"Great. I'd love to show you the garden. It's really pretty at night." I offered my arm and she took it. I took her down the winding path just off of the side of the house. The garden was a little bit of ways away from the house.

"Oh wow. Ruben Victoriano just described something as pretty." Nessie teased.

"What's wrong with that?" I chuckled.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with it. I just didn't take you as the type of man who enjoyed anything." Nessie paused, then burst out in laughter. I couldn't help but join her.

"Okay, I'll give you that," I said in defeat. I've prided myself on showing no emotion. Ever since I left home, I made sure no one would ever be able to hurt me. Showing emotion means weakness.

"I'm just teasing you. You know that, right?" Nessie looked up at me with a permanent smile on her face. We continued to walk down the graveled path. The entrance to the garden was just ahead. Two large standing lanterns stood just inside of the entrance lighting the way. I could see it from here. Who knows how long it has been since I've been to this house, let alone this garden. The staff keeps it maintained and beautiful even though no one is around to admire it.

"You are? I don't know, my feelings are pretty hurt." I feigned a hurt expression. Nessie, of course, saw right through it. She playfully punched me in the arm with a giggle. We approached the entrance of the garden. A large iron gate was the only thing that stood in the way. I stopped and turned to Nessie.

"I am human. Of course, I find beauty in many things. I have to. The world is filled with so much hate. I was raised with so much hatred and ugliness. So everywhere I go, no matter where I am, I take the time to appreciate the beauty in things. It's why I got into publishing. I enjoy reading and getting lost in worlds other people create." I've never been the type to wear my heart on my sleeve. But a part of me really wanted to show Nessie that I'm not the heartless ape she makes me out to be. Or maybe I just needed to prove it to myself. After being heartless for so long, I need to make sure that I'm not completely gone. Finding beauty in things is a way for me to hold onto sanity.

"I never knew that. It is the same reason I like to read. The perfect escape." Nessie smiled.

"I hope you enjoy the garden. It has been a long time since I've been here." I sighed sadly.

"I look forward to seeing it." She chirped excitedly. I pushed open the rusty gate. It creaked loudly as I pushed it open. There were two large hedges that led down the path. If I remember correctly, there's a large fountain at the end of that part. Marking the center of the entire garden.

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