Biblioteca Vallicelliana (23)

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Chapter 23: Biblioteca Vallicelliana

Ruvik's POV

We arrived at our destination with both of us hot and bothered. I made the driver sit here for a few minutes while I got myself together and calmed down. By calm down, I mean waiting for my evident boner to go away. Nessie was sitting next to me, her cheeks flushed and giggling at me.

"What's so funny baby girl?" I arched a brow.

"Nothing." She grinned.

"Lying equals punishment. One I don't mind giving here in the car." I threatened.

"I just find it funny that girls can hide when they're aroused but guys can't." She smiled smugly.

"You speak as if I won't walk in there, holding your hand, rocking an erection." I arched my brow in a challenge.

"You speak as if I wouldn't walk in there, holding your hand, proud that I am the reason for said erection." She shot back.

"Oh. Perhaps I underestimated my little pet." I smirked.

"Can we go in now?" She asked while bouncing up and down in excitement. I nodded and exited the car. Like a good girl, she waited until I opened the door. Offering my hand to her I helped her out of the car. Suddenly she gasped and froze. I looked down at her with concern on my face.

"Baby, you okay?" I asked her.

"We're at Biblioteca Vallicelliana?" She stared wide-eyed at the engraving on the ancient building.

"Yes, I thought you might like to visit where Mr. Alsworth met his wife." I waited for her reaction. I'm unsure as to how this was going to go. She's either going to be extremely ecstatic for being here or she's going to think I'm just trying to win her over.

"Can we go inside?" She continued to stare at the building, and it's hard to read her face. Feeling like I'm sitting on pins and needles, I escorted her inside. The inside of the building was absolutely beautiful. There are pillars and arches in front of each stack of books. The tables and chairs match the dark redwood surrounding the books. The ceiling itself is an ash white color with beautiful engravings. On the inside, you can definitely see where they maintained it and made it look more modern. Whereas the outside shows how ancient this building really is.

"C-can I go look around?" She looked up at me eagerly. Like a kid in a candy store.

"Ye-" I began but she was already scurrying off. With a smile that I cannot help, I shook my head. This was the reaction I was looking for. All I wanted to do was make her happy. After all she's been through with her past, and even with me, I wanted to give this woman the world. She's earned it.

I walked over to where Nessie ran off to. It's like she's in a museum, her face up close to the glass containing some artifacts. With me by her side, she moved on to some of the books. A short woman approached us and asked if we needed help finding anything.

"Tieni traccia degli impiegati passati qui?" Nessie asked, surprising me yet again. (Do you keep records of past employees here?)

"Sì, lo facciamo. Tuttavia, non siamo autorizzati a mostrarli al pubblico." The woman grimaced as if she's delivering bad news. Nessie smiled. (Yes we do. However, we are not authorized to show them to the public)

"Va bene. Conosco un impiegato passato che ha lavorato qui anni fa. È passata da molto tempo e vorrei trovare qualcuno della sua famiglia per dargli i suoi beni." Nessie informed her. (It is okay. I just know a past employee who worked here years ago. She has long passed and I would like to find any of her family to give them her possessions.)

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