The Threat (29)

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Chapter 29: The Threat

Ruvik's POV

Nessie disappeared after Sebastian, leaving me alone to ponder if I'm in the wrong yet again. How can I be wrong for wanting to get vengeance for the woman I care about? She'll never be safe with that scumbag still breathing. Why isn't she scared? The smell of something burning caught my attention and I hurried outside to the grill. Sure enough, some of the meat was suffering from third-degree burns. Oh well, it can be carved off. Or should I just scrap the whole thing and run to the store to get more meat?

"Big brother," Gizelle started as she approached me. Since meeting her, I've envied her for her accent. "Grilling is not your forte."

"Actually it is, I was just distracted by something," I grumbled.

"No worries, once I smelled the burning I ordered out." She grinned evilly.

"You could have easily checked on it or called for me." I rubbed my face with my hand while closing the grill with the other one.

"I did come to get you, but I heard you arguing and left." She shrugged.

"Sorry about that." I sighed. "Did Missie hear too? That woman already hates my guts."

"No I do not think she did," Gizelle turned and leaned on the side of the stove. "Are you sure your current dynamic is appropriate?"

Her question caught me off guard. "What do you mean?"

"Missie deemed it necessary to inform me that my big brother is a humongous asshole who does not deserve his testicles. I'm assuming if she heard you arguing with her best friend, I'd be scraping bits and pieces of your sizzle flesh off of the hot pavement." Gizelle spoke casually as if she didn't just paint a horrific visual in my head. Still, I couldn't help but snort.

"Sounds like Missie." I sighed and leaned on the other side of the grill with my arms crossed.

"What are you two arguing about anyway?" Gizelle proded, as usual.

"Let me ask you something," I began. "If something horrible happened to someone you care about, wouldn't you do anything to get vengeance for them?"

"It depends, did this event happen before or after you came into their lives?" She took a sip of her drink and glanced over at Missie who was sunbathing with headphones in.

"Before," I answered.

"If it's before you, why are you bothering yourself with it?" She asked me.

"Because the bastard is still alive," I said under my breath but I know she heard me.

"Or because you cannot forgive yourself for your actions so you're hoping this will redeem yourself in your eyes." She nudged my shoulder and smirked at me.

"Gizelle, how is it that we've only known each other for such a short time yet you see right through me." I sighed.

"To those who know you, you aren't that hard to read. You try to come off heartless and crude, but you're a big softie. I think Charlotte sees that in you as well. Why else would she forgive you?" As Gizelle finished speaking, the doorbell went off. We both headed into the house to answer. I assumed it's the food Gizelle ordered as my safety net.

"I think Nessie, er Charlotte, forgave me because she's just that type of person," I said and answered the door. We took the bags of food and carried them into the kitchen.

"Dickbag, of course, you burn the food." Missie walked into the kitchen and set her phone and headphones on the counter. I ignored her and helped Gizelle set everything out.

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