We're All Fucked Up (34)

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Chapter 34: We're All Fucked Up

* Trigger Warning: Blood*

Nessuno's POV

I woke to a loud noise downstairs. Ruben was fast asleep from the day we had. I didn't know I was so sex-crazed until I met him. I experienced regret as soon as I sat up. Pain coursed through my entire body. It'd be an understatement to say I'm out of shape and Ruben really put me through it. There was another loud thump that caused me to jump. I hurried out of bed and headed to the stairs. The thought of waking up Ruben to check it out himself crossed my mind. Mama ain't raise no bitch. She may have raised an emotionally unstable human being, but no bitch. I saw a limp figure lying by the open door. Sebastian was hovering, panting as if he's out of breath. I hurried down the stairs.

"What the hell happened??" I gasped once I saw that the limp figure was Jefferey. His face was bloodied and bruised. Jefferey laid there unconscious while Sebastian stared at him bewildered.

"Sebastian!" I hissed, trying to get his attention. He jerked as if he's being pulled out of a trance and turned to face me.

"He called me. When I arrived, I found him like this." Sebastian said.

"Okay..." I began. "What happened before that."

"We... we had sex, and..." Sebastian began to sob. I walked over to the closet next to the front door. If I remembered correctly, Ruben said there's first aid in every closet and bathroom here. He looked at me funny when I looked at him funny for putting first aides in the closet. However, I was grateful for it being there now. After I got it, I sat it down on the glass table in the little milieu right by the front door.

"Help me get him to the couch," I commanded Sebastian. We both lifted Jefferey, who for a man weighed a ton, to the couch. I turned on the light and ordered Sebastian to sit on the chair next to the couch. He did as he was told and I started to work on patching Jefferey up.

"Okay, so you two had sex, then what?" I asked.

"He... he, like, totally freaked out afterward." Sebastian sniffled.

"Freaked out how?" I pushed for more details. Both of Jefferey's eyes were swollen shut. His bottom lip was busted open and swollen as well. There was blood slowly oozing out of various openings on his face. A nasty gash rested on his forehead that may need more than a first aid kit.

"He kept saying, 'I'm not gay. I'm not gay.'. And he was rocking back and forth like he was having some kind of mental episode. I'm used to those, so I tried my best to help him. Next thing I know, he punches me in the face and leaves. A few hours after, he calls me and I can barely make out what he's saying. He managed to tell me where he was and I went to pick him up." Sebastian's tears continued to flow but he made no effort to wipe them. After he finished explaining what happened with Jefferey, he simply stared at him. Finally giving up on my attempts at stopping the bleeding, I came to the conclusion that Jefferey needed a hospital. Meaning I have to go wake Ruben up.

"We're going to have to take him to the hospital." I sighed.

"He doesn't want that," Sebastian said, his voice still thick with tears.

"I don't give a rat's ass what he wants. He's going to the damn hospital." I snapped.

"On the way over here he mumbled something about not telling you. Then he passed out." Sebastian said.

"He probably didn't want you to tell me because he hates hospitals." I caressed the part of Jefferey's hair that's not caked in blood.

"What do you think happened to him?" Sebastian mumbled. His hands were on his mouth causing me to barely hear him.

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