Grow Up (11)

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Chapter 11: Grow Up


Ruvik's POV

"Were you born stupid or did you have to work for it? You finally found a nice space to hold our book signing events and you go and ruin it by being a dick." Reynolds spat, irritation evident in his voice.

"She's the bitch who needs to go run a fucking mile," I grumbled in defense.

"What are you? 13? Grow the fuck up. Damn, what happened to you that made it so easy to judge people. Based on photos posted of her last night, she's gorgeous." Reynolds shot back. Anger and irritation rushed through me. Anger because I know Reynolds was right. She was beautiful. It's just the fat part I can't seem to get over. It's been two weeks since the event. When I told Reynolds about what happened, he flew down here from a project I put him on in Cali to kick my ass. I knew one thing for sure, I couldn't get her off of my mind. Now I'm irritated with myself because I am yet again stuck searching for a permanent spot to host book events.

"I guess you're right," I admitted.

"You guess? Of course, I'm right. You need to get your head out of your ass and apologize to her. Try meaning it this time." He scoffed.

He left soon after to go to his hotel. He told me that he wasn't going back until I fixed this. I felt like a child being forced to hold hands with someone I didn't like. I didn't know much about her. Besides that, she has an attitude and she owns the bookstore.

I've tried reaching out to her but she won't return my emails or phone calls. Every time I called the bookstore, she'd hang up as soon as she heard it was me. Which I expected of her. I guess I need to stop by the bookstore. Surely if the bookstore is open that means she's there. Unless she's hired employees since I've last spoken to her.

"Gina, I'm taking the day off," I said to my secretary as I exited my office and headed towards my private elevator.

"Okay, Sir." She chirped. Riding the elevator down, I brainstormed on how I should approach this. I decided to go to a store and pick out a stuffed animal. She volunteers at the animal shelter so she must love animals right?

"Where to, Sir?" My driver asked. I instructed him to take me to the nearest store and then to the bookstore.

When we finally arrived at the bookstore I noticed Sebastian's car out front. Perhaps I could apologize to both of them and get him to forgive me. The door was locked when I tried to open it. Then I remembered I still have the key so I let myself in. Upon entering I could hear shouting which automatically sent me into a defensive mode.

"DAMMIT NESSIE LET ME IN!!" Sebastian half shouted, half sobbed. I hurried to the sound of his voice and found him banging on her office door. He must've heard me approach because he turned around. Tears stained his red face and his chest heaved as if searching for oxygen. I haven't seen him cry like this in a long time.

"What's going on?" I asked with genuine concern and curiosity in my voice.

"IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT. MISSIE SAID SHE WAS DOING FINE UNTIL YOU CAME AROUND. YOU FUCKING JERK!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs while pounding his tiny fists into my chest. I grabbed his wrists and slammed him against the wall.

"Calm the fuck down Sebastian!" I said in my dom voice. He immediately went limp and slid to the floor in an exhausted heap. I watched as he cried and cried, begging Nessie to open the door. Christ, what the fuck am I suppose to do?

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